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Castle from Mun sand?


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Well today I had that standard menu background with Kerbal on Mun (and crashed rocket after traveling to other parts of menu) and then I noticed small detail - simple castle made from Mun sand, at first I thought that I'm just blind and didn't noticed it earlier or maybe it was just recently added and I didn't care about it so much. I had problems with one mod (like no parts at all in VAB) and I restarted game. There is no castle now :( am I crazy or did I just found some easter egg?

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Ok, two questions:

1. Did you make up this story and wanted to make a good topic for the now locked thread

2. If not above, yes it is a easter egg! Congratulations! (No Sarcasm Intended)

Found it googling it:


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It shows up occasionally, though I can't find any rhyme or reason to it. It think it's just a 1% chance when you open the game or something.

There are other things that can show up too, I won't spoil them for people.

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Yeah. That castle has been known of for quite some time. I wonder if it would be possible to make a regolith castle...

Well, look at a bootprint in regolith and compare it to a bootprint in wet sand:



I'd say it's very plausible. Lunar regolith is composed of sharp, long, melted, glassy particles of dust that lock together well. I think if they ever do another Moon landing in my lifetime I'd certainly want them to try it instead of golfing (like they did in Apollo 14).

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That castle has been there for a while... I wouldn't really call it an anomaly, although it does randomly show up. Same goes with the helmet flying through the background. (On occasion, upon getting into the menu, a single helmet flies at a pretty high rate of speed in the back.)

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