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Forum Signature?


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Hi all... Fairly new to the forums and just started playing KSP last week. I'm having a blast playing it! So-far I've just sent some probes to the Mun and Minmus, have put up several Kerbin satellites in various orbits, and even had a manned docking in Kerbin orbit (which was a huge challenge). I'm thinking my next steps will be getting a successful probe landing on the Mun (hopefully with a rover), then going for a manned Mun mission and a manned space station... Then it's on to the other planets! It is a blast just planning what to do next, let alone actually trying to execute it.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get the TWR just right on my rockets (I seem to end up with HUGE rockets that are slow to launch), but I'm sure that will just take some practice and more examination of some of the example rockets out there.

Quick question though: where do you edit forum signatures? I don't seem to have the option anywhere in my profile or settings. Do you have to copy/paste your signature in manually every time? I like the ribbon generator and would love to have it auto-tag to my posts. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Very helpful. Good to know!

I've been playing for a while but only recently realized how awesome the community is surrounding this game.

This seems like a frequent question, but who knows? Maybe I'm just impatient.

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