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What is the standard strength?

Technical Ben

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I\'m looking to add a stronger part to the game. But I don\'t know what the default strength is. I don\'t want it breaking on the launch pad and I don\'t want it to be a cheat part. Just a little bit stronger... so what is the default value? The struts are listed as:

breakingForce = 14

breakingTorque = 14

or something similar. But what is a standard part?!

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That\'s only a hard limit. I find the weight to be more decisive than that - in the sense that your part might be heavy enough to hold well, but because it\'s under the threshold it\'ll break, while the other way around (huge strength, little weight), while your part MIGHT hold it will bend which will cause your ship to disintegrate most likely.

So yeah, there\'s no defining standard for this as far as I know.

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Sorry. I just meant, what is the default value for a part. IE a booster or fuel tank. I\'m not worried about the weight, and I perfectly understand that it will still come into effect. But if I want a part +1 (or +10 or +100!) strength for the connection, or twisting, what do I set it to?

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