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Kerbal Kiloton Payload


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That is kinda magnificent. Have you discovered the hold alt trick for copying ship sections yet?

Dear lord, was that a lifesaver. On v1 of the rocket I was pulling stages off the rocket and moving them to the side, hitting CTRL-Z, then place the stage that I moved to the side back on. I was looking up more efficient/less damaging ways of placing the sepratrons when I saw a video on asparagus staging that used the hold ALT method. My old method required more ram because it had to reload each stage when I hit CTRL-Z. I watched as this took up more and more RAM. The hold ALT method still increased the RAM usage, but not nearly to the degree that my old method did.

I'm almost positive I won't be able to place another hexagon on it, and there is no way I can reduce the part count any more than I already have. However, I may go all out and see how many more stages I can put on it before it crashes the editor. Then the only problem will be loading it on the launchpad and getting a successful liftoff. This last attempt took nearly one and a half hours to get to orbit, I dread how long it would take if I added any more.

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I'd reckon with all that fuel up in orbit, you might be able to make it to eloo if you conserve your fuel well.

Yeah, It will be cool to see what you manage to do with all those tanks that must be up there by now.

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Are you using any mods to allow for instantaneous take-off? Before I saw this thread I have been stumbling down a similar path, and I can't get past a size 5 hexagon for refueling purposes, or a size 4 when a payload is included. Everything larger flies apart for me when gravity kicks in immediately before launch.

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