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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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It surely is, but it turns like a brick. A really really heavy brick (what it basicly is...). It also was never intended to have such heavy armor :D

I just build it that way, cause it looked awesome :P

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Evidence that it can be launched into space:





Ship specifications:

Company:United Kerbinton Enterprises.

Allegiance:The side that fights with the most honour.

Armor:Heavy plate armour over the entire ship, only weakpoints are the engines, the barrel of the main weapon and the command center (of which these 3 are all moderatly armored).

Armament:Main weapon: capable of holding 3 heavy anti-capital ship torpedo's (or anything that can practicaly fit in the barrel). Secondary Weapon: 8 medium torpedo slots split 4 for port and starboard sides of the ship, recommended torpedo's with tracking ability. (You can easily build and provide your own to meet your personal specifications, best to just deliver your armament once the main ship is in orbit).

Size of vessel:Medium.

Manouverability:Pitch:High, Roll:High,Yaw:High. RCS:None.

Engines:6 LV-N Atomic Rocket Motors.

Fuel: Primary fuel cell accomidation:3690. (This can be increased by the use of the rear docking port to add extra fuel cells to increase the ships range).

Part count (with no ammo):357.

Part count (with ascent stage):598.

Craft file (w/ ascent stage):http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/submission/

Ascent instructions:

To take this behemoth into space basicly ensure the throttle is at 3 notches below the max, turn ASAS on and keep heading strait up till around 180km (btw ensure you throttle down to the 1st large notch on the throttle guage before staging the fuel cells), once at 180km with only the 2 remaining sets of the ascent stage (the 2 SRB's and the two orange tanks connected via structureal pylons), thrust towards the horizon until you get an orbit.

Edited by Scottx125
More info :3.
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The second itteration of Heavy cruisers is being developed, conqueror class. This ship is designed to hold MUCH more fuel, greater manouver capacity and greater storage capacity including 2 fighter bays. The compromises of this design however are medium torpedo's, which instead of being implemented on the ship itself they will be stored for use on the fighters, the main weapon however seen in the first itteration is being overhauled, increasing the weapons torpedo capacity, as well as the ammount of torpedo's avalible for reload during long voyages. Crew capacity is also increased from 2, to 7.

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This here is a little something I'm working on. More out of interest to see if I can do it, because it completely disregards the rules as far as part count goes. (It's got around 460 e.e)


Currently it is undergoing orbital construction.



Information and download link to be announced once construction is complete.

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I have been designing a brand new 'Drill' Warhead...

Here are the results of the warhead :


yes, this was a Vanguard class battlecruiser Hull...

the warhead was launched as a surface to space interception missile (Two stage rocket before the payload, which circularized on it's own), and was part of a guided system - so it was not from a salvo, it was a single impact that did this...

Here was the part that impacted against the vanguard :


total mass before final burn : 4.83 tons

Impact speed : around 120m/s, final acceleration was made less than 500m from the vanguard from a 15m/s approach.

i will try to make a bomber carrying a SRB propulsed warhead like this :)

note, it's warhead is made from something way harder than plates : Structural pylons :P

Edited by sgt_flyer
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I have been designing a brand new 'Drill' Warhead...

Here are the results of the warhead :


yes, this was a Vanguard class battlecruiser Hull...

it was a single impact that did this...

Here was the part that impacted against the vanguard :


note, it's warhead is made from something way harder than plates : Structural pylons :P.


Mother of Jeb... What has science done?!? I guess those pylons actually have a use, other than being mistaken for small hard points and bugging up my design with their non-selectable-ness... Or that might just be me.

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I guess those pylons actually have a use, other than being mistaken for small hard points and bugging up my design with their non-selectable-ness... Or that might just be me.

I discovered that the joints they have are super flexible. No good for holding things, but you can exploit them to make helicopter rotors... albeit not very good ones.


I call it the Dummkopfter, a portmanteu of "helicopter" and the German for "stupid-head." If Spiritwolf ever decides to reconquer the fjords of Laythe, they won't be doing it in these things.

Edited by nerdboy64
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If you guys are going for functional design, I personally would recommend going small to mid sized, big ships are cool (and laggy...) but more joints means more destruction, also aiming and maneuvering are easier, and you're harder to hit. The small Oscar-b tank missiles do actually hit quite hard if you fire them at longer range. Of course a smaller ship wont kill a bigger one easily, but i've get to see good anti-fighter designs...

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Due to the... unorthodox repurposing(?) of Project Dominus (you'll see that later), I've decided to go smaller. My next project will be a refit of the venerable Mosquito with some extra oomph to allow for slightly faster and perhaps longer burns. Red Leader spent waaaaay too long drifting in space. So, the solution is obviously MOAR BOOSTERS!

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Riki Tech might do something regarding the ascent stage. but that is most likely all I can do. Although I can promise nothing regarding when it will be finished.

it's been a while, is there any progress on your side? I have still been trying to make an ascent stage for 3 days now with no avail, also, I am going to show some tests on the Griselbrand and the Bol missile soon

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Mother of Jeb... What has science done?!? I guess those pylons actually have a use, other than being mistaken for small hard points and bugging up my design with their non-selectable-ness... Or that might just be me.

Indeed.. Eventualy torps are gonna be so powerful even plate armor is going to be useless against them, that will be the eera of replaceable parts. Where starships are literaly segmented into detatchable sections which can be launched and refitted, as well as plate armor which is possibly x2 thick that will be replaceable as well.

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Hello again, everyone. In regards to my carrier on page 7, I wonder how I could improve it. Then as I docked my clumsy Mun lander in, it hit me. Some service droids could really help. So I built two AI droids; one is based off Macey's design(OTTO) the other is my own design(BOB). The two droids handle both size docking ports located throughout the ship. Here they are making orbit.







Jebediah tries talking to the new droids even though they don't communicate verbally.


Jebediah made new friends. :)

These are the droids you're looking for.


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i'm finishing my work on my Havok Bomber - it carries 1 'Drill' Warhead, this time, propelled by an unguided SRB.

most of my tests launches against a Vanguard class battlecruiser were done from around 600m, at an approach speed of around 20 / 25 m/s. some were effective, other less - hitting armor at a too open angle has a chance of deflecting the rocket it seems, but direct impact can make the rocket go through the battlecruiser, as if it's armor was no more effective than paper... i once seen a simple 'hole' from the top of the cruiser - the rocket only destroyed two plate of armor : the one on the top, and the one opposite of it, at the bottom - and destroyed the main fuel tank and a part of the SRB missiles of the vanguard between the two plates...

of course, you need to be sure of your aiming, cause you have only 1 shot :) - although during my tests, there was still some substantial effects, even when fired under 200m, but with an approach speed of more than 60m/s (Dive bombing anyone ? :P)

as you will be able to see on the images, the 'Drill' name for the warhead seems to be spot on :)

first, the Havok bomber :

front view, bomb bay closed


rear view :


(note : there's a missing plate on this one, the release version of the craft will have the two plates at the rear, to encase the engines)

front view, bomb bay opened, with the Drill warhead and it's SRB propeller in view.


now a show of the results of the 'drill' rocket (tested on a vanguard battlecruiser) :

yes, the hull is mostly intact - but that's another story for the insides


this time, the impact hit on the front of the battlecruiser ... i let you appreciate the damage :)

the SRB + the warhead weight around 4.5 tons when it's fired. on this image, it was fired with an approach speed of around 20 - 25m/s, at a range between 400m and 500m.

considering technical data on the warhead : the warhead is made of : 1 NCS adapter, a x4 symmetry of structural pylons (radially attached to the top flat surface of the NCS, and angled to what you see on the pics) and a small parachute (just to 'hide' the NCS adapter flat top :P) the warhead can then be fitted on any propeller you want. (i tested both - the unguided version here, and a liquid fuelled guided rocket i posted some time before)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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I just realized something about your Griesalbran, Spearka. How do you plan on keeping that thing powered with no solar panels or generators? all the drones will eventually sap all the electricity out of the vessel, making it uncontrollable.

I realised, when I did, I slapped on 2 large solar panels, but the craft file you have was before I realised this, it is also noteworthy that the fuel drains in defferent places, despite placing fuel lines, it still doesn't drain properly, try this recent iteration

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They're Finally Ready For Release

After The Success of The Prototype, GOU - "Full Refund"

Mountain Heavy Industries Has Reworked The Armor and Weapon Systems to Bring The Cutting Edge Of Offensive Capabilities To What Were Once Civilian Hulls

The General Offensive Unit - Reformed Pacifist


DeltaV - 5315 m/s

232 Parts

2 Heavy Topedoes

6 Fast Attack Torpedoes

Action Groups

1 - Toggle Gimbals for central 3 engines on final stage

3 - Fire Inner set Missiles

4 - Fire 1st Fast Attack Missiles

5 - Fire 2nd Fast Attack Missiles or a Double Warhead Fast Attack Missile Set

6 - Fire 3rd Fast Attack Missiles or a Tripple Warhead Fast Attack Missile Set

8 - Undock docking Ports

9 - Undock Jr Docking Ports

G - Toggle Engines

B - Activate Parking Break to Activate Weapons Systems

L - Running Lights

Abort - Jetisons Protective Armor Plating Around The Bridge Allowing Rescue of Kerbal Crew

Order The General Offensive Unit - Reformed Pacifist

And Her Sister

The General Offensive Unit - Appeal To Reason


DeltaV - 4800 Range m/s

214 Parts

4 Heavy Torpedoes

Action Groups

1 - Toggle Gimbals for central 3 engines on final stage

3 - Fire Inner set Missiles

4 - Fire Outer Set MIssiles

8 - Undock docking Ports

9 - Undock Jr Docking Ports

G - Toggle Engines

B - Activate Parking Break to Activate Weapons Systems

L - Running Lights

Abort - Jetisons Protective Armor Plating Around The Bridge Allowing Rescue of Kerbal Crew

Order The General Offensive Unit - Appeal To Reason

Both Easily Capable of Reaching The Joolian Frontier, The Original E-Series Civilian Hull Has been Reworked and modified to support the weapon and Armor systems needed in our fight against the Hanlan

Equiped with Heavy scaled Plate Armor and supporting multiple heavy weapons capable of accelerating to attack velocities over very short distances and accurate over attack ranges the E-series Hull is capable of Protecting Spiritwolf Interests Throughout the Kerbol System now and into the future

Mountain Heavy Industries -- A Brighter Tommorow, Comes From a Bigger Boom!

Special Launch Notes: To Launch From The Ground Requires Nearly All Onboard Fuel, So Fuel is fed Straight From The ships main tanks into the launch engines, to launch sucessfully you must disable fuel flow from a single large tank on the main ship body (beneath the armor) by toggling the fuel flow flags for that tank, this will reserve the tank for use in a later stage but still allow the main launch engines access to internal fuel supplies during launch

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Working on a Hanlan Ship, Now

A converted Mountain Heavy Industries Shipping Vessel, Built By Mountain Heavy Industries Under Contract To The Hanland Corporation as a General Purpose Cargo Carrier

Hanlan later Re-fitted the ship when the war broke out

The - HCW - Wetware Problem





3 Heavy torpedoes

1 Fortress Class Torpedo

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