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Jool is soooo pretty. Or how to get to there the wrong way.

Moon Goddess

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This isn't your usual mission report but hear me out.

So I've been following the NASA model, spending all my time in LKO.

I made 2 trips to Mun, 3 to Minimus and 2 to Duna. That's good right, spending all my time on different space station designs, and trying to design the ultimate interplanetary crusier to have future landers dock to, that well I just haven't left LKO in a long time.

But so last night I needed to test how a mod would work on Laythe, so I made me a cheaty ship 1 man lander pod, smallest fuel tank, mainsail, and infinite fuel cheat. After 3 failed attempts I uninstalled Deadly Reentry, a constant 17 g's of acceleration just wasn't working. Now I have other launch windows scheduled, and a space station with oxygen supplies, so we can't just launch for a encounter and time warp. This has to be a quick trip.

So I burned for Jool, and I burned for jool, and I burned for Jool, So I left it burning while I went and took a bath.

I come back and we're down to under 1 day till encounter. That's an acceptable amount of time warp without messing up other missions, and I realize, I'll have to burn the same amount of time retrograde to slow down. Time warp forward.... ooo slow down for Kerbol fly by.... WOW!!!! We're all dead from radiation! Shouldn't I be getting some sort of Gravity slingshot being this close to the star? This is a very straight trajectory... Wonder if I has anything to do with the fact I'm doing about a quarter of a percent the speed of light.

Time Warp forward till 2 hours from Jool encounter, rotate the ship and begin deceleration burn... Hmmm I already shaved my legs, what this time. Oh yeah, I forgot about Physics Warp

So I watch Tv while my ship slows down.. Make my encounter and continue to decelerate till I make an orbit.

Wait, what? I'm in Orbit, where's Jool? Where's all the moons? Over there... Way over there? ! this SOI is huge!

ok, reduce my orbit, reduce my orbit, correct inclination, reduce my orbit.

OMG!! I've seen Jool before, there are tons of pictures posted, and youtube videos.... But there's something different about BEING there. Wow, this place is amazing, so pretty. A moment of considering signing up for Mars One, photos from Curiosity aren't as good as being there, before I remember I'm way too femme for the frontier lifestyle. And I bet the pizza will run out pretty quick up there. Oh well stuck on Earth for me. But Thombal Kerman, he gets to stare at the pretty. Wow. Ok... ok, We didn't pack that much O2, time for our mission.

encounter with Laythe, Orbit, and begin landing manuver. Ok, I misjudged the drag, need more altitude or we're going in the drink.

Alright aim right there... and burn. NO NO not that way don't spin stop the spin, Woah Woah Splash...


Note to self: When coming back here for real, use the f5.

So now I'm designing my real mission to Jool. I'll post pictures of that one.

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Yup, Jool and his entourage provide a lot of pretty sights. It's also very lonely if you send one, single kerbal in a small ship. So, after returning Bob home i decided to send only multi-crewed missions that far.

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