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Change Flag for planting

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So i finally got the flag i actually want to plant (and post a screenshot because it's worth it!). Thing is, it seems that changing the flag on the flagpole does absolutely nothing for those already in space (the lander i use has been up there since 0.19).

Is there a way to change the flag to be planted ? I can do some save file editing if needed, but i just want to make sure i'm not missing anything.

And if it's save file editing, what do i look for ?

Edited by Mokmo
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if your lander predates v.20 there's probably nothing you can do to add a flag to it without risking your save file. You could always send a new kerbal crew up for your lander, as I believe the flags are sent with each kerbal.

if you want to try editing, try searching for the flag's filename and replacing it with the filename of a different flag. Again though if yourlander/kerbals predate v.20 they won't have a flag to replace.

Edited by Colonel_Panic
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I'm not sure if there's a way to change the flag for an existing vessel without editing the save file. But editing it is pretty simple. Naturally, back it up first.

The flag for a vessel is stored in its command pod part. So search for your VESSEL, then within it look for the PART that matches the command pod that you used for it. Inside that you'll see a "flag =" line. This is a path to your flag, relative to your GameData directory, minus the file extension. The default value is "Squad/Flags/default". If your flag is stored in GameData/myflags/Flags/leetflag.png then set flags to "myflags/Flags/leetflag".

It's worth pointing out that Kerbals on EVA are considered vessels in their own right, with a single part (and that part has its own flag variable). You might want to get all your kerbals inside before editing the savefile so they all have the new flag. Also, this won't change any flags that are you've planted already. Either take them down or update them too.

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