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KSP Trajectory Browser?

Moon Goddess

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Does anything like http://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/index.php exist for KSP?

I know about http://ksp.olex.biz/ but I'm actually looking for something that lists the different trajectories and different delta-v

If I'm correct a new save game always starts with the planets in the same position, so it should be easy to computer where any planet will be when.

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Press the M key when in flight.

Like this? Hotlinked.

No no, check out the link I linked. Like here's all the window times to go to mars and back in the next 15 years.

It's really neat you should take a look.

I will check that out it looks much closer to what I was looking for.

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Kerbal Alarm Clock and Protractor both can give these times (or at least relative to the current time), though they disagree so there are probably various ways of calculating this. If you click the phase angle (theta) column in Protractor it converts it to times instead of angles. As for transit times, they vary a little bit by your precise departure profile (in addition to eccentricities and inclinations of orbits), so it's tough to find exact numbers.

I do remember somewhere that someone came up with the frequencies for each window, at least (ie Kerbin->Duna window every XX days YY hours starting at ZZ:ZZ:ZZ). It was probably from a thread linked from The Drawing Board


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