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Planets and ScaledSpace.

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And tip the axis by 90%, so the poles are near the ecliptic plane (Uranus like). :D

Ah, Mr. Kragrathean. On behalf of Space Research Bureau i would like to order Pluto equivalent. Minmus/Vall like icy dwarf planet, eccentric orbit, relatively huge icy moon.

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Personally, I'd like to order a saturn style planet with rings. All this talk about rocheworlds has gotten me wanting the discworld...


YES! We could finally figure out the sex of the turtle! (Really? Probably not, but it would be a funny mission)

My only question is how would someone land on that monstrosity?

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YES! We could finally figure out the sex of the turtle! (Really? Probably not, but it would be a funny mission)

My only question is how would someone land on that monstrosity?

I have no clue, it would probably by imposible though. or very weird. as the turtle and elephants have no atmosphere, only the top does. but so fun. Just imagine having to aim for a spot on that.

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Hmm...I'm willing to order some...dessert? How about...a brown Duna-class, same size as the old, boring Duna, with a brownish atmosphere on top (I like it sweet), and do you mind crushing it? I like it when it looks like it has lots of craters :wink:. Also, how about a side of two moons, one normal, bluish one, like Eeloo, about half the size of the planet, and the other one a small, reddish asteroid almost on the edge of the SOI. And since I have this weird desire to name my food, I'd like to name the planet Eldin, the moon Ordon, and the tiny asteroid Gerudo. Put it wherever you please in a system, as long as it having an atmosphere makes sense :) And about orbit eccentricity, make Eldin .12, Ordon .021, and Gerudo will orbit about the same as Gilly.

And also, I speak for my own species, the Bread Fish, but you can merge it with those filthy Kerbal's species system :) As for paying, I can only offer you the finest Bread Fish you will ever eat! (They're a delicacy, you know).

No one will get the naming reference...

Edited by swiftgates24
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Ah! Mr. Shifty. Finally someone steps forth to discuss terms! Most excellent! Do you speak for your species? Because you (delightful!) Kerbals will only get one (thats right ONE!) system from Kragrathea. We have projected that is all your species can afford at this point in your evolution. But even so, I think you will find we can put together an affordable system that will please almost everyone (except the rif raf of course. there is no pleasing that lot....)

Lets do lunch?

You can consider me an exemplar and an exemplary negotiation partner. It's been some time since I made my way to Milliways, but last time I returned from there, I bought a galaxy, enslaved all its inhabitants and forced them to sort out and store all of the chartreuse MnM's. (Ever wonder why you never see a chartreuse one? I have them ALL!) Have your representatives contact me at 276709 (Kerbin exchange.) Let's set up a meet; I'll bring a towel.

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I'll show up too, don't ask why Disaster Area hired a Kerbal as their CEO. Because I don't even know. All I know is that I've got a metric buttload of money, and could afford for you to make an asteroid belt.

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Money? Money? Mr. Gojira - i am ashamed of you. What can you offer to a species that can create entire star systems, pray tell? Gold? Platinium? Ice? M&M's can work, but what really matters is knowledge. Information! It is the only really valuable thing in Universe. And, coincidentally - it is what we at S.R.B. seek, gather and ultimately are willing to trade away (for more opportunities to gain even more knowledge). Granted, our database while huge, is currently in the state of flux. Chaotic - some might say. But i am sure we can come to a mutually profitable agreement. What would you say Mr. Krag?

Edited by Scotius
A typo.
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Why, I would like to speak for the species of the geckos. We look exactly like kerbals, we just don't wish to affiliate ourselves with them. As of such, I can propose something wonderful to you, Sir Krags. Disney songs. All types of disney songs. We've got ones that'll make you cry, die, fly, say goodbye, etc. As a supplement, we can even include dead deers!

Edited by Geckoleon
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I would like to speak for the species of the Pigbears. We would like a nice healthy laythe style planet with a greenish blue atmosphere orbiting a gas giant. Along with 3 other ice moons near that gas giant that we want to be purple. We can pay you in knowledge of the Pigbear's and there surronding area.

Edited by Pigbear
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vast machines
My interest has been sparked, good sir! Even though vast is quite relative, the Ministry for Kerbal Aerospace would do anything to acquire technology for 'vast' ships. What is this alien race of yours, diplomacy is our goal, or so it seems?
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Generous Kerbals! Most generous indeed. However the only currency we take is planets. What else could be worth at much as a planet eh?

Moho will do fine as a down payment, our planetary engineers want to probe the mo hole. Hrm... why does that set off the "taboo" warning on the fish. you are a strange species...

And then Jool for the balance. Paid on delivery of course. Then there are the options but we can put together a generous package for say Ike.

We do look forward to doing business with you delightful Kerbals!

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Planet for a planet? :huh: I hope you are not expecting us to finalise the deal before thoroughly testing the samples Mr Kragrathean? After all, our current celestial bodies are around for billions of years already, and despite some unavoidable wear-and-tear they are still in remarkably good shape. Your merchandise, on the other hand still exist only - shall i say, as virtual concept? I'm afraid we will be insisting on a period of stress tests, thorough scientific examination and prolonged exploatation in Kerbol system conditions - several millions of years of such tests should be sufficient to prove quality of your offert. I am sure you understand our concerns - after all it is a very, very long time investition. Such deals simply can not be done in haste.

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That last post worries me....kind of makes it sound like planets are going to be replaced and then moved rather than actual new ones added. Hope that's not the case.

As much as I enjoy Douglas Adams a little bit of hard info would be nice.

And I am not a Kerbal sir...I am god of kerbals, here to help their little green asses into the stars =P

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Generous Kerbals! Most generous indeed. However the only currency we take is planets. What else could be worth at much as a planet eh?

Moho will do fine as a down payment, our planetary engineers want to probe the mo hole. Hrm... why does that set off the "taboo" warning on the fish. you are a strange species...

And then Jool for the balance. Paid on delivery of course. Then there are the options but we can put together a generous package for say Ike.

We do look forward to doing business with you delightful Kerbals!

Sir, we are very attached to our planets, though your proposals do look very attractive. I have a compromise. There is a race of beings on a distant blue planet orbiting a G-type main sequence star that has created a virtualization of our star's planetary system, accurate to the last detail. Unbeknownst to them, we are in possession of one of these copies; it is small enough to fit in your pocket. We consider this a very valuable item; we can test outlandish rocket designs and blow up multiple Jebediahs in the virtual universe in order to advance our ambitious aims. Would you be willing to accept this in trade?

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Ah, Cautious Kerbals! Good, good, Cautious things tend to live longer.

We think the initial offer was fair. Your getting five suns, two gas giants, a tylo class moon, a arid planet with atmosphere and lets say an even dozen minmus class, and I will throw in custom paint job on 6 of the minums.

And all you give up is a small scorched planet that, and now lets be honest here, have you ever even been to? Now Jool I admit is a bit of a looker. Maybe I can take some of the sting out if we leave Laythe. Maybe move it in a bit. Make it easier to get to eh?

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Jeb's got a full car dealership on Moho. Jeb would be mightly displeased if he found his dealership didn't exist anymore, nor did the planet on which it was built.....after all how else is he gonna off the hottest deals on the hottest cars in the Kerbol system?!

Instead, we shall offer one free sports car, one free tow truck, and a lifetime supply of solid rocket motors. Jeb agrees that this is a very fair deal indeed, and would take it himself if he hadn't already done so.

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At time of this post I have 2 industrial outposts on Moho, and a handful of support vehicles. And its a total deal breaker for me if Laythe is touched at all.

Honestly though if the added planets and stars are awesome enough I could do without Moho. I think Moho should be enough, its very rich in Ore resource and has an acceptable amount of Kethane as well. That makes it worth rather alot.

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You will be given plenty of warning to get your dealership off planet, but perhaps you would consider moving with the planet? After we probe the hole... the fish again... it will be re purposed around another species star. we could look for something that might suit you.

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As to your outposts this could be a marvelous opportunity for you. We have no use for Kethane, mine as much as you possibly can and just leave it on the surface. When we take the planet it will remain in stable orbit around your star. Boom a huge fuel depot in orbit with no deltaV to get it there. Nice eh?

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No, We are going to bring Moho back to our factory and try to get to the bottom of that bloody hole everyone around here cant shut up about.... Then either fill in or slap a plaster on the hole, maybe a new surface, certainly a new coat of paint and ship it off to a new system. no idea where. maybe someplace that needs a car dealership. Whatever that is....

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Deceitful Kerbals. Trying to make claims for lost structures. My meteorological team has just informed me that all of your bases are belonging to us.... what? Oh, no thats not it.... Ah yes.. Ehm... All your bases are about to be wiped out anyway by something called a version increase. Sounds dreadful. Do batten down the hatches.

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