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Cox HSI, randomly worst or best in the area.


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However, I did the same three tests 2 weeks ago and it was >1mb/s, dl, >0.5mb/s ul speed.

Ping around 300 or higher.

Why is it that the "Highest rated ISP" has such in consistant speeds?

Also, even at that speed, a 1Gb file takes HOURS to download.


I do understand that serverload and thier ISP quality can determine how fast I can dowload, but 100kb/s instead of the 16mb/s I have been told I can download at is stupidly slow.

Edited by Galacticruler
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I very much doubt that. That's absurdly slow.

You can certainly get better than .5MB/s. Just complain to you ISP and say you're going to cancel, and they will likely upgrade your speed for free for a while.

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Clamps, those speeds are faster than ~65% of the USA for some reason, and Gb/s speeds are unavalible here.

Is there really any Gb/s internet service available for residential use anywhere? In my region, 200MB/s is probably the max you can get, and it is really expansive

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