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Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. - Version 1.4.2 Now Available!


What rocket do you guys use most frequently?  

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  1. 1. What rocket do you guys use most frequently?

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whats happening?

I took a break for Christmas and New Year\'s, but I started to work on my to-do list yesterday. From that list, 3 of those things will be released in Version 1.5 (TBD) along with something new:

[list type=decimal]

[li]The newly redesigned and remodeled Orion Command/Service Module[/li]

[li]A rebalanced Altair[/li]

[li]Altair\'s parachute[/li]

[li]Components for the 'crewed version' of the SLS Rocket[/li]

I have no official release date for 1.5, so I\'ll just keep updating you guys as things start to progress...

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why did you change the intrepid II?? i loved the orion lander and fuel tank and rcs tank...can you make them parts for 0.13??

The Intrepid II was never supposed to be a munar vehicle. It was the only rocket I made at the time and I wanted to land on the Mun, so I overpowered the upper stages and strapped some legs on it. If you want to use the older Intrepid II, you can download any previous release from my changelog.

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The Intrepid II was never supposed to be a munar vehicle. It was the only rocket I made at the time and I wanted to land on the Mun, so I overpowered the upper stages and strapped some legs on it. If you want to use the older Intrepid II, you can download any previous release from my changelog.

ahh yes i forgot about that...sorry lol

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I\'m really enjoying your pack, but I have encountered a problem. I\'m running the latest 13.1 build with no additional mods.

The Interpid V 400 and 500 don\'t get off the pad. The liquid engine in the center doesn\'t fire, for some reason. Any suggestions?

Edit: Further testing seems to indicate that the RD-180 engine fires with an Intrepid II fuel tank in place. Also, the Common Core Booster can feed an Atlas IV engine.

And, weirdly, the common core booster can feed the RD-180, just not in the Intrepid V configuration.

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I\'m really enjoying your pack, but I have encountered a problem. I\'m running the latest 13.1 build with no additional mods.

The Interpid V 400 and 500 don\'t get off the pad. The liquid engine in the center doesn\'t fire, for some reason. Any suggestions?

Edit: Further testing seems to indicate that the RD-180 engine never fires, even in a different configuration.

I usually try to avoid experimental releases, but I downloaded .13x1 just to see what\'s going on. I ran into the same problem and unfortunately have no answers for you :( It\'s obviously an issue with the experimental release, since everything works just fine in the latest stable release. However, I will continue to look into the matter, and if it\'s not resolved over the next several experimental releases or the next stable release, I will take further action to fix the issue. So, my suggestion is to fall back to the latest stable release for now.

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Those rockets are just amazing, from all of the mods I have seen here, this one is not only the best looking, but also the most realistic one. Thanks to them I could reach orbit for the first time.

My own rocket design was, well, a failure. It shows that just stacking something up, doesn\'t make it work well :D

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Ok. So, I was finally able to download 0.13.1 this morning and the problem with the Intrepid V 400 & 500 Series was still there. I need to go to work, so I can\'t upload an official 1.4.1 fix, but I do have a temporary solution until I upload the updated .craft files later this evening.

Remove and replace the RL-10 and RD-180 Engines. This apparently resets something, and it fixes the problem.

Please try this solution to see if it works for you as well, and let me know if you come across any more bugs. Thanks :)

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I was using the Intrepid V (no SRBs) to launch Nova\'s Shuttle. No ignition problems there, but the engine tended to slide EVERYWHERE. Fixed that with some struts. The Intrepid V 500 (I\'m using 6 SRBs) also had no problems with ignition. The Intrepid V 400, (2 SRBs) did have problems with ignition, and your fix worked.

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No ignition problems there, but the engine tended to slide EVERYWHERE.

The fix solved the ignition problems for me as well, and the engines slid all over the place for me too, but I couldn\'t attach any struts properly. How did you do it? I tried to do it on a modified SLS as well(swapped the lander for a conventional spacecraft, but had to rebuild it completely to change the command module), and I just can\'t get the struts to connect to the engine itself. Tips?

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Hey guys,

Sorry I haven\'t answered any of your questions today. I was just hired for a M-F;9-5 job and today was my first day, so that\'s where I\'ve been! I\'m working on a 1.4.1 update that should fix your problems.

The Intrepid V engines have always been extremely unstable, and the only way to fix that issue was to use struts. I\'ve never had that issue with the SLS, so I never allowed those attachment parameters. However, since some of you would like to use struts on the SLS, the 1.4.1 fix will allow you to do just that.

So, basically, here\'s what version 1.4.1 will include:

  • [li]Updated .craft files for the Intrepid V rockets[/li]
    [li]Adjusted attachment parameters for the SLS Main Engines[/li]

This announcement is just to let you know what\'s going on, and I\'ll release 1.4.1 within the next couple of hours.

P.S. - Orion is still coming along nicely. Now that I have a new job, I\'ll only be able to work on my builds after work hours and on the weekends. However, I\'ll try to release some WIP screenshots sometime next week. Thanks in advance for your patience as I get situated with my new job :)

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