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Pre-Order / Donation System Will Shut Down


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Hi everyone,

I have to announce that our Pre-Order / Donation system that is now available on KSP Forums will be shut down during this days. As we explained before, this system was a 'place holder' and we were working in the new and better-looked one.

All those that have supported us and had already made a pre-order, don\'t worry... we have all your information stored and we\'ll keep it safe for the next releases.

The new system will be available soon.


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Can I ask a question about this? Are pre-release 'donations' a smaller value than the expected retail price upon release?

A dollar in the hand is worth two in the bush. I think a major problem right now is to support to KSP team--both wages and needed equipment.
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A dollar in the hand is worth two in the bush. I think a major problem right now is to support to KSP team--both wages and needed equipment.

I\'m not looking for the \'rip someone off\' angle here, if that\'s what it sounded like. - Otherwise you\'d already have some of my money.

Am I remembering correctly that one could donate any amount before release and be counted as owning on the old system? Are the same rules planned to be in effect for the new one?

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This is quite funny.

This part was added recently to the downloads page:

'We love the KSP community, and we want to give you all a fantastic game. So, we\'ve opened the Pre-Order/Donations system to allow everyone to contribute to the project.'

But still donations isn\'t opened.

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This is quite funny.

This part was added recently to the downloads page:

But still donations isn\'t opened.

Not exactly... that was added when the Pre-order / Donation was first opened. There were no changes to that text since then, only that is unavailable now.


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Pre-Order/Donations means it\'s one system that allows for both. Basically every payment can be a donation. You can donate as much as you want, and if your accummulated donations reach or exceed the preorder price, you automatically bought the game.

But, the purchase system we had up until now was merely a placeholder, because we needed to have the purchases open fast. It was never meant to be used for as long as it was though. The new store system took much longer to make ready than we could ever have imagined.

Now it seems the store is almost complete, so we closed down the old system so we could port the existing full-version player database over to the new store engine. Again, this is also taking much longer than originally intended, but I guess if there is one system where we can\'t rush the job, it\'s this one.

The new store should hopefully be up and running sometime during the next week. It can\'t be long now :)


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I checked once and the price was \'$1\'.

The old system was a Pre-Order / Donation System. In the description of the product was said that you can donate tha amount you want to help KSP development, but if you donate more than 7 USD, you were preordering the game, so you will be able to download all future releases for free, including the full-paid-version.

When you entered the Store in the KSP Forums, the product price was $1 and below it you can write in a textfiled the quantity you want to donate.

Here, I attach an image of how it looked like.


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Generally, the closer a project gets to being finished, the more certain we are that our money will lead to a working, finalised game. Early adopters take a gamble, and always run the risk of the game getting so far, burning all the pre-order/donations and then failing. Late adopters have much less than a gamble!

So it is only reasonable that early adopters, the people who finance the early development and take the greatest risk, to get a discount; while late adopters pay the market value.

Whether Harv and co. do that, I don\'t know!


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Appreciative value stuff...

I understand the reasoning behind it. I bought Minecraft in alpha. I havn\'t donated yet not because I lack faith in H. He\'s outdone himself as far as I\'m concerned.

People seem really defensive in this thread. :-X :-[

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No, not really. I just re-read my post and it would come across as being defensive if you couldn\'t hear the thoughtful tone of voice I had in my head while I was writing it.

So... I gather you ain\'t telepathic then? ;P :D

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