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F2 button does not hide my MonoBehaviour icon

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I am developing a plugin (Mission Controller) which draws an icon at the bottom of the screen. Sadly the plugin draws the icon even if the users presses F2 because I don't know how to listen to this event.

The plugin uses the MonoBehaviour class + the new KSPAddon annotation and draws the icon in the OnGUI method.

Any ideas?


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I've tried looking through all the stuff that KSP exposes but I have yet to find a specific event or property that signals when the GUI should or should not be displayed. So instead in my component's Update function I call Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F2). That will detect when the user presses the F2 button. When that happens, I toggle a bool variable of my own that is then used in my OnGUI function to control whether I run my GUI code or not. This seems to work fine, although it's in a mod I haven't released yet...

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you could always just go the oldschool way of using RenderingManager:

RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue(3, new Callback(this.someMethodName));

the callback will then be called in compliance with f2 behaviour.

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