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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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I made a decent heavy fighter platform, I'll be sure to post pics and submissions.

EDIT: Here it is, the Manta heavy fighter platform. Original, Navy, and Enforcer types.


No craft files yet, still gotta calculate all the Delta V and make a launch stage for all of it.

Edited by Dagg215
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sh0s.pngFirst in a line of millitary products, the Xavier class scout ship is our mainstream proud and joy. Put together by our (not so) expert rocket scientists, this ship is (not) guaranteed to pack a punch! Equiped with three long range gueded missiles, it can hold it's own against any ship up to twice it's size. The missiles use advanced computing technology (collected from a junkyard) to accurately find and destroy it's target. Also included are three Jr. Docking ports for additional weaponry if necessary!

Sorry that it's dark, I should've launched during day


Blue Star Industries started out as a simple trading company, that dealt in ore processing. But with the increasing number of Hanland raid ships, the owners of BSI had no choice, but to mount a counter offensive. Hanland was completely caught off guard by the offensive, and the raiding vessels were destroyed. After this, BSI joined the Spiritwolf Alliance, a group of companies turned armies, that have had enough of Hanland's warmongering. United under a single flag, BSI and other companies have a better fighting chance then on their own.


Xavier Class Vessel


Download Link (Includes both .craft and persistent):


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Sgt_Flyer's Drill Warhead uses structural pylons, which have an impact resistance of 999. I've tried compacting them down for fighter use, but they're best on SRB's or better ;.;

"Big Horn Industries here, we've heard you and you know what? We have just what you need!

Introducing the compact weaponization of the hardest substance known to Kerbans! I like to call it the Kerbanite cannon, but I have marketing reps thinking of some other names, gotta keep those bums doing something!"


"Loaded onto standardized clips, these come in at a total mass of around 0.49 each round. So far we've had some... eh odd accuracy problems, shots seem to veer off when fired, it might have something to do with the atmosphere but We'll get on that!"

EDIT: Do they generate lift, they seem to act like they do?

Edited by PerfectDeath
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"Tough crowd. Well don't worry, Big Horn engineers just drew something up, it is lighter weighing in at 0.38 per round, it is FASTER, and it has the same density as plate armour... because IT IS plate armour. We even made it look like a star too, Brilliant!


"Don't throw all your money at us just yet! Well... alright, you can throw you money at us."

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I've already weaponized those 999 hardness pylons. The Custodian's blunderbuss cannon uses them as bullets.

everything's already been used though.(well anything useful)

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The latest from Grey Stone


Here is a more in depth video:


Ship:Grey Stone S3

Company Bio:Grey Stone is a research and development company that focuses on AI and logistics. They generates funds by selling their most resent designs to the highest bidder often receiving questionably immoral payment, such as test subjects.

Allegiance: Grey Stone claims to take no side, but it all comes down to the highest bidder.

Operation Manual: The Grey Stone S3 is an unusual craft for Grey Stone to build but after substantial trial and error found that it was important to have people on site to keep the AI... maintained.

The S3 is a short range craft best used when deployed from a carrier or space station. It can have 3 clips of torpedoes and is best used in combination with torpedoes that can be fired with staging.

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Raptor Enterprise strives to build SSTO vessels after a Spirit Wolf Corvette was able to go to Laythe, and return. We had hoped to one day be a friendly rival to Spirit Wolf when it came to designing space faring vessels. However, after the Hanland - Spirit Wolf Incident over Laythe, we knew that Spirit Wolf would need help instead of another rival. This is why we are willing to dedicate the blueprints, and if need be, piloted vessels, to aid Spirit Wolf in her endeavors.

This ship was originally designed as a direct competitor to the Corvette Elysium, but the Incident at Laythe made it clear that modifications would be needed to make her handle a new multirole platform


This is the RER-77 Mk VII - Eagle (Aid Ship)


She could get get to Laythe with heavy computer equipment, however after a new breakthrough in stability control systems she traded the now redundant control systems for an equal weight of fuel to boost her delta v without impacting her flight characteristics. She features advanced communications software, which if boosted by additional communications equipment via hard points, or an already existing satellite system, could be used as an Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence Vessel. It's this reason we've given her the R designation for Reconnaissance. Additional hard points means that she can also carry a payload if need be, but given how critical most components are on an SSTO, we advise against arming her for frontline duty. It's this reason that we put a lot of our R&D funding into our skunkworks to produce a fighter as well.

This is that prototype.


Designated the REF-117 Mk I - Night Hawk (Military Ship)

This vessel is also an SSTO that carries no equipment into orbit, and was able to reach Laythe with outdated stability systems that have been replaced by fuel, just like the Eagle.


While also not being a frontline fighter, this vessel is intended for far more sinister purposes. She was designed with angled surfaces to deflect RADAR waves and minimize her appearance on scanners. She was also outfitted with more RCS thrusters to allow her to rely on a different form of propulsion, that doesn't generate as much heat as her main nuclear engines, when stealth was needed. Since she is also a fighter, and needs to react faster, she has a higher TWR than the Eagle almost across the board (She's slower in high atmo, where air breathing engines fail, but there is still drag, however this situation is so specific, and unlikely to be used against her, that it's neglected). However these improvements have their downsides. She isn't as efficient as the Eagle, she doesn't have exterior lights, or jamming equipment due to the removal of non essential electronic equipment in an effort to reduce thermal profile, and she is more complex, featuring more parts.

Now these vessels each have their shortcomings, but applied in the right role, together, they can be quite deadly. If an Eagle utilized its advanced communications equipment, and boosted it's effectiveness with a relay network, it would allow it to jam electronics allowing a couple of Night Hawks to theoretically close the distance to just outside visual range from a target vessel. At which point, if the Night Hawks were equipped with long range kinetic kill weapons (missiles/torpedoes), that were designed to close within visual range without alerting sensors, until the kill range where it didn't matter, the targeted ship could be taken out without an idea where the missile came from. On a high priority target, like a flagship, and with the missile coming in from a decoy direction, this tactic could be devastating.

We hope these vessels might be of use to Spirit Wolf in their fight against Hanland

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Workin' on the first iteration of my 'EXODUS - Valkyrie Tanker - I'. Currently it's an large fuel tanker which can carry over 14500 liquid fuel and over 30000 RCS fuel; however I've found no way of incorporating weapons into my design :(

Anyone know a way to make simple, low part radial mounted missiles?

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If Zokesia wants a fight, they should make a thread. Some of us would be interested in playing.

really?I'll start one if enough people are interested.one v one or standard fleet v standard fleet under randomly chosen scenario.save file sharing would be involved though.

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Video Time!

Got the Big Horn Freighters in kerban orbit easily enough, only issue was my mic volume.

I then designed a hauling droid and a Big Horn Version of the Mosquito.

.craft files here

Big Horn Freighter.craft

Big Horn Hauler.craft

Big Horn Mosquito.craft

Not sure if I should make an Ion version of the BH Mosquito. =\ The fuel one tends to consume the torpedo fuel if not manually stopped. =P

I'd be willing to support a United front against the Zokes. =]

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really?I'll start one if enough people are interested.one v one or standard fleet v standard fleet under randomly chosen scenario.save file sharing would be involved though.

I'm interested. Make a thread, lay down some rules, and wait for contenders.

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