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Lowest Orbit You Have Ever Seen Or Gotten To?


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So, when I was screwing around the Mun with my Rover I decided with the help of the low graviy I'd use my engines that are attached to my Rover to make it go faster I'd try to get a very low orbit. And I indeed did... It quickly came to an end when I slammed into a little mountain thing... Good thing I saved! Anywho, I digress. What is the lowest orbit you have seen or gotten to? On any planet.

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One time I did a gravity assist around the Mun where I came within 1km of the ground. I was puckered up all throughout that whole ordeal!

I think quite a few of us have done this.

I've aerobraked into Jool at like ~40km before. That was an oops moment, I made it out the other side by full power prograde burn after the periapsis...

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Thanks to the oberth effect - it would actually be very useful to know the minimum safe distance over which you can fly over any of the planets/moons/planetoids without atmospheres.

That kind of info should be useful to put into the Wiki.

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Nice! Was it a pain to do?

Not really, there is physical timewarp which helps below 5km, and those close-calls above the mountains make up for the plains :)

That video was pretty awesome I have to say. The buggy nature of nearby ships is really frustrating, I can't build any bases because they all spontaneously explode or teleport off 2km away when I get near. I'd like to do something similar with the great munar arch, but getting a good polar orbit to match rotation is a bit more difficult...

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I use the Mun as a grav assist every time I leave kerbin's SOI, and I've come as close as 300m off the surface. With a massive interplanetary vehicle loaded down with Kerbals. Talk about tense..

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It's tough to orbit lower than about 3km on minimus because of the mountains, but I have performed a maneuver in a hyperbolic orbit over one of the ice lakes at only around 50m :P I could see my shadow at some points.

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