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[AAR] Construction: A Journey to Space --- WARNING: IMAGE HEAVY


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  Mekan1k said:
New world homes- Any style preference? Is it utilitarian? Large-scale? On-planet or in-space docking of the base components, or will they not be docked at all?

Will they specilize on in-atmos bases or out-of-atmos bases?

Inflatable habitats would be used, as well as solid structures, depending on the location. (Inflate for atmospheres and solid for no atmosphere). And would be both utilitarian and large scale, depending on location and habitability of the location, and would not be connected when on the ground, but would dock to the transfer vessel to get to the location.

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Chapter 2: In which time gets messed up


Jeb: Alright everyone. We are good out here. How is everyone inside?

Kirk: We are fine. You might want to get inside soon- limited breathable air, you know.

Jeb: I'm fine for 2.5 hours out here. So- Call everyone- By the numbers. MC- Are you recording?

MC: Yes. We hear you loud and clear Jeb.

Jeb: Arlight- by the numbers. Jebidiah Kerman. Badass, Stunt Pilot, and Mission Commander- Officer in command of Landing team.

Kirk: Kirk Kerman, Communications and Logistics. Landing team.

Lenwise: Lenwise Kerman, Comms and Data. Orbit team.

Shepney: Shepney Kerman- Backup Pilot and Chef. Orbit team.

Bob: Bob Kerman, Geologist, Biologist, and Chef. Landing team.

Bill: Bill Kerman. AI Template/Psychoanalyst, Pilot, and Inventor. Landing team.

MC: No changes in command authority?

Jeb: Negative MC. The mission is on route-***********************


Jeb: ***************

MC: Jeb? All mission crew, can we get eyes on Jeb?

Kirk: He has dropped off radar.

Bob: I can't see him through the windows- but they are so small we can barley see anything.

Lenwise: Hull cameras... Are down. Launching a probe now...

Shepney: Getting an image. Probe count down to 2.


Kirk: Did we lose Jeb?

Bob: If it was that easy to kill him, he would be dead already.

Kirk: How can you be sure?

Bill: Just give him a minute...


Kirk: WTF WAS THAT!?!?!?

Bill: Let's see.... (he bangs his glove against the airlock once, then three times, then five times)

*Dong.... Dong-Dong-Dong.....Dong-Dong-Dong-Dong-Dong*

Kirk: Why did you do that?

Bill: Since the discovery of alien wrecks, we have established protocols for recognizing intelligence.

Kirk: Alright, and.....

Bob: And that was a sequence of prime numbers.

Kirk: So what will happen if Jeb is out there?

Bill: He should respond with the next number in the sequence of primes- a sequence of seven 'dongs'.

Kirk: How long should we wait?

Bob: Well, in the event of a radio malfunction, we are to get the attention of the crew, and wait inside the open airlock.

Bill: We are supposed to connect our backpack to the internal connection port (you know) and wait to hear a return algebraic sequence.

*Shepney pulls himself into the lander-pod.*

Shepney: Hey guys- the airlock has been closed.

Kirk: Is that a sign he is there?

Bill: Yup. We just need to wait until-


Bob: Seven! Alright- everyone buckle in. I am opening the door.


Kirk: Good thing Jeb made it.

*A few minutes later*

Jeb: I never want to have that happen again.

Bill: What happened?

Jeb: My radio and transponder got hit by a stray micro-meteor. No idea where it came from, but I burned up most of my mono-propellant getting back to the hatch. I had maybe 2% left.

Kirk: Why don't you show up on radar?

Jeb: These suits absorb that wavelength for power. Reduces interference. Without a Transponder, I am a small dark splot in space.

MC: Good to hear you back Jeb.

Jeb: Ah- MC. You guys rarely call just to say 'hi'. What do you want?

MC: Jeb, we need to to check you rad levels. If they are too high, we will scrap this mission and you will come back.

Jeb: Already done.

MC: And?

Jeb: And I will be fine for the mission.

MC: Tell me your rad levels.

Jeb: MC, you guys on the ground worked out the statistics for how likely I would die in some gruesome manner, right?

MC: Right....

Bob: Jeb, you really want to bring this up now?

Jeb: Why not? MC, What is the current 'Jeb-Death-Pool' likelyhood for this mission?

MC: 10-to-1 odds of explosive decompression.... 4-to-1 odds of cannibalistic behavior.... 3-to-2 odds of Engine malfunction... And 1-to-20 odds the Kraken gets you.

Bill: I bet on the explosive decompression.

Jeb: ? :huh:

Bill: Hey, Jeb, it pays at 10 to 1!

Jeb: I know- I usually bet on engine malfunction myself.

MC: Yes, although why you are betting on your own death mystifies us. Landing window is coming up.

Jeb: Alright! Everyone into their landers.

*Sounds of scrambling*

Kirk: We are buckled Jeb.

Lenwise: Same here commander. Ready for disconnection.

Jeb: See you in a month. Remember- there is an internet connection through the quantum-entangled 'lungs', and there is sufficient rations.

Shepney: Yeah, we know. Bye.

*Disconnection ensues*

Shepney: He talked too much.

*In the lander*

Jeb: Prepped for burn. Burn ensuing in 3-2-1....


Jeb: Burn complete. Descending. Correction burn in 30.

Kirk: Do you guys ever get used to this?

Bob: No.

Bill: Not when Jeb drives.

Jeb: You guys suck. Disconnected from munar-push stage. Burn.


Jeb: Burn complete. Suicide burn in 20.

Kirk: Suicide burn? What? Wait- Jeb, we are coming in too fast... Jeb? Jeb?!? JEB!?!?!



Kirk: We are going to land on the rovers!

Jeb: No we are not.

*Screeching metal---THUMP*


Jeb: Another picture-perfect landing. What do you guys think?


Jeb: You're no fun.

Shepney: Lander, come in.

Jeb: Lander, we are back on the mun, Orbital. Nice to hear you guys.

MC: Jeb, this is MC. We are relaying the signal, and the quantum communicators within the lander are connected to us, so you should be able to go on the move out there and stay in contact.

Jeb: Great.... I am going Outside.

Bob: Again? After what happened last time?

Jeb: Sure. Whats the wost that could happen?

Kirk: Space snakes.

Jeb: wtf?

Kirk: Space snakes.

Jeb: Alright, I'm Getting in that rover.

*Sound of airlock sealing*

Bob: So.... Space snakes?

Kirk: Yup. Hypothozised by several scientists, as a reason for why things keep going wrong, as a counter-argument to the kraken, heard about as early as the 13th decade of spaceflight.

Bob: Alright. Sounds spooky.

Bill: It was. Until Jeb got that snake that hid in his capsule on an altitude flight.

Kirk: Oh.

*Over the radio*

Jeb: If you guys are talking about the 'snakes on a spaceplane' incident, I don't want to hear it. I got the rover undocked and down the the ramp while you ladies were gossiping.


Kirk: Is it necessary to have the front lights on?

Jeb: Maybe....

Kirk: We are in our spacesuits and getting into the other rover.

Bill: No, Bob and I have a couple of checks to do before we get into the other rover. You go get the rovers linked up.

Kirk: Already on it.


Jeb: Undock already!

Kirk: Yeah, yeah. I am almost to you know. And... Docking!


Jeb: We aren't docked....

Kirk: Yeah- hold on. Let me just get.... THERE!

Jeb: are we docked?

*Door slides open, and Kirk sticks his head in*

Kirk: Yeah, we're docked.


Bill: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..................... Wow, this is a long fall-OOFF!

Jeb: Bill, are you alright?


Bill: I'm fine. On my way to you now.


Bill: So, Jeb, which button activates the jet pack?

Jeb: The R key.

Bill: Alright. Now, I just pop myself a bit off the ground, and a little push toward you guys.....

Jeb: Brake.



Jeb: Yeah. Brake.

Bill: YEAH, JEB, I get it.

Bob: Alright, The pod is sealed, and ready for travel.

Bill: You heard the conversation right? Remember to brake.

Bob: I won't forget. I am heading your way.


Jeb: I can see you.

Bob: I can't see you. Those panels look really... Odd.

Bill: Incoming!

Jeb: Bob- catch him!

Bob: SH*T!


Bob: I got him!

Bill: Sort of. My suit is frozen. Again.


Bob: I see the problem- you servomotor connection is clogged with regolith.

Bill: Can you clean it?

Bob: Yeah. Give me a second... Got it.

Bill: Thanks Bob.


Kirk: Is this normal?

Jeb: For a munar mission, yeah, it seems normal.


Jeb: Guys, get in the rover! We only have so long down here before we need to leave.

Bill: Fine. Just let me get a couple more shots.



Bil: Done! Alright. I'm in. Lets go!



Jeb: I like this guy.

Bob: Well, who gets to drive?

Bill: Rock-Paper-SRB to decide?

Bob: No. Jeb always picks SRB.

Bill: Then I vote that Jeb does not drive.

Bob: I vote the same.

Jeb: You two suck.

Kirk: I set the controls so that he's driving anyway.

Jeb: Nice :cool:

Bob: Wait, lets talk this over-


*The next few minutes have been censored due to the amount of swearing Jebs driving caused- Here is a little expert from that time:

Jeb: Whoo!


Bob: OH S**T!


Bill: F****************KKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeb: Wheeeee!

*See what I mean? SO we are just going to skip that bit.*

*So- A few minutes later...*

Jeb: Alrighty everyone. We are onto the flatter area, judging by the GPS map.

Kirk: Who taught you how to drive?

Jeb: I was never taught. Hey! I can see the wreck!


Bob: Where's the bathroom in this thing?

Bill: Dibs on the bathroom on this side!

Bob: Kirk! Get out of the bathroom! Some of us need to use it!


Jeb: You guys are no fun.


Jeb: Alright! We're here.


Bob: BLAAARG!!! Urg...


Jeb: Nice image from the drone. I love those things.

Kirk: Please don't drive anymore Jeb.

Jeb: Let me get the lights-


Bob: That's too bright Jeb. I am heading outside- turn those things off.

Jeb: Done.


Jeb: Your helmet lights look like eyes.

Bob: Who designed these suits anyway?

Jeb: Like I know.


Bill: Bob, make sure you check the probes.

Bob: I am waiting for you guys here.


Jeb: We will be right out.

Bill: I'm just going to stay with the rovers.

Kirk: Sure, and miss out on getting a chance to poke and prod an alien spaceship?

Bill: Well, when you say it like that.... No. Still staying in the rover. Have fun!

*After much struggling into spacesuits and a small argument*

Jeb: Um.... Bob- why did you go back to the rover?

Bob: Because Kirk was standing on it.

Jeb: Kirk, why are you standing on the rover?

Kirk: Because I wanted to get a better veiw.


Jeb: .... I don't.... Alright.

Kirk: So....

Bob: This is akward.

Jeb: I'm going to the wreck now.


Kirk: Wait! Jeb! Wait for me!

Bob: You could use your jetpack.

Kirk: Oh, right.


Jeb: Wait- remember to slow down.... Nevermind.

Kirk: Whee!

Jeb: Watch out for the rover-probe......


Kirk: This is fun! Wheee!

Jeb: Damnit, you knocked over a rover.

Bob: Maybe I will try that....


Bob: Oh bugger.

Bill: What? Something went wrong already?

Bob: My jetpack jammed in mid-brake.


Bill: Nice face-slide.

Bob: Thanks...

Jeb: Stop fooling around- this is a dangerous site. For all we know, the ship might still be active.

Bob: Yeah. I am almost there.


Jeb: So, Kirk, are you going to be sitting around out there all day?

Kirk: We have been here for nearly 24 hours and the sun has not risen.

Jeb: Then get up.

Kirk: Fine.


Kirk: Hey guys! This thing has still got power!


Jeb: See what data you can retrieve. The probe should have some samples on it....

Kirk: On it.

Kirk:.... Rad levels look good. Samples are.... Limited- the sample-retrieval drill is broken.

Jeb: That's promising.

Bob: Doesn't that mean the hull is harder than a diamond drill-bit?

Jeb: I want to re-enter the atmosphere with a surfboard made of this stuff.

Kirk: Um, why?

Jeb: Because.... REASONS! Also, that would be epic.

Bob: Agreed it would be epic.

Kirk:.... Alrighty then.... Lets go see what this ring is....


Kirk: Hey guys, you might want to get some readings- this ring is generating some weird magneto-spacial distortions.

Jeb: Think this will effect anything important?



Kirk: No, not really. I mean, the engine is only effecting time and space, right?

Jeb: Wait, wern't you next to the engine?

Kirk: Was I?

Jeb: Yeah, and Bob was standing next to me....

Bob: Well, I'm over here by what appears to be another engine.

Jeb: But you were standing by me, and-



Jeb: then you were WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Kirk: I don't know, but it might have something to do with these odd glowing symbols.


Jeb: Let me-



Jeb: See. Damnit.

Kirk: No, that one was alright. It looked like what you were going to do happened anyway, but none of us really remembers it.

Bob: This is a GOOD thing?

Bill: Sitting in the rover watching you guys, and I gotta tell you, this is some freaky **** right there.

Jeb: What's happening?

Bill: You guys are... I don't know, jumping, from one place to another.



Bill: It just happened again.

Jeb: We know!

Bob: We know!

Kirk: We know!

Jeb: Alright- Take pictures then we are out here! More stutters might do something weird.

Bob: Right. You go first.

Jeb: Why me?

Bob: I don't want to get stuck in the middle of saying something.

Jeb: Oh -


Jeb: Fine. DAMNIT.


Jeb: The ring seems to be pulsating along all frequencies we can measure, and matter seems to be exsisting and being destroyed along it's edge.

Kirk: The lab guys should have fun with this.

Jeb: Yeah. As long as we don't get killed by this thing, I will be happy. Anyway, I'm done on this end.

Bob: Alright, I'm up.


Bob: This seems to be an Ion engine, but on a massive scale. The engine is flanked by HUGE rtg's.... And I can feel the heat coming off them from here.

*Click. Click. ClickClickClickClickClick*

Bob: Oh bugger. I'm getting away from this thing. It is emitting a significant amount of radiation... In the Gravioli range, Huh.

Kirk: Well, that is neat. So the lab guys did build the test engines properly.

Jeb: That ship got me into orbit in less than a minute.

Kirk: That it did. Now, my turn: I still can't figure out what this says.



Jeb: Then come on! We should get out of there.... Wait- wasn't I standing next to the motor?

Kirk: Yeah, you were. Lets leave.


Jeb: Are you guys coming?


Kirk: On the-



Kirk: AAAAHHHH!!!!

Jeb: Land! Don't faceplant!


*Sound of clapping over the radio*

Kirk: What was that?

Bill: Not me.

MC: We were listening. This is more entertaining than playing videogames!

Kirk: Great. That had better not end up on TV. Or the Internet.

MC: Yeah. No chance of that happening whatsoever. EVER.

Jeb: Anyway-



Bob: AARRRGGG! At least my controls still work.

Jeb: OH FOR THE *******************

(The asterisks are censoring, as I didn't take kerbish as a second language, so I don't know most of the translations for the words he used, but I am pretty sure that he was swearing for most of it.)




Kirk: I have no idea.

Jeb: Well, everyone in, before I try to break this



Jeb: .... Damnit.

Bill: Where did Jeb go?

Jeb: I'm behind you. Look, can everyone just get into the damn vehicle?


Jeb: Why? Just... Why?


Bill: Hey guys. Can someone check the RTG on the port side?

Bob: On it.


Kirk: The starboard side is fine.


Kirk: It's locked.

Jeb: Where's that fob....

Bill: I have control. Here- come on in.


Kirk: Jeb- are you coming?

Jeb: Yeah, I just want to see something.



Jeb: Wow. Duna and Ike are visible. Think we will go there after this mun mission is done?

MC: Mekan1k says that is up to the readers.

Jeb: I don't understand half the stuff that guy says.

MC: Most of us don't either.


Kirk: So Jeb...

Jeb: Yeah?


Kirk: Was this routine in any way?

Jeb: There is no such thing as a routine mission. EVER.


Jeb: But I gotta say,


Jeb: This one was interesting. So far, at least.

Kirk: Alright what's next on the to-do list?

Jeb: End the chapter.

Kirk: Wait- what?

Jeb: Oh, sorry. I am looking at Mekan1k's to-do list. I don't even know why he gives us copies of these things....

Kirk: ....

Jeb: Ah- here we go. Next we need to drive 30 km or so to the original landing location, and check out the fuel miner. See how it's getting along.

Bob: That is what the nav-computer is set to do.

Jeb: I wanted to drive.

Kirk: No Jeb.

Bill: Nav-computer active. We are away.





Bill: It's a heuristic pathfinder and efficiency logger- the computer finds the safest and fastest route.

Jeb: Then, if it's so smart, why did we ALMOST HIT A ROCK?

Bill: It doesn't like you guys.

Jeb: :mad:

* A few hours later*

Jeb: Can't this computer drive any faster?

Kirk: I doubt it.

Jeb: Well, then, I'm singing.

Everyone else: NO!!!!!

Jeb: On the mun again!

Kirk: Make him stop!

Jeb: I can't wait to be on the mun again!


Bob: Just stop!

Bill: I am flooding their compartment with sleeping gas- hopefully that will knock him out.

Jeb: zzzzz

Kirk: zzzzz

Bob: Alright. Now, we will arrive at the next location in a couple hours.

MC: Great! You are on Schedual then.

*In orbit*

Lenwise: Do you ever wonder why we're here?


Sorry this was so late- I just started a couple more summer classes, and they are taking up a lot of time. I also found why ksp was crashing- I had the Orion mod loaded, and it seemed to make my computer hit it's limit every 20 minutes or so.

As usual, feedback is encouraged and requested, so tell me what you think! How did you like the chapter, any recommendations for what should happen next, and hopefully soon I will be able to include a couple of companies that you guys suggested!

Have fun, keep playing, and remember: This isn't flying. It's falling, with style!

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  Mekan1k said:
Kirk: Space snakes.

Jeb: wtf?

Kirk: Space snakes.

Oh, what do we have here, eh? This seems incredibly familiar :wink:

Anyway, I loved this chapter, very good! I don't know why you said that your story looked not-so-good in comparison to mine, because this is good (and funny) stuff :D

Keep up the good work!

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If no-one else has anything to say, the next chapter will be up sometime in the next two days. Possibly today, possibly tomorrow.

Depends on how fickle I am, and what bugs I need to squish.

-OH, before I forget-

I dare everyone out there to make a roving base! Just try it once- it will make life 10X more difficult and funny, as the chapter I am working on now, has gone through 4 crashes and 20+ quicksaves to finish it, as driving 30km on the mun at around 10 m/s is hard even with mechjeb, and driving back is just harder.

-The space snakes get into everything, and the base will occasionally jump into the air/vacuum for NO REASON. It drove me insane over the 60K drive.

See what I did there! drove and drive and... I'll stop. :P

(Mechjeb does not like bobcat's rovers, so I think when I build the base up a bit I will make sure to add a, well, more acceptable wheel design.

Edited by Mekan1k
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I have some spacecraft for Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd. I'll get some screenshots and such, but those are only basic guides to the build concepts. Also, I would like to form a sort of partnership between the company I came up with and New World Homes Inc.

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More like... Rovers that connect together into a train. The lunar trucks were supposed to be hooked up like that for long-range moon travel, and so I did that on the mun.

It sortof worked... Although every little while space snakes would attack for NO REASON.

Think pothole in microgravity at 20 m/s vs rovers.


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Thats ALOT of images.

I personally like to use RTG's instead of panels, but I will see if I can duplicate the designs. There are some more mod parts out there that I don't use (The blue parts and I removed the MIR components for necessity due to the limited use), but those can be replaced.

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I have learned (The hard way) that Solar panels pull ALOT of processing power when active, and for larger craft, with multiple levels of complexity, the lag can get momentous.

So I switched (mostly) to RTG's.

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There is a similar increase in processing draw, especially when docking two craft, both of which have the static panels, and one starts to cast a shadow on the other.

It's kind of annoying.

I found the worst draw (this can cause lag), is when docking a ship to a station where the station has multiple parts, with differently-angled groups of solar panels on each segment, and a mix of static and active panels, and then the ship casts a shadow on the panels with it's own panels.

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If you want to modify those designs, go ahead. All I want is what's best for the story (and of course the company :P). Also, Verolan Space & Aeronautics will do work on Kethane mining and proccessing, with subsidiaries that drill for it on Kerbin (at least in my personal head canon).

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I don't use kethane- It does not play well with a number of other mods- that's why I have those custom-drillers on the rover. If you look at the pics, you will see that there is no kethane!

I am, however, using these designs to test (A little) The feasibility of landing a refinary on a planet, and I will be talking with orbitusII if we can add a specialized part to the puffintech plugin that can register if a vehicle is landed, and if so, to allow an action.

So... Update tonight, or for you in other timezones, really early tomorrow morning.

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Characters of this story:

Jeb: Jebidiah Kerman. Badass, Stunt Pilot, and Mission Commander- Officer in command of Landing team.

Kirk: Kirk Kerman, Communications and Logistics. Landing team.

Lenwise: Lenwise Kerman, Comms and Data. Orbit team.

Shepney: Shepney Kerman- Backup Pilot and Chef. Orbit team.

Bob: Bob Kerman, Geologist, Biologist, and Chef. Landing team.

Bill: Bill Kerman. AI Template/Psychoanalyst, Pilot, and Inventor. Landing team.

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Chapter 3 - So... Is anyone outside?



Bill: Not again....

Bob: I'm surprised that Jeb and Kirk did not wake up. That is the 15th bump in the last 2 km.

Bill: Yeah- me too. Hey Orbit team- come in Orbit team!

Lenwise: Lenwise Here. You are following the path to the refinery, perfectly on track. We are surprised.

Bill: Yeah. We put Jeb to sleep.

Bob: And Kirk.

Lenwise: I understand. I would have done the same- your telemetry on the first drive was insane.


Lenwise: What was that? Is there a loose panel outside? Possibly a light hanging from a wire or something?

Bill: We don't think so. Everything checks out, and an electrostatic hull-pulse showed no ruptures or gaps in the plating.

Bob: Cameras did not pick up anything either.

Lenwise: Is this turning into a horror show down there? Or are their really space snakes?

Bob: ....


Bob: I am rather sure that this is not a horror flick.

Lenwise: There is alot that we don't know about the mun still, and there might be a biosphere we cannot see yet.

Bob: And that's why we should not jump to conclusions.


Bill: Well, I think we should wake up Jeb and Kirk.

Bob: Agreed. We are almost there anyway.


Bill: Hey Jeb. Jeb!

Jeb: Wha? Blurg?

Kirk: What happened? I feel...

Jeb: Are you OK, *hick* Kirk?

Kirk: Burg....

Jeb: Kirk- You might want to head to the bathroom.

Kirk: Yeah.....

Bob: Do you think we used too much sleeping gas?


Bill: No. No I don't.


MC: That sounds unpleasant.

Jeb: I hate this crap.

Bob: Space travel? Driving on the mun?

Jeb: No, the tri-mix - sleeping-gas mix... It always makes me nauseated.


Jeb: What was that? The shocks-

Bob: We know. That's why we woke you up. The port side seems to be bumping unusually hard.




Bob: Oh, then there's that....

Jeb: The tapping? Or the vomiting?

Bill: The tapping.

Jeb: Well, is there anyone on eva?.... Nope. There are all four of us present.

Kirk: So *hick* who's out there?

Jeb: The ghost of early probes? Maybe those SWARM AI that escaped?

MC: Jeb, we have been tracking the SWARM since they entered the Joolian system. They destroyed our jool-system probe. You know-

Jeb: I know which one.


Kirk: Which one?

MC: This one.


Kirk: Oh... That looks... Nice. I guess.

MC: Anyway- we lost the probe. We have been tracking the SWARM, and they are nowhere near you. AT ALL.

Jeb: Right.


Jeb: Stop the rover.

Bill: But we are only 3 km away! One hill left!

Jeb: If that bumping and the damn tapping-


Jeb: yes, that, I will go absolutely insane.

Bill: What, you can go more insane?

Jeb: I am not dignifying that one.

Kirk: Launching micro-probe. 29 left.

Bill: Damn. We should get some of these into the ship.

Kirk: No kidding. Pulling an image now:


Jeb: That would cause the problem.

Kirk: How can you be so calm? WE HAVE A MISSING WHEEL!

Jeb: Judging by the directions of the bumping, there is probably more than one.

Bob: Doesn't the micro-probe have lights?

Jeb: No. No, it does not.

Bill: Who's going out?

Jeb: Dibs- I will go, as long as I don't need to clean the air filters from Kirk's little... Learning experience in micro-gravity.

Kirk: *Hurk* Thanks.... BATHROOM.... BLURRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill: Deal.

*Ten minutes later*


Jeb: I don't see any movement...

Bob: Well, then, check up on the wheels.

Jeb: Starboard-side wheels are clear.


Jeb: Middle wheels are clear. Already I can see that the right side-

MC: Jeb, use correct terminology.

Jeb: Fine. The PORT rear wheel is out.



Jeb: Geiger counter is going off- the RTG is leaking.

Bill: Well... I can pull an emergency vent of the RTG when you are back in the rover.

Jeb: My suit should be enough protection for now.


Jeb: Ready for the fix. Everyone brace yourselves!

Kirk: Will this be bad?

Jeb: You tell me. All done with this wheel.


Jeb: I am going to get the next one.


Jeb: Done. Coming back in.


Bill: So.. Venting the RTG.

*Alarms sound*

Bill: It is venting.

Jeb: I wish we could get a picture.

Lenwise: You guys are emitting radiation visible from the sats up here!

Jeb: Seriously? That.... AWESOME!

Lenwise: I bet that it's glowing out there.

Jeb: Lets see... Launching micro-probe. 28 left.


Jeb: No, we are not glowing.


Jeb: Ok, that was freaky. I'm heading outside.

Kirk: Why? How? :0.0:

Jeb: Because I want to see what happened, and I have no idea how something can scream in vacuum.

Bill: That's just the servomotors on the RTG resealing it.

Jeb: Right. Bill- Help me with my helmet while Kirk goes insane.

Kirk: Thanks Jeb.

Jeb: Right- I'm out.


Jeb: Looks like the RTG resealed just fine... But the wheels are out. Different ones than the first time- hang on, I'll fix them.


Jeb: Done.

Bill: Hey Jeb, listen:


Jeb: I can't see anything out here.... Besides the rover and the Mun.

Bill: You mean there is nothing moving?

Jeb: No, nothing is moving.

Bob: Are you sure?

Jeb: No, but I don't want to stay out here too long.Let me get back in....


Jeb: Guys, I have a plan.

Everyone else: What?

Jeb: Stay with me for this one, alright- lets get as far away from here as fast as possible.

Kirk: I second.

Bob: Jeb, you have the wheel.


*Ten minutes of screaming terror come next. I don't think you want to hear it.

*Wait, you do?

*Alright. Here:




Jeb: Because it was cool.


*This sort of thing goes on for 10 minutes. It gets boring. Anyway....

*After 10 minutes of screaming, swearing, and odd noises, our intrepid kerbalnaughts arrived at their destination.


Bob: Hurg.... At least the tapping noise has stopped.


Bill: Oh COME ON!

Kirk: Let's just ignore it.

Jeb: So, welcome to another alien artifact. Kirk: You want to do the honors?

Kirk: Sure!


Kirk: Kirk AWAY!


Jeb: Feel free to check out stuff out here. You have a couple hours of o2 in your tank.

Kirk: Cool!


Kirk: Oooh! A platform!


Jeb: That's not... Nevermind.


Jeb: Come on back- we need to get to the refinery. Check up on it.

Kirk: Right.



Kirk: Goodbye platform.

Jeb: That was part of the first manned munar expedition.

Kirk: Oh yeah, you flew on that one, right?

Jeb: Yeah....


Jeb: Wow. That actually looks intimidating.

Bill: So... Who gets to go out there, and grab the cable.


Jeb: Dibs!

Bill: Damnit!


Jeb: Guys, this thing is HUGE.


Jeb: I mean, really huge.

Kirk: And mostly fuel.

Jeb: :D

Kirk: I regret saying that.

Jeb: Well, no time for fun. Just let me grab that connector and... WHOA. This thing is heavy.

Bill: It needed to be resilliant to do what this thing did.

Jeb: I bet...

*Ten minutes later*


Kirk: Come on man! I am dying out here.

Jeb: Hold-*pant*-on. This-*pant*- weighs more than I-*pant*- do!

*Another ten minutes later*


Jeb: Arg. Alright- take the measurements QUICKLY! Before I fall off this thing!

Bill: Not measurment- we need the details of the wireless connector line before we can talk to this thing.


Bill: Done. Just press the orange button on the side and the cable will retract.

Jeb: Whoa! That was fast!

Bob: Did anyone get a picture?

Kirk: No, it was too fast.

Jeb: So next we are supposed to.... *checks clipboard* Check the effect of a hypersonic fuel extractor?

Kirk: Seems like it.

Jeb: So what am I supposed to do?

Bill: Stand next to the thing.

Jeb: Wait.

Bill: What now?

Jeb: I saw the tests for the versions of these things. I saw a kerbal disintegrate because he was slightly too close.

Bob: Did you get a picture?

Jeb: I wish. It happened so fast... We were getting bits of him out of the experiment for days.


Jeb: So... Is it active?

Bill: Yup.

Jeb: My boots feel funny.

Bill: We have fuel siphon! Come on back.

Jeb; Gotcha!




Jeb: Mind if I drive?

Kirk: As long as it gets us away from that tapping, sure. Go for it.

Jeb: :cool:

Bob & Bill: NOOOOOO!


Jeb: Goodbye Refinary!


Jeb: 22 km? 30 minutes, easy.

Everyone else: AAAHHHHH!

Jeb: Stop screaming. I have not even gotten that fast yet.

*sound of accelerator*

Jeb: Ok, now you can scream.



Ok, So that chapter took a while, and I will have another update within the next 24-48 hrs.

The companies will be making a reveal soon!

Teaser Pic:


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Yup. That is a long-term housing unit developed by New World Homes Inc, but it contains necessary supplies (due to plot events which have not happened yet :P ) that were manufactured by Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd, to keep our intrepid heroes more comfortable on the mun.

This module:


Is also theirs*, but I have not used it in the plot yet. Coming Soon! (IE, tomorrow. I am dead exhausted, but I will have had time to get the next chapter up.)

* Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd's Non-Millitary adapter. For your convenience, the door is set to minimal security, and heated with the nourishing effects of an RTG!

Edited by Mekan1k
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Awesome! And I do think that Verolan Space & Aeronautics will focus on getting things to and from location, while New World Homes Inc. can focus on making their things for staying there long term. We have our own short-term habitation systems (licensed copies of the H.O.M.E modules), but those are utilitarian and not entirely perfect for an extended stay.

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Verolan Space & Aeronautics Ltd. is proud to announce the unveiling of a new licensed launcher designed by brilliant Kerbal scientist Gus Turbo, the Saturn IX!( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37324-Saturn-IX-Sandpiper-Lander-%28Subassembly-Compatible%29 ). This launcher shall be used for lifting of heavy payloads into Low Kerbin Orbit.

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