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SciFi Mods - Legacy mk1 Pod


What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)

    • Original Enterprise Shuttle + Shuttlebay
    • Enterprise D redo
    • Stargazer bridge redo
    • Other Enterprises (Refit, A, B, C, E)
    • Defiant
    • Voyager
    • Borg Cube
    • Red Dwarf and/or Starbug
    • Retro Stuff (UFO)
    • Starbases?

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well thx for the info, its ok, I like English, so much easier to write then French anyway, just need to touch it up, ok, as for the mod

I tried it again, went in space took a moon tour, np at all , a small hiccup as I turn the ship at a full rotation, almost not visible. could be anything for that part

now I didn`t turn off the impulse drive it it runs very well, did what u say for saving the game, for me if I turn off the impulse on off it starts to lag , no idea if I got a conflict with other mods, etc, as I got a very heavy mod and even it doesn`t lag, but like I say it runs very good up to 3.5 gig, running at 2.9 - 3.1 gig. not saying its your impulse mods that does it , just weird, can`t figure it out.

but really the most important part of the mod is u can slow down and stop, as it makes it the best driving pluging atm, now I can drive my ship the way I wanted to, the other driving pluging makes your ship moves around, this is better, perfect to dock, tried it , takes a bit of getting used to it. but for sure the voyager needs warp now as for long distances, might lower down the voyager textures, ksp normal are from 256 normal to 512 high , 1024 really high, after it need a beef up machine to not notice it 4096 x 4096 hehe is very nice, will see how much I can bring it down w/o losing to much quality, as I might leave it, it doesn`t bother me to much. after my Daedalus ship which is going good

I might make stuff for voyager and enterprise, still a nob to figuring out the right way to make stuff for this game

question for starvision or any is how the heck can u make a hanger with collision, in my test I had to make a 5 piece box and add collision to all pieces of the mesh in unity, there another way to add collision??? as I want a cargo bay and a place to put your kerbal.or do u cut up your mesh in 3dmax first,mmm

Edited by mjy
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well thx for the info, its ok, I like English, so much easier to write then French anyway, just need to touch it up, ok, as for the mod

I tried it again, went in space took a moon tour, np at all , a small hiccup as I turn the ship at a full rotation, almost not visible. could be anything for that part

now I didn`t turn off the impulse drive it it runs very well, did what u say for saving the game, for me if I turn off the impulse on off it starts to lag , no idea if I got a conflict with other mods, etc, as I got a very heavy mod and even it doesn`t lag, but like I say it runs very good up to 3.5 gig, running at 2.9 - 3.1 gig. not saying its your impulse mods that does it , just weird, can`t figure it out.

my game never grows in RAM that much - I would suggest, one of your other mods has a leak..

if it's a small leak 20-50Kb per minute, you won't notice this at first - but after a while it fills up the RAM..

To clarify - if I run my game with impulse for 30 minuts and fly to mun and back, it does only add some KB to the ram when mun loads - when I leave mun, those Kb will go away - RAM goes down!!!

If your ram NEVER goes down again, you have a leak somewhere - but I can confirm, planet scanner is in current published version the only leak - so it must be something else.

I am certain because I test it daly and I run a leak analyzer script in the background since you found the first LOL

So thank's for that - I learned a lot about leaks since then..

but really the most important part of the mod is u can slow down and stop, as it makes it the best driving pluging atm, now I can drive my ship the way I wanted to, the other driving pluging makes your ship moves around, this is better, perfect to dock, tried it , takes a bit of getting used to it. but for sure the voyager needs warp now as for long distances, might lower down the voyager textures, ksp normal are from 256 normal to 512 high , 1024 really high, after it need a beef up machine to not notice it 4096 x 4096 hehe is very nice, will see how much I can bring it down w/o losing to much quality, as I might leave it, it doesn`t bother me to much. after my Daedalus ship which is going good

I might make stuff for voyager and enterprise, still a nob to figuring out the right way to make stuff for this game

Good luck - I am a professional Webdesigner and application deveopper for internet apps - I know my way around textrure optimization as well..

I went over all his textures and reached just minor improovements - the current one could be reduce for about 500Kb - that all..

Why? because a default KSP part is 300 times smaller than voyager - if you want a half ways good quality on this size of part, (300+meter) you can't go with a 512

no chance..

but if you can proofe me wrong, we will all benefit - I just hope you share it if it's an improovement "without"(!!!) quality loss.

If I had my way, I would put in a 8K jpeg with a resolution of 27.5dpi - than we'd have a decent texture below one Mb - but with PNG it's almost the best we can get..

jpg can't be used in games - it's a shame..

question for starvision or any is how the heck can u make a hanger with collision, in my test I had to make a 5 piece box and add collision to all pieces of the mesh in unity, there another way to add collision??? as I want a cargo bay and a place to put your kerbal.or do u cut up your mesh in 3dmax first,mmm


I have no clue what I'm taling about.. - only made this by script not by editor.. - blender is smething else..

you go better if you export one (1) mesh from blender - I've tried with a multimesh part last week - it was kind of confusing and didn't work at the end..

About collider - try this:

1st option I would try)

You can make in blender a collider that fits with low poly count and make a second, independent asset of it

After that "drag and drop" or what ever unity requires this collider in the "collider" field (or what ever unity calls that) and you should be good to go..

2nd option I would try:

Unity has included colliders in different shapes (cube,sphere,etc..) - you can "add" or what ever unity cals that such a collider template to the mesh by top menu option "add" if I'm not mistaken

I think (?) unity will scale this collider to fit your mesh - if not, you can resize it..

I know, because I've done this by script for photon torpedos at the beginning..

GameObject.AddCollider("cube"); or something was it..

In editor, I just know what I can do in script has an option in unity..

Happy searching :-P


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ty for the quick reply,i never really look if it was going up, I notice it on the last leak prob, but true, it might be another mod that does leak, conflict with your mod, mm more testing.

u said =the current one could be reduce for about 500Kb - that all.., mm not worth losing the quality, yes was wondering about the size, reason I ask starvision to make it so we could fool around and modified it, I guest were stuck with those nice textures for now :), myself I`m stuck at watching what mods I add in, I added 2-3 mods to cut down the

size,etc,textures, so I could add tons of mods, work great, just might have a conflict with yours, as it seems to be, now to find that conflict will be very hard, I got a big list, will leave that for now.

k, as for the unity, I might have to break it up in 3dmax first, I think I figured out how, makes it a bit of a pain, but unity u got to add mesh collider/click convex, so kind of restricted for making collision, why in each game I mod its always the collision giving me prob lol. ty for the info

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Ok - I have a new version online..

Go to first post, click on the plugin download link, select Beta4 and click raw - as described in the OP.

What's new:

- Fixed some minor bugs

- made some GUI tweaks and updates..

- added 4 subsystems

1, CargoBay is growing - it now can store resources

The amount of cargo space depends on the ships configuration - I made a nifty algorythm to calculate individual capacities for each ship.

2. FuelTank Manager - allows to create custom resource tanks in the cargobay

3. Fueltransfer - select a ship in range and transfer fuel from there or to there

I found the most confortable way to empty dozens of tanks with one click - you will love it!

4. CrewQuartiers - it allows to beam kerbals aboard even if the ship is full on seats.

Imagine, somewhere in the hull, small crew compartments, that can be used for passengers.

There are no IVAs for those cabins!

The amount of crew quartiers depends on the ships configuration - I made a nifty algorythm to calculate individual capacities for each ship.

This subsystem will also check if the ship has an airlock - if not, one will be provided.

Fueltransfer is completely intertwined with fueltank manager and offers shortcuts to reduce clicks..

Both Fueltransfer and fueltanks are completely dependent from CargoBay - if the Bay is full, or not present, no tanks can be created.

I need you guys to find out if all features are working in all kind of situations, if there are bugs in certian circumstances and if you find the GUI useable or a pain.

If the latter, please describe how you would do it. I'm open to improovements.

Thanks for many testers and many feedback reports.

I mean several people anounced to volunteer to test the phasers - but no one reported back last weeks, except my french friend

(mjy: 2:5 - I will never forgive you that!! but well - out is out - argentina had more luck in the 123rd minute - good luck for FR though.. but I'd say the germans win :-P)

Still present: the leak in planet scanner - use it with care!



if you experiance some problems like

"This system will not work today"

you might need to update the CFG of voyager-saucer (and or shuttles)

To make the system future compatible with those modular parts, that Starvision is planning, I added for all subsystems strong requirements on different module entries in the part file.

The modules that are required for full working order at this moment are the following:

name = StarTrekImpulseDrive
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.1
name = StarTrekShuttleBay
name = StarTrekCargoBay
name = StarTrekFuelTransfer
name = StarTrekCloakingDevice
name = StarTrekCrewQuartier
name = TransporterSystem
name = WeaponSystems
name = PhotonTorpedo
name = TractorBeam

* these names are subject to change in next version - some changes are allready planned but not implementsd..

so be prepared to replace them soon..

probbably they will change all - but that is not decided by now..

if one of them is missing, the respective system will simply be deactivated.

This allows to spread those codes on several parts and construct your own variety of SpaceShip.

Well - as soon as the parts are done.

For now: Voyager saucer should get all of them.

The shuttles will work with all, but you can leave out what you think is missplaced..

like shuttle bay..

Not all of them are doing something by the way..

shuttlebay is required but not working.

Edited by philotical
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I`m French Canadian, east coast. great, will check out the new update, still working on my Daedalus, prob won`t make a post for it, will prob release it later on, so 90% done.

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Canadian - omg - "Le Me" tryes to make a joke and runns in a wall whahah

Deadalus - sounds like progress..

Care to post a pic? Or too early for that?

I'm curiouse.

I'm working on the new subsystem "StructuralIntegrityField"

I hope it will take some of StarVisions problems away when he makes modular parts..

and as a side effect, it will alow you to fly into and land on the sun *verry-big-and-childish-grin*

The CloakingDevice project seems to evaporate infront of my eyes - the functions I found, do nothing at all..

so not sure how to handle that..

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I have a little problem - maybe some one has a clue how to solve it..

This thingy I made this afternoon..

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..has no right click ability, no colisions and can not be saved for some reason..

It also screws up some KSP orbit displays on the map sometimes..

In unity, I added a "mesh collider" - no collider-material and selected my mesh as once more as a collider..

(it's VERY low poly so the collision mesh can't be reduced anyway..)

I'm not sure what I'm missing, or what info I need to provide to debug..

can anyone help? Just let me know what you need to know or have - I'll supply all..

..would be cool.. :-)

by the way - it's not exactly DS9 but inspired - obviousely..

it's 100k tonns and holds up to 10'000 Kerbals..

At least that is what crew compartment subsystem has calculated..

might be a little too much - but I can adjust it's mass to correct that..

It should be big enough to let 3 voyager's dock at the 3 upper pylons at the same time

so - original size.. - needs adjusting now - but it will be..

Did I mention, I'm megalomaniac muahahahah

Consider this a new test object - it's not good enough for an official DS9 replica - but testing voyager's dockingport should be fun here..

It just needs to work and I'll post a link immediately..

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your mesh collider isn`t set right, so u can`t click it.

did your mesh when in unity is what color?when I added a collision= mesh collider, for me its blue and turns green when I click convex, need that for ksp, any other don`t work. best way to add a collision is use what is closest to your original mesh in size, I mean is if u got a complicated mesh u can use that same mesh for the collision, to much will make stuff lag for nothing, best way when u got your mesh built in 3dmax,etc [i did this for many games, just kind of forgot, but a tut reminded me.]

is to make a low poly mesh on top of the model u got built, cover it all up with simple low poly model, try to keep the same diameter as the model u are trying to make

it can be more then 1 pieces, as I will for mine. in unity put the collision, click convex, then removed the mesh u added for the collision , but u will see the green convex collision is still there.

oh by the way, the one way I figured out how to do a cargo baycollision is to add all sides for mesh collider, so 5 pieces of the box, might be another way.

Edited by mjy
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your mesh collider isn`t set right, so u can`t click it.

did your mesh when in unity is what color?when I added a collision= mesh collider, for me its blue and turns green when I click convex, need that for ksp, any other don`t work. best way to add a collision is use what is closest to your original mesh in size, I mean is if u got a complicated mesh u can use that same mesh for the collision, to much will make stuff lag for nothing, best way when u got your mesh built in 3dmax,etc [i did this for many games, just kind of forgot, but a tut reminded me.]

is to make a low poly mesh on top of the model u got built, cover it all up with simple low poly model, try to keep the same diameter as the model u are trying to make

it can be more then 1 pieces, as I will for mine. in unity put the collision, click convex, then removed the mesh u added for the collision , but u will see the green convex collision is still there.

oh by the way, the one way I figured out how to do a cargo baycollision is to add all sides for mesh collider, so 5 pieces of the box, might be another way.

Oh I see, these colors make a difference..

I didn't even realize that there are different colors until you mentioned this - I'm allways working late night and never sober - that might explain stuff lol

will try it soon - currently reworking the texturing and UVs - so I have to try later - but thanks...

I got the right click working by now, without convex - but the collider is just a small sphere at the CoM and it ignored my pylons..

90% of the model goes below ground - I guess that was the missing convex and maybe some scaling screw up..


Now that you mention the shuttle bay..

do colliders also have "normals" in Unity - they do in the game engine Ogre for example?

If yes, could it be, that your box collider just had it's normals outside instead of inside?

I made buildings for other games - and there I had to make a double sided collider to make the wall solid from both sides..

could that be the same issue for you? If so, select your collider in blender or what ever and look for the option "recalculate outside" - but I guess that part you know..

By the way - the whole DS9 like model has 1160 Verteces and 1141 Faces..

I have not one single vertex I could remove to make it "lower" poly..

it is allready a absolute low poly mesh..

no details at all..

If I use a less detailed collider, you would not be able to fly through the open parts in the structure - so 1141 for the collider is the best I can give you..

however - the whole package has about 530Kb with model and texture - so I don't think lag is going to be my problem..

After all it's a huge space station.. - for ~500Kb - should be cheap..

I hope the reality won't prove me wrong lol - we will see..

Plugin News:

I'm close to releasing Beta5..

big improovements for the GUI and new stable powersystem..

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not sure how the collision works for this game yet with unity, I know u got to click convex , highlights it green for me,

well after almost 2 weeks I got my Daedalus going, custom made from me and I added a few freeware parts to it like guns, etc, to lazy to do them. its around 25-30 k polygone, wanted it lower, but almost impossible to get it that low,[10 k] finally go a working animation, first time ever, easier with this game. need to add texture to the Daedalus. engines are on it also, which makes it higher by 5 k.


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not sure how the collision works for this game yet with unity, I know u got to click convex , highlights it green for me,

well after almost 2 weeks I got my Daedalus going, custom made from me and I added a few freeware parts to it like guns, etc, to lazy to do them. its around 25-30 k polygone, wanted it lower, but almost impossible to get it that low,[10 k] finally go a working animation, first time ever, easier with this game. need to add texture to the Daedalus. engines are on it also, which makes it higher by 5 k.


That looks GREAT mjy. The Daedalus is easily one of my favorite sci-fi ships. I can't wait to try it out when your done. I saw one tread were someone started working on a puddle jumper but there hasn't been any word on it for a while now. Would be pretty sweet if that's get done to go with your ship. combined with the LCARS plugin to store the puddle jumpers (if the author finishes it) in the hanger bays.

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ty, u can blame phil and starvision :), for the inspiration to get me back to modding, well I really didn`t take the easiest of ship to start out lol, tried it in ksp, works great,

need to add texture and collision. it got the 4 cargo bays and I added a front cargo bay to capture orbit stuff. I took out the engines, to much for this game at 5 k poly, added low poly ones for now.

can`t wait to try out the new pluging, the other one works great, added bonus stuff will be nice.

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mjy - that looks great - can't wait to test this..

do you need a beta tester? *looking-totally-unsuspiciouse-in-different-directions*

Finally now, I got that green marker color in unity - I hope it works now - currently loading KSP..

It seems, my choices have gotten small - code that cargo bay or gtfo - right?


will do next - but as with many other features before, I have no clue how to do it, be patient..

I can't even garantee, that it will work afterall..

EL is not known for stability - and an explosion rate of 80% (what I had with my launchpads in minmus orbit) would be totally unacceptable for me..

ahh game has loaded - hang on..

bahh - still no luck..

I made a great texture (works in game) and redid the model - also added bump map (not shown in game) and managed to get original dimensions (1.4~Km)

but stil collider seems to be only a tiny one at the CoM and additionally the half of my mesh is gone ?#@

omg - coding is sooo much easier..

however - where was I - ahh right - next on the list cargo bay..

sounds legit..

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Will have a look thanks..

anyway.. I think I've made it allready..

the only thing it does not have is ground collision - but everything else explodes on fast contact..

Next I'll probbably attack animations and add a cargobay.. - I guess lol

I'll include this station in the next beta release..

It's not that simple to place docking ports on it I had to realize lol - after all it's 1.4Km.

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Will have a look thanks..

anyway.. I think I've made it allready..

the only thing it does not have is ground collision - but everything else explodes on fast contact..

Next I'll probbably attack animations and add a cargobay.. - I guess lol

I'll include this station in the next beta release..

It's not that simple to place docking ports on it I had to realize lol - after all it's 1.4Km.

Nice more massive station parts to add to the already ridiculously large 2500m Stanford Torus station parts. This is going to be good. :D

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Beta5 can be downloaded from the first posts link..


You need to edit all cfg file of all impulse vessels..

finally the "BIG renaming" is done - for the most part at least..

The new module names are mentioned in the readme in the download..

in case you want them here:

name = LCARS_ImpulseDrive
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.1
name = LCARS_ShuttleBay
volume = 450
name = LCARS_CargoBay
maxTonnage = 200
name = LCARS_CloakingDevice
name = LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField
name = LCARS_FuelTransfer
name = LCARS_CrewQuartier
name = LCARS_TransporterSystem
name = LCARS_WeaponSystems
name = LCARS_PhotonTorpedo
name = LCARS_TractorBeam

the visibility of new features is quite limited this time..

Cloak - deactivated until something works..

Structural Field - deactivated until a little more works

but the Subsystem GUI rework is progressing well I think..

the nav bar on top is due to be made right - but other than that..

for example: The subsystem panel does resize back to smaller now if you close something - may take a max. of 10 seconds but it does..

The power system was made new once more - now we can (soon) have detailed stats, wich subsystem used how much power..

Data is allready collected - just need to make a gui for this - that's all..

I still would appreciate dozens of reports if there are further bugs in:

- Transporter (I know of the leak - but anything else)

- Tricorder

- tractor beam

- tactical

- fuel transfer

- fuel tanks

- crew quartiers

- Formation mode etc..

Does that stuff work or not?

Here most works, but I can't test it in all situations - I rarly play the game at all since weeks - just coding - so I'd appreciate the participation on this end..

Thank's for the support..

massive station parts

Ohh btw - as promised - the package contains the Cardi Station..

It's still WIP - I'm not as pleased as I want to be - but it does allready use a lot of space in space..

lol - and it's below 1 MB..

Have fun and report back if you find a bug, or the big karma guy in the briar patch named Sirok will reduce your replicator credits for this week by 0.1 credits..

So you see, you just have to report back or you will be totally broke on replicator credits when you reach the briar patch..

Don't know what I'm talking about?

google for "Hidden Frontier"

..or just click here:


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I'm back for a couple days before I leave again, So I hope I can get some stuff done. Things are looking great.

Will have a look thanks..

anyway.. I think I've made it allready..

the only thing it does not have is ground collision - but everything else explodes on fast contact..

Next I'll probbably attack animations and add a cargobay.. - I guess lol

I'll include this station in the next beta release..

It's not that simple to place docking ports on it I had to realize lol - after all it's 1.4Km.

You say the thing does not have ground collision? Do you have the collider set to convex? Post a screenshot or something, then maybe it can get figured out. It's looking pretty cool.


The Daedalus is looking really good. I have not seen much of Stargate, but it looks cool regardless. I'm glad you got back into modding (and that I helped).

Last weekend I started working on something after seeing Justin Kerbice's Flying Saucer. I was inspired to create my own. It's modeled after the C-57-D Space Cruiser, with a few changes. I'm still not sure if I want the lights on there. Which would everyone else prefer? Also here's a few screenshots:

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This is what it looks like without lights:


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Nice more massive station parts to add to the already ridiculously large 2500m Stanford Torus station parts. This is going to be good. :D
I'm back for a couple days before I leave again, So I hope I can get some stuff done. Things are looking great.

You say the thing does not have ground collision? Do you have the collider set to convex? Post a screenshot or something, then maybe it can get figured out. It's looking pretty cool.


The Daedalus is looking really good. I have not seen much of Stargate, but it looks cool regardless. I'm glad you got back into modding (and that I helped).

Last weekend I started working on something after seeing Justin Kerbice's Flying Saucer. I was inspired to create my own. It's modeled after the C-57-D Space Cruiser, with a few changes. I'm still not sure if I want the lights on there. Which would everyone else prefer? Also here's a few screenshots:


This is what it looks like without lights:


Hey look who's back.. :-)

just posted beta5 - it's in there - if you want the blend just drop a word..

If I go on convex, the green marked collision mesh disspears in unity..

mjy said it should be green - it also works different here than in the tut vid he sent - I had seen that allready for the torpedo - but for DS9 it does not work as it should..

maybe I have a different version or I just need more time practicing..


lights are cool - maybe a bit smaller, less obnoxiouse if you think it's needed - but those lights are cool. - I like them..

CargoBay/Shuttle Bay:

please - we need to talk while your here..

I need some info about unity features - I'm sure together we can figure out the best way..

I think it will be needed to add a "trigger" to the shuttle bay parts to make it work..

that is, if I understood correctly what a trigger mesh does..

If yes, that would be a required step for a working shuttle bay part..

I'm sure you can confirm or destroy my theories with ease..

but now I go to sleep..

so no hurry.. - just wanted to warn you :-D

see ya

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Hey look who's back.. :-)

just posted beta5 - it's in there - if you want the blend just drop a word..

If I go on convex, the green marked collision mesh disspears in unity..

mjy said it should be green - it also works different here than in the tut vid he sent - I had seen that allready for the torpedo - but for DS9 it does not work as it should..

maybe I have a different version or I just need more time practicing..

The blend file would be great, then I could see if I could fix it. Your Unity scene file would be great as well, then I could actually tell you what was going wrong.


lights are cool - maybe a bit smaller, less obnoxiouse if you think it's needed - but those lights are cool. - I like them..

That sounds good. maybe I'll shrink them to tail light size and only put on a few.

CargoBay/Shuttle Bay:

please - we need to talk while your here..

I need some info about unity features - I'm sure together we can figure out the best way..

I think it will be needed to add a "trigger" to the shuttle bay parts to make it work..

that is, if I understood correctly what a trigger mesh does..

If yes, that would be a required step for a working shuttle bay part..

I'm sure you can confirm or destroy my theories with ease..

but now I go to sleep..

so no hurry.. - just wanted to warn you :-D

see ya

I've already thought of this beforehand. It should be like airlocks and ladders. I'll just add a box collider in the shuttlebay with the correct tags and layers. I can do that tomorrow hopefully. Luckily this week I'll have my computer, I just won't be as active as usual, but possibly more productive.

In other news, I've discovered something in Unity I had never tried before. That is using the opacity values in animations. This will allow the Tardis to fade out, and the Car to cloak (although I'll probably redo it anyways). Of course Star Trek cloaking is another possibility. All it would take is a simple button to activate an animation and you'd have a cloaking device. I'd probably need to use a plugin for multiple animations, but I think it's worth it. The next week I'm going to focus on finishing up half finished projects, like the Tardis, the Enterprise, and the Saucer. Then I'll finally release the whole mod.

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Let me first give you some details about what I was planning:

Cloak has a slider - the more you slide up, the less is visible of the ship and the more power it'll use.

That will alow the cap'tin to make his ship visible for him at least - from far way you won't see a ship that has 10% opacity in space.

So you might know why the following sentence cought my attention..

>That is using the opacity values in animations.

do I have to do this in blender first or only in unity?

because I know I can manipulate animations in script - I'm however stuck with shaders..

and my cloaking device needs a new trick or it's gone..

If I got this right, the cloak as you described will only work, if the model has such an animation?

that is bad - too many and complicated requirements for my subsystems will take the fun out for modders..

Can such an animation be saved "without" model - if yes, I could try to apply this animation to all parts in the vessel at runtime and hope that works lol

I tried allready an option named Part.opacity = does nothing as it seems..

Also, Ive noticed, I can make the model in unity-editor AND KSP transparent if the unity materials are deactivated/removed (in unity editor set count to 0) - but I don't seem to be able to modify that on runtime.

I also hoped to change the texture coorinates to move the UV into a alpha section - but not all textures will have that - KSP does not seem to allow to change the texture itselfe..

that would have been cool - I could just add to dimensions and fill these areas with nothing and then move the UV there.

There is a dissolve shader in asset store - but it's not free and I have no clue how to use shaders in unity or KSP..

I've written/modified my own shaders allready now - but they don't get used by the game - no idea what I'm missing..

Also KSP does not seem to offer possibilities to control such shaders - so I am at a loss there too..

Siednote: Is anyone here willing to give me a start up hint how to modify/use a shaders and materials in KSP at runtime?

The DLL does not seem to contain one single functin related to shaders - well except the "detonations" and particles - none for gameobjects or parts or vessels.

I'm at a loss..


if the cloaking device shall work on all ships, we have to make a shader or prefab in unity that is generic and can be used with any ship.

than I need to learn how to controll this prefab/shader in KSP script.

if something has to be done on the model to make it possible, I'd rather skip this subsystem and move on..

What are your thoughts?

Am I making sense here or is it just a noob's brabble that sucks if you know more than a noob..

Let me know..


Facts: I can add colliders/triggers and stuff with c# at runtime

These colliders can be unity default meshes (like box, sphere, etc) or I can load them from file as I do for the torpedo mesh.

so - if we could make part-independent triggers/shaders - that I can apply at runtime, the model-makers would not have a lot of trouble.

I guess a generic shader is easier to create than a generic collider since all parts are different..

(..just asking..)

To have it generic, the door/entrance might be the best place to have a trigger ..

I'd prefere a small area in th middle near the floor (the yellow marker in your texture i.E.) - but generically that is not to find by script.

A box surrounding the bay can be added by script.

Or do you think the requirement of such a model addition is no problem for the bay part?

I mean you all have to do it for ladders and internals - so why not for shuttle bay!

The cloak can't make that requirement - because every part on the vessel would need that special treatment..

so not an option there in my opinion..

it needs to work with stock parts too..

Edited by philotical
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Let me first give you some details about what I was planning:

Cloak has a slider - the more you slide up, the less is visible of the ship and the more power it'll use.

That will alow the cap'tin to make his ship visible for him at least - from far way you won't see a ship that has 10% opacity in space.

So you might know why the following sentence cought my attention..

>That is using the opacity values in animations.

do I have to do this in blender first or only in unity?

because I know I can manipulate animations in script - I'm however stuck with shaders..

and my cloaking device needs a new trick or it's gone..

If I got this right, the cloak as you described will only work, if the model has such an animation?

that is bad - too many and complicated requirements for my subsystems will take the fun out for modders..

Can such an animation be saved "without" model - if yes, I could try to apply this animation to all parts in the vessel at runtime and hope that works lol

I tried allready an option named Part.opacity = does nothing as it seems..

Also, Ive noticed, I can make the model in unity-editor AND KSP transparent if the unity materials are deactivated/removed (in unity editor set count to 0) - but I don't seem to be able to modify that on runtime.

I also hoped to change the texture coorinates to move the UV into a alpha section - but not all textures will have that - KSP does not seem to allow to change the texture itselfe..

that would have been cool - I could just add to dimensions and fill these areas with nothing and then move the UV there.

There is a dissolve shader in asset store - but it's not free and I have no clue how to use shaders in unity or KSP..

I've written/modified my own shaders allready now - but they don't get used by the game - no idea what I'm missing..

Also KSP does not seem to offer possibilities to control such shaders - so I am at a loss there too..

Siednote: Is anyone here willing to give me a start up hint how to modify/use a shaders and materials in KSP at runtime?

The DLL does not seem to contain one single functin related to shaders - well except the "detonations" and particles - none for gameobjects or parts or vessels.

I'm at a loss..


if the cloaking device shall work on all ships, we have to make a shader or prefab in unity that is generic and can be used with any ship.

than I need to learn how to controll this prefab/shader in KSP script.

if something has to be done on the model to make it possible, I'd rather skip this subsystem and move on..

What are your thoughts?

Am I making sense here or is it just a noob's brabble that sucks if you know more than a noob..

Let me know..


Facts: I can add colliders/triggers and stuff with c# at runtime

These colliders can be unity default meshes (like box, sphere, etc) or I can load them from file as I do for the torpedo mesh.

so - if we could make part-independent triggers/shaders - that I can apply at runtime, the model-makers would not have a lot of trouble.

I guess a generic shader is easier to create than a generic collider since all parts are different..

(..just asking..)

To have it generic, the door/entrance might be the best place to have a trigger ..

I'd prefere a small area in th middle near the floor (the yellow marker in your texture i.E.) - but generically that is not to find by script.

A box surrounding the bay can be added by script.

Or do you think the requirement of such a model addition is no problem for the bay part?

I mean you all have to do it for ladders and internals - so why not for shuttle bay!

The cloak can't make that requirement - because every part on the vessel would need that special treatment..

so not an option there in my opinion..

it needs to work with stock parts too..

I see what you mean with the animation. I'm not really sure if it's possible to apply an animation.

I do have one possibility. When I was testing the Tardis, I noticed that you could not see Voyager through it, just the stars. I might be able to create a box that has an opacity of 0, then you could just create that model around the ship, rendering it invisible. One problem is you might be able to zoom inside of it, so I'm not sure.

Regarding the shuttlebay: It's not like I'm going to be modeling many of them. Creating the collider is really easy. Just tell me how you want it and I can get it done. Also I've got the exterior of the Tardis done in-game now, including a take-off animation made possible by BahamutoD's plugin.

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New Version:

LCARS-Beta5b-08.07.2014.zip - link is in first post..

just overwrite the plugin..

Change log:

Fixed a bug that prevented Tricirder from working

Fixed a bug that prevented Tricorder Transporter Link Up from working

Added Tricorder Auxiliary Helm Link Up!

Added base of new subsystem: Sensor Array

Added Subsystem: Power System

Finished the rework of Subsystem GUI Layout. It's much easier to handle now..



I guess you are right..

how well do you know your way with shaders..

I have severlal transparancy shaders - but I don't know how to use/animate them..

Shall I send them to you?

Cardassian Station:

Ive added now shape key animations in blender and internals for the shuttle bay..

but in unity I have a complete mess with Animations, Animators and Animation controllers..

no clue what is what so far..

..will try to learn more soon..


got you..

but - I don't know what I "need" - I have some ideas how it might work - but I don't know if those are the best way to do..

I was hoping your unity experiance could shed some more light on the issue..

What would you see as the best way and why?

All my knowledge of triggers and collision meshes are from other game engines.. - and also there quite limited..

Do you have any experiance that could help figure the best way to go?

I aquired some knowledge in KSP coding - but unity-editor and all it's features is still a book in ancient greek to me - and will stay for weeks..

I know the API, you know the editor - the shuttle bay needs both sides - so both of us are in trouble to set the right way..

together we might make it.. - though I need to double check all your suggestions in the API to see if I have the access to the stuff you sugest.. and vice versa

..and honestly - don't expect much suggestions for unity editor from me lol

..not yet..

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I'm not really sure what to do with shaders. Aside from the default KSP ones I have no idea, and even then I know very little. Regarding animations, you can only have one per part, and you have to make sure it's set to legacy when importing. Just look through the stickied tutorial thread and you'll know what I mean. Also I got the model working in-game fine, but there's something you should do that is crucial. Separate the model into several pieces. If you're using convex colliders You'll need to separate it, otherwise ships won't be able to get inside the station pylons. Another solution is to have non-convex colliders, but then you'd need convex somewhere, otherwise it won't collide with the ground.

Basically look into the tutorial thread.

have you finished working on voyager then?

I'm not really sure. I guess I still have to fix some texture issues, and maybe up the quality on the windows. Aside from that I think it's basically done. I'll probably release Voyager apart from the plugin in the main thread, then there can be a module manager config to add Impulse drive support.

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