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Live launch from Copenhagen Suborbitals


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Right now the "amateure" rocket group Copenhagen Suborbitals are streaming the test of their guided rocket Sapphire on youtube:

They're launching this rocket in order to test a prototype active guidance system, so it's a relatively small rocket, it only has a diameter of 220 mm and is 4.5 m tall. The rocket will be launched from the baltic sea, from their own launch platform, a custom built catamaran.

Here's a picture from one of their previous launches, where they launched a larger rocket.

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What a launch!! The guidance system appears to have worked perfectly!! Only downside is they havent recovered the rocket yet due to a failure of the main chute :[

luckily all data was downlinked during flight. Appears to be a VERY successful day for Copenhagen Suborbitals, especially for Flemming the man in charge of the guidance system.....What a badass

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Yeah, it was a great launch!

And it does seem like their parachutes could use a bit more work before Peter Madsen goes flying. ;)

Correct me if i'm wrong, just going off of the blog but it seems like Kristian Von Bengston is the one trying to be the guinea pig lol. Gotta love his drive... and his belief in risking death to go to space!

Kristian talking about risk-


and then this one.. lol Kristian ranks the worst ways to die in a DIY space flight... morbid much?


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Peter is our dear guinea pig for the first ride....

Ah wow thank you for the response, I based my speculation purely on the articles above. :] should have looked further.

I find both Kristian and Peter to be very intelligent, inspiring individuals. Congrats again on the launch, I look forward to keeping up with CS throughout this beautiful project.

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