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Are pictures seriously mandatory in the writing section? I though writing was about that... Writing. I will make one for the cover though :P P.S If it is, I will post pictures.... Reluctantly... Sorry about the somewhat patronizing tone...

Exodus: Battle for the solar system Continued:

The premise is extremely simple, to literally turn the ship into a bomb, the 'Weapon' theoretically works by firing a catalyst of some form. but how does one turn a ship into a bomb without launching a hull breaching missile? I should really read some physics and chemistry textbooks...

"Captain? Captain! Wake up!"

I look up to see head engineer Maudin looking at me.

"Sir, one of our drones sent to CB=A #1256721 have detected a large source of an element embeded in it, we are sampling it now to find out what element is present."

"Good, we need all the materials we can get.

"I will inform you of what we find- Oh. The results just came back, it is Atomic number 92, Uranium. Isotope 243."

"Prepare the mining drones, Maudin."

"Yes, sir."

I walk back to my quarters, tired from today's work.

The room shakes heavily as I fly out of my bed and into a wall. Turning on my magnetic boots, I walk to the cockpit while the sound of explosions consume the space around me.

"Sir, An X-plore Co dreadnought has found us! We believe it to be the Leviathan."

"The second flagship of the X-plore co. Said to be nearly as strong as Prometheus, and twice as fast."

"Sir! Our drives cannot accelerate fast enough to escape their fire. we can only fight!"

"Maudin, remember that project a year ago? the E.V.W?"

"I do, it works, but I doubt it could be of use."

"Prepare it for action. How many do we have?"

"Only one,"

"Ok, that's all we need."

"Are you sure about this sir?"

"Definitely Maudin! Open the hangar door!"

The hangar door opens as I propel myself slowly to the exit. This is it, Time to fight, nowhere else to flee. I look at my mechanical suit, wondering if she can take what I'm going to do with it. I start propelling towards the leviathan, faster and faster as I go, 10m/s, 20, 30, 40. 0. I stop right outside the metallic shell of one the best ships in the solar system. I press the right hand into the shell, and pull the trigger.

KABOOM! Air rushes out the breach, this must have got their attention.

"Changing kinetic cannon to machine laser." The machine says in it's mechanical voice.

Usually in a breach you do one of two things, close all blast door, or open all non vital blast doors. Leviathan have done the latter. I think it is so their soldiers can attack. I wander from room to room, admiring how sleek the walls and floor are. I step into a large room filled with soldiers, each and every one of them armed with beam rifles. The sleek doors lock behind me as I turn to the left. A kerbal is walking towards me in a uniform covered with badges.

"Jebediah Rivea, Welcome to the Leviathan." He says smugly. "It's a pleasure to have you on board"

"I bet it is."

"I'm not going to shoot you, well, if you cooperate, that is."

"Shame, I don't fancy a night in the brig."

"No Jebediah, I have no intention of doing that. Instead, I will make an offer. Your EVA Suit for your safe escape."

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to cooperate."

"Soldiers, Aim." He says, pointing to me.

"This is to make sure you don't back off our deal, I'm sure you understand."

"I understand, It's only protocol... 11"

"PASSWORD REQUIRED." The machine screeches in my ear.

"Go on, take the suit off, Jeb'."

"It's a shame your deal... Has CATASTROPHE written all over it."

"Password Accepted, Protocol 11 activation"

Reflective shielding covers the machine as the guns metamorph into different weapons.


Beams bounce off my armour as if they were K-balls

"Jebediah, surrender now!" The officer says, holding a railgun to my helmet "You're outnumbered AND outgunned!"

"Outnumbered, yes. Outgunned? I beg to differ." I say firing a few violet projectile at the soldiers, causing them to evaporate with a large portion of the wall behind them.

"ENERGY LOW!" The machine screeches

"**** This!" The officer says, scrambling to the blast door.


I run clunkily through dimly lit corridors, 'chasing' the officer. If you could even call it that. I walk into a room which overlooks space, reds and blues flickering on screens with text that is barely readable from this distance. The officer is standing nearby the window.

"Leviathan to X-plore Co command, requesting immediate assistance! We have been boarded, majority of crew dead, JUST PLEASE HELP ME! I DON'T DESERVE TO DIE!"

"Perhaps you should have though about that before you attempted to kill me? Hypocrite, it's people like you that make this system the place it is!"

"I beg of you, I'll give you anything! Just please don't kill me-AHHHH!"

The officer's body drops to the floor, blacked by fire. I walk over to the intercom.

"Is this CEO Asuri?"

"No.. Who the hell are you?"

"Me? I'm the reason this officer's dead. Pansy didn't put up a good fight."

"Fleet admiral handolf... Who ARE you? I will hunt you to the edges of the universe-"

"The Universe has no edge, dumbass. The names Rivea by the way, Jebediah Rivea, a pleasure to meet you."

"You cocky son of a kraken."

"I think I have the right to be cocky, after all, I just took a ship out single handedly. Shame, shes a nice ship, and she will make some fine parts."

"How DARE you insult one of our flagships like that!"

"Oh, and as your crying to Asuri, tell him that I said that the X-plore Co will be gone in a year's time." I say, smashing the intercom.

"So thats what happened, admiral?"

"Indeed, Jebediah Rivea destroyed the Leviathan single handedly."

"I expected him to."

"Sir, then why did you send it into battle."

"Don't worry, I striped all the good parts and took the fleet admiral offboard."

"So the fleet admiral wasn't onboard?"

"No, I wasn't."

"It's all part of my plan."

"Your plan for what, sir?"

"For removing the only person that stands in the way between me reuniting the solar system... Jebediah Rivea..."

Edited by towermaster2
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  RocketTurtle said:
MORE MORE MORE MORE! Heh, anyways, amazing story, loving it, and if pictures were gonna be used, you should see if Rareden can make one for you. His thread is the "kerbal art" sticky, if you haven't, you should check it out.

Don't worry, The story's only getting started >:D

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A picture is 1000 words, so that seems to be maybe one picture's worth...

I know that my AAR needs to be pic-heavy due to my... Lack of talent in writing, so don't feel like you need pictures man. Keep up the wording!

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  towermaster2 said:
Are pictures seriously mandatory in the writing section? I though writing was about that... Writing. I will make one for the cover though :P P.S If it is, I will post pictures.... Reluctantly... Sorry about the somewhat patronizing tone...

No, I just think it would be awesome if you made screenshots to act out the story... Sounding good!

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  Captain_Party said:
No, I just think it would be awesome if you made screenshots to act out the story... Sounding good!

I personally think that using screenshots would hinder my writing abilities, not only because i have to take screenshots in game, but also because I cannot develop my descriptive skills.

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This is one of the best Mini-Novels I have ever read. Honestly, I'm sure that if you change the names of the people to make it unrelated it to KSP, you can find a publisher and make money off of this, it is jaw-droppingly amazing so far!

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having fully prepared myself with some flame resistant clothing, I`ll make a risky post.

I have nothing but praise for your creative writing effort; I hope you will continue to develop this story for some time yet, and I will be looking forward to updates.

However, the post above stating `I hope to have a job in writing` encourages me to advise that you spend a little more time during writing to ensure that simple grammar mistakes are eliminated. Basic errors such as random capitalisation of letters mid sentence, and mistakenly using `then` in place of `than` etc. will very much hinder the progress of a career in professional writing, if you do in fact choose to pursue it.

You have the creative element nailed down as it is, giving a little more attention to the finer details from now on will greatly benefit your work.

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  soranno said:
having fully prepared myself with some flame resistant clothing, I`ll make a risky post.

I have nothing but praise for your creative writing effort; I hope you will continue to develop this story for some time yet, and I will be looking forward to updates.

However, the post above stating `I hope to have a job in writing` encourages me to advise that you spend a little more time during writing to ensure that simple grammar mistakes are eliminated. Basic errors such as random capitalisation of letters mid sentence, and mistakenly using `then` in place of `than` etc. will very much hinder the progress of a career in professional writing, if you do in fact choose to pursue it.

You have the creative element nailed down as it is, giving a little more attention to the finer details from now on will greatly benefit your work.

There was no need for the flame resistant clothing, I understand what you mean. and I know I make these mistake, it's just that bad habits die hard, really. I will continue to refine and edit previous chapters as well.

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Thank you for receiving my criticism so well. Bad habits do indeed die hard! I`m so tough on my younger students for that very reason (while feeling bad for them at the same time, because I`m such an ass about it :) )

Looking forward to your next chapters with great anticipation!

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