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How do parachutes work?

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look at the part.cfg for the parachute, it probably needs these :

module = Parachutes


// --- parachute parameters ---

deployAltitude = 500
closedDrag = 0.22
semiDeployedDrag = 1
fullyDeployedDrag = 55

Don't know for certain though

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Hi all, newbie here and very much enjoying the game.

It seems that the chute currently works as follows. You have 3 objects 'base', 'cap' and 'canopy'. The base is just the body that 'holds' the parachute, the cap shoots off when the threshold is reached which you define in the cfg. Now for the animation, it seems that the game itself recognizes the 'canopy' object and deploys it in a squeezed state.

So as long as we have no access to the animation variables, which aren't baked in the DAE file. We can only create single chutes that unsqueeze.

I tried it with three chutes, and the best thing to do is just set the deployAltitude really high, so the chutes immediately take there fully deployed position.

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