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First foray into modelling and some questions.

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I'm completely new to 3d modelling, blender, unity, and game modding and I was looking for a few tips.

This is my first attempt at a part -- 1.25m a cargo bay with sliding doors (blank texture). There are numerous things wrong with it, but I had a few questions before I try again.


With concave objects like this, what's the best approach for collision meshes? I used 5 meshes of about 7 triangles each.

When approximating my shape for the collision meshes, should I keep them entirely within the models they approximate, keep them outside even if they stick out a little way, or compromise (as I did here).

What are the performance considerations I should be taking into account (ie. number of triangles in a collision mesh vs splitting it into two meshes with lower count over all)? How many triangles in a part before I need to think about conserving/reducing them?

Are there some simpler instructions for doing the attach nodes the new way somewhere? I can't really follow what is required.

Finally, if there's someone who likes texturing but likes the other aspects less, I'd be happy to try and make some (simple) models/configs as I can't do textures for the life of me.

Edit: Some progress on the attach nodes. I can make them and get them the right position but there's a spurious factor of 1.25 somewhere. I imagine this is because I messed up in blender thinking 1.25m parts were 1.25 units and not 1 and had to rescale in unity, but unity is doing strange things with the scaling that I can't make sense of.

I also can't seem to change the size of the attach node (which I gather has some consequences with regards to the physics as well as being important to work right with FAR and the aesthetic issues).

Edited by SchroedingersHat
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A picture as well helps, some peoples KSP installs can take a while to start up.

The unity documentation recommends using multiple primitive colliders (box, capsule, sphere) over a single mesh collider, but how much of that is because of fewer faces and how large the mesh collider fixed overhead is I'm not sure.

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