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0.20.2 Munshine IB, "Skyshack" Station and Crew Transfer Vehicle

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Aerospace, Engineering & Kitchen Appliances

“Our SCEs don't even have an AUX setting.â€Â

Wayfare AE&KA recommends you at least read the bits marked out in RTFM red :wink:


To download a single craft, right-click link and select "Save As". If you're having trouble, download the zip file instead.

"Skyshack": A simple, functional, and fun little space station. 116 parts, 124 tons.

CTV: A basic three-Kerbal orbital transporter. 84 parts, 124 tons.

CTV Deluxe: Same as the CTV, but with a launch escape system and lovely antennae. 104 parts, 125 tons.

All three craft in one handy zip file.


Encouraged by the success of our Munshine V Apollo-style Mun/Minmus mission craft, Wayfare AE&KA got to work on another historically inspired design. The "Skyshack" space station and accompanying Crew Transfer Vehicle (CTV) are carried aloft by our new Munshine IB medium lifter. Both of these craft continue our tradition of low part counts, zero orbital debris, ease of use and dashing good looks. If you enjoyed going to the Mun on a Munshine V, treat yourself to a nice view of Kerbin with our Skyshack!

The Craft

Well, two craft really. The Skyshack is launched at a mere 116 parts and 124 tons on the pad, yet still includes our trademark launchpad illumination and a nifty orbital assembly system. The CTV weighs in at 84 parts (104 for the Deluxe) and 125 tons. Between the two of them they should only be capable of melting an abacus - any actual computer should do fine.

Action Groups

On both craft:

0: Toggle launchpad illumination (we were informed there is no "spare fuses" compartment and thus no place to store sunglasses)

9: Lock engine gimbal on outside engines. Press twice for best results.

1: Extend solar panels.

On Skyshack:

2: Extend antennae

3: Toggle docking target lights


2: Toggle docking light

3: Extend antennae (Deluxe version only)

Pictures of the Skyshack!


We'll begin with the Skyshack, shown here on the launchpad at night with illumination engaged.


Liftoff! The Munshine IB lifter follows a similar launch trajectory as our Munshine V, though it is a bit less agressive on the gravity turn due to its lower thrust-to-weight ratio.

How To: Launch

1. Get rid of the stowaway in the cupola. EVA him and "end flight", then return to the rocket through the tracking station.

2. Engage ASAS, set throttle to 100%, disable outside engine gimbal through action group 9.

3. Stage to lift off.

4. At 5,000 meters, turn the rocket 5 degrees East.

5. At 10,000 meters / 200 meters per second, turn to 20 degrees.

6. At 19,000 meters / 500 meters per second, turn to 45 degrees.

7. Your first stage runs out. The center engine burns about four seconds longer than the outside engines. That's OK. Ditch it once it's completely dry.

8. At 30,000 meters / 750 meters per second, turn to 60 degrees (sort of, halfway between 45 degrees and the horizon)

9. At 35,000 meters / 1000 meters per second, turn horizontal.

10. Burn to a 100 kilometers Apoapsis and cut the engine.


Although the second stage has just enough fuel left to establish a dangerously low orbit, it is discarded before circularization so as to not leave any unsightly debris in orbit. The Orbital Assistance Module (OAM) has more than enough delta-v to complete circularization and even make minor orbital adjustments if necessary. The OAM needs about 50 seconds to circularize at 100km, so begin your burn about 25 seconds before Apoapsis.





Once deployed to a good orbit, the Skyshack is assembled into its final configuration. An expendable RCS pod on the solar array module does the dirty work.

How To: Assemble in Orbit

1. Wait until in daylight, if necessary.

2. Select "Control From Here" on the Skyshack's ventral docking port by right-clicking it.

3. Orient craft precisely North on the horizon and engage ASAS.

4. Decouple solar array and switch to it.

5. Engage RCS. Translate FORWARD to clear the Skyshack, translate DOWN and pitch UP to move solar array over the ventral docking port.

6. Dock solar array back on to Skyshack.



Once the Skyshack is assembled, the OAM and the RCS pod are detached and de-orbited under their own power. The Skyshack can now deploy her solar panels (action group 1) and orient towards the sun. Be advised that the asymmetrical design means she doesn't roll nicely. We recommend you roll until you're roughly where you want to be, then pitch/yaw to correct. ASAS works fine though!


There she is, the Skyshack - ready for her first crew!

Pictures of the CTV Deluxe!


The CTV sits on the pad at 104 parts (84 for the basic edition, not pictured) and 125 tons. She follows the exact same launch profile as the Skyshack, because she weighs just about the same and uses the same Munshine IB launch vehicle. In order to achieve a good rendezvous, we recommend launching to an 80 kilometer Apoapsis when the Skyshack is 10-15 degrees ahead of the launchpad.


Don't forget to jettison the launch escape system (not included on basic edition) before you circularize!


The CTV also leaves the second stage to plummet to its doom before switching to its own propulsion.


Once in circular orbit, action group 1 extends the solar panels and action group 3 toggles the antennae (antennae not included on basic edition).





Rendezvous with the Skyshack and dock to it. We recommend you pay some attention to your roll orientation to make sure the CTV's crew hatch lines up kinda nicely with that of the Skyshack.



Enjoy the beautiful vistas! The joined Skyshack and CTV are at 58 parts and 24 tons (four parts less if you used the CTV basic edition). The CTV is more than capable of returning a crew to Kerbin safely. You can launch a new CTV to bring up a new crew.

Edited by Wayfare
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