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How would I do this unusual Mars mission to Duna in KSP?

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In short: instead of having the return vehicle brake into orbit together with the lander that lands on Mars, the Flyby-Landing Excursion Module plan envisioned the lander separating from the return vehicle 60 days before the landing, while still in a Solar orbit. The lander (using a nuclear thermal engine) would insert itself into a Mars orbit, land, spend a few days on the surface and then leave the planet again and insert itself into a Solar orbit where it would meet up with the return vehicle. I'd love to try that out in KSP, but it seems like you'd need perfect timing. Is there somewhere more knowledgeable in these things that could tell me how to do this in KSP?

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That sound like a nice challenge. I don't think you could find much information about it for KSP, but I guess it's doable if you know a bit how orbit and rendez vous works.

first think you would need to calculate the real KSP days for it (because 60 days are for our solar system, kerbol one hav different timing).

Then you will need to figure out how much Dv your return stage need and your lander need.

The timing will be important so you don't loose too much Dv, to rendez vous with the return stage.

Now I am not sure it would be an efficient way to do it. as you would need still need the Dv to get Duna SOI, plus the Dv to rendez vous in sun orbit. and the Dv for the return stage to rendez vous back with Kerbin.

While normally you wouldn't need the Dv for rendez vous around the sun as you would do a direct Duna->Kerbin.

Now who care about efficiency if it's a fun challenge?

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