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Refuelling, flying, exploding things! I dunno... Challange

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The challange is to fly 2 planes for as long as you can keeping the distance of less than 2.5km. The score is measured with time spent in the air not the lenght of your flight.


1.Planes must be stock: no cfg editing, no modded parts.

2.No plugins like FAR or Romfarer's plugin making stuff load when they are more than 2.5 kms away.

3.Post at least 3 pics of you fooling around in the air. Video showing the flight will be fine too.

4.You can switch between vessels to keep them horizontal (use ASAS).

5.When you switch between vessels keep the engines of not controled one ON.


7.Extra points for every kerbal EVA'd to hit the other plane.

My entry:




Bam! Whacked that son of a gun with my own body!


my time: 7 minutes 50 seconds

The Leaderboard:

1.Me 7m 50s





The Trophy of Encouragament: erendrake

Edited by Veeltch
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