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Is it possible to make models that will work in KSP with SketchUp (NOT the google version)?

I would like to get into modding, or at least making a few simple parts, but don't really want to go drop a few hundred$$$ on software just to try my hand at it. I have gimp 2.8 for textures....just need something for models that's freeware or entry-level priced at least.

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yes it is. there is an option to export a .DAE file (glorified XML, and which Unity and Blender can read). it is NOT optimised for creating physical models, but you can do primary design in it very readily


dae geometry options as follows







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Awesome, thank you sir!

Im sure this will be short lived. I will either realize I have no skill at it (I can do technical stuff...but making game models seems more artistic to me) or I will go buy blender or something comparable. I just like to get a feel for my skill level at a hobby before I decide how much to spend on said hobby.

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go buy blender

Blender is free and open source, unless something has changed since I last saw the site. No need to spend money on it (although you can certainly donate to the cause if you admire the creators enough). :)

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Blender is free and open source, unless something has changed since I last saw the site. No need to spend money on it (although you can certainly donate to the cause if you admire the creators enough). :)

Oh wow, that is really good to know. Didn't figure something like that would be open source. I'm gonna go have a look now, thank a bunch bud =)

edit: will unity 4.1.5 work for KSP?

Edited by KhaosCorp
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