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[0.20] KerbalFlags - Import your buddies' flags! *Update 1.2*


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Hello guys,

i just finished this little addon and wanted to show it to you.

KerbanFlags - V1.2

With the new feature of planting flags all over the Kerban-Universe, wouldn't it be great to see the flags of your friends?

Now you can, with KerbanFlags!

Register at The KerbanFlags website and add some friends to your list.

Then download the latest KerbanFlags Updater which will import all of your own flags into the database.

Your friends can download them and see them in the game!

This is great for users with more than one computer, too!

This is the first release, so there may be some bugs hanging around. Please make a backup of your savegame, if it is important to you.

(Tested on windows. Should work fine on Linux distributions and Mac)

If you have some ideas improving this, please tell me!

If something doesn't work, please tell me imediatly :)

The KerbanFlags Updater only edits the savefile and does not search or edit other files on your computer.


I'm allowing redistribution only for the Updater as a whole and only for non-commercial use.

The Website does not belong to the Plugin and is for use only.

Hope you enjoy it!

Greetings, TheFudge

PS: I'm not sure if this goes more into the tools category, feel free to move me.

Edited by TheFudge
subdomain has changed, new update
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys,

I just finished the last update.

The website has changed a bit, some errors and flaws were fixed.

I also changed the name, don't know why I misspelled that ;)

Activation Process is working now without any errors.

It is possible to register 5 "accounts", so you can register one for every computer your using.

Steamless KSP games arent supported yet.

The Updater got some mayor changes:

Version 1.2 build 458:

Multithreading, so you can see what the Updater is doing and it doesn't freeze.

Flags were saved without checking if they were there.

Some background fixes.

Color of the button is now white, cause is looks better :)

If you want to try the Updater but you got no friends (here) than feel free to add me: TheFudge, I have one flag opened for everyone.


PS: A german translation is planned...

I plan to implement an exchange place for self created flags through the same updater, so that you can upload your created flags and everyone (if you want to) can select those flags for themselves.



Edited by TheFudge
forgot sth
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