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Is there a list with all the particle effects an engine can have?


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As far as I know, there are only a few engine graphical effects:

fx_exhaustFlame_yellow for the classic yellow flame

fx_exhaustFlame_blue for blue flame (probably what you\'re seeking for)

fx_exhaustLight_yellow for the standard glow

fx_exhaustLight_blue is the same, but blue

fx_smokeTrail_medium for smoke

fx_smokeTrail_large I\'m not sure, but it SHOULD be larger smoke

fx_gasBurst_white is what is written on the tin (as a reference, it\'s the puff of smoke decouplers tend to emit)

fx_gasJet_white is the RCS exhaust fume

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  • 2 weeks later...

For now those are all we have, as far as ship effects go. They are mostly placeholders at this point though, and a big overhaul to the effects is planned for the future. That would include more, faster and better-looking particle effects.


Cool, thanks. :D

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  • 1 year later...
How many fx/thrusters would i be able to add to A single engine?

Please double check the date on a thread before replying to it. It's not good to post in a year and a half old thread like this as the contents are now well out of date and it's easy to miss the date of posting when scanning threads for information.

This isn't true if anyone is dealing with the version of the game in this thread but on 0.19.1's version of ModuleEngines I believe you can have one type of FX but applied to as many thrust objects are you like (simply name them all the same, the thrust will be split equally between them). You can have multiple fully functioning ModuleEngines per part - although you do get duplicate actions and right click menu.

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