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[Old] CONCORD Research and Engineering: Storm in the Stars (FINAL LOG: Homecoming)


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LOG 12





























[60 Seconds Until Munar Touchdown]

[CPGB3A – Concord Colony Building “Demeter”]

[19:00, May 19th, 135 A.W.]







Gregly: Shut up Chaddin! Bartdrin, ASAS, NOW!

Bartdrin: Alright, activating now!






Bartdrin: Oh god, I think that did it!

Chaddin: We’re saved? We’re saved!

Gregly: Bring us down Bartdrin. Slowly.










Bartdrin: Touchdown!

Chaddin: Phew! That was close.

Gregly: Too close if you ask me. I need a drink…

Bartdrin: Oh wow, would you look at that…






Chaddin: Man. That is…something…

Gregly: *sigh* It’s the little moments in life that make it all worth it huh?

Chaddin: This is Demeter to CMC. We’ve landed safely, and the view is beautiful. Over and out.






[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[7:00, May 20th, 135 A.W.]


Isaac: Alright everyone, today is an important day. These new habitat modules are going to breathe new life into Poseidon. After all the hard work they’ve done over the years they deserve this much. So let’s get this show on the road okay? Sidgel, is everything good with the launch vehicle?

Sidgel: Yes sir. It’ll just be a standard Omega 5 Super Heavy launch. Those typically go pretty well so, I don’t expect any problems.

Isaac: Well expect them. Always better to be cynical and prepared then optimistic and not.

Sidgel: Can’t I be optimistic and prepared?

Isaac: *sigh* Let’s just launch this damn thing already.







[Habitat – 1]

[7:00, May 20th, 135 A.W.]















[600km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Javelin]

[5:00, May 18th, 135 A.W.]






Wendy: Hmmmmm…

Aaron: Is something wrong Wendy?

Sarah: She probably isn’t too happy that their gutting the ship.

Wendy: They better not touch any of the engine systems…

Ribney: Oh don’t worry Ensign! I’m sure whatever changes they make will be for the better.

Wendy: Hmpf, yeah, sure… I just wish they consulted me first.




Nedtrey: Bring her in gently Lando. Can’t have this thing nicking the dry dock, could send it into a spin.

Lando: Yeah, yeah she’s fine. Comin in as slow as can be.

Nelvey: I’ve never seen a dry dock like this before.

Nedtrey: Yeah neither have I. Apparently the station division has been putting out a lot of stuff recently.

Nelvey: Hey I don’t mind. It’d be cool to have more places we can go in the system other than just Orion station. You know, maybe have some couches, a flat screen TV, some snacks…

Nedtrey: Yeah keep dreaming pal. You sound like a tourist more than an astronaut.

Nelvey: Hey, I had to put up with living on Poseidon for  like five years. I’d like to settle down somewhere where I can actually relax, even if it were just for a little while.

Nedtrey: Well I don’t know about TV, couches, or snacks, but we may be able to actually feel some gravity again if Orion station’s new upgrade has come in yet.

Nelvey: Pfff, gravity is overrated.

Nedtrey: Hah! We’ll see if you’re still saying that when you have to spend months on end without knowing which way is up.

Nelvey: Up is overrated too.








Lando: Whelp, that’s us. We’re docked.

Nedtrey: *sigh* Now to wait for the shuttle to come pick us up.


(Nelvey puts his hand on Nedtrey’s shoulder)


Nelvey: Hey, don’t worry about it sir, she’s going to be good as new.

Nedtrey: You’re hand. Remove it.


(Nelvey retracts his hand)


Nelvey: (nervous laughter) S-sorry about that.

Nedtrey: *sighs* I'm just messing with you LT.

Nelvey: Hah! Right, I knew that.






[Concord Headquarters]

[Adviser’s Office]

[18:00, May 19th, 135 A.W.]


Sophia: And you’re positive it’s still there?

Frank: Without a doubt. We’ve informed everyone around to not go within ten kilometers of it, and the Polaris is keeping constant surveillance.

Sophia: Good, we need to make sure we don’t lose sight of it alright?

Frank: Affirmative HQ. Over and out.

Sophia: Well, now that’s taken care of.


(phone begins to ring)


Sophia: *sigh* Now what? (answers) Hello?

(unknown): Hello, is this um, Sophia? Sophia…

Sophia: It’s just Sophia.

(unknown): Right. I was directed toward you when I attempted to reach the CEO. Apparently he’s not well right now?

Sophia: I’m afraid not, and exactly why is it you were not directed to the current acting CEO?

(unknown): I’m afraid what I need to discuss is a bit too… sensitive, to be shared with the acting CEO.

Sophia: Wait, who is this?

(unknown): Oh yes, where are my manners? My name is Chris Kerman, I’m a member of the Allied Intelligence Service.

Sophia: O-Oh, I’m very sorry! If I knew it was you-

Chris: Please, please! It’s my fault for not introducing myself right away. I’m a bit of a klutz you know?

Sophia: This is regarding the men responsible for the Minmus incident correct?

Chris: Ah, straight to business. Yes, it is. My boss told me to share with you the details of the information that we…creatively extracted from them.

Sophia: So they talked?

Chris: Oh please, they all talk. It’s just WHAT they say that really matters.

Sophia: I need names, places, targets. What have you got for me?

Chris: I can give you names. “Mac”, “Johnson”, and “Freddy” were the people who tried to hijack your freighter. They’re a part of an underground interplanetary mercenary group known as “The Devil’s Wings”. Quite a charming name don’t you think?

Sophia: So then who hired them?

Chris: That’s the unfortunate part, they don’t know. Whoever approached them was extremely secretive, something that usually mercenaries like these frown upon. Except when he threw around the reward total of ten million kredits, they were willing to look past it. Funny how fast a few extra zeroes can change someone’s mind isn’t it? Also, it seems they were given strict orders not to surrender no matter what. They were guaranteed that Concord wouldn’t dare endanger its fellow employees. Too bad you guys know better huh?

Sophia: Do you have anything useful for me?

Chris: Well I can tell you this, whoever hired them already had previous knowledge of your tech. Everything from standard Concord protocol to the nuances of your IFF systems were supplied to these guys in order to help them complete their mission.

Sophia: Anything else?

Chris: That’s it I’m afraid. There was really nothing else for them to say before they…expired.

Sophia: I…I see…

Chris: Oh, and “Just Sophia”, this may just be me talking out loud here, but if I we’re you I’d be pretty happy that I had friends in high places. Friends who could make great things happen for me.

Sophia: Um, of course. … Well then…goodbye.

Chris: Ciao!






[Concord Headquarters]

[Head of EXD’s Office]

[15:00, May 15th, 135 A.W.]


Reaves: Gone. Gone? What do you mean gone?!

George: I don’t know sir. It was just that, I was looking through the tracking station’s records when I noticed that we hadn’t received a return ping from the “Farsight” IPMAKS probe in over a week. We’re not really sure what happened to it.

Reaves: Over a week? That’s, that’s- *sigh*. Are you sure you don’t have any idea what may have happened to it?

George: Well, it could have been hit just in the right place with a micro-meteorite, could have been fried from solar radiation, since the sun has been having some pretty erratic activity lately…

Reaves: Could…could it have possibly been intercepted?

George: Absolutely not.

Reaves: How are you so sure?

George: Well sir, that would imply an interplanetary rendezvous, and well, that’s never been done before…

Reaves: That we know of.

George: To be honest sir, I think you’re being paranoid. If this really ends up being a big deal I’m sure you could just send a new one right?

Reaves: *sigh* I don’t know, maybe. Thank you for telling me this.

George: You’re welcome sir.






[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[5:00, May 21st, 135 A.W.]


Isaac: Okay guys, we’ve almost got it. Just a little more…and there!






Isaac: Phew. All the habitat modules have been docked together.

Nigel: *yawn* That was horrible…

George: Yeah. I’m kind of hoping we never have to do that again.

Isaac: But we do. We have to do it all over again for the Mun remember?

Control Room: *groans*

Isaac: Alright, now, make the burn for Minmus.

Nigel: On it sir.






Isaac: Alright, should be there in two days.

Greg: Does that mean we get a break sir?

Isaac: Well, we still have a lot of other things to do today…

Control Room: Awwww…

Isaac: But, what the hell?

Control Room: (cheering)






[600km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Javelin]

[7:00, May 18th, 135 A.W.]


Ribney: Oh! Incoming transmission; looks like the shuttle is finally here.






Nedtrey: Patch me through Rib.

Ribney: Okay!

Mathias: This is Icarus K1b “Humming bird”. Do you receive me CSV Javelin?

Nedtrey: This is Javelin actual, we receive you. You got enough room in there for us?

Mathias: ’fraid not. This thing seats seven in total but I’m driving. One of you is going to have to stay behind for a second trip.

Nelvey: Crap. Well, I guess I’ll stay then.

Nedtrey: Lieutenant, exactly who in the hell gave you the authority to make that call?

Nelvey: Well, I was just-

Nedtrey: No excuses! The commanding officer is always the last off his ship.

Nelvey: Um, are you sure sir?

Nedtrey: Go on now. Let me pay my last respects to her.

Nelvey: *sigh* You’re too dramatic sir.

Lando: Gonna have to exit through the air lock. This thing ain’t got any pressurized corridors.

Nedtrey: Alright everyone, you heard him. Get on your suits and head on through.








(Nelvey enters through the airlock)


Nelvey: Alright, I’m the last one. Let’s go.

Mathias: Roger that. Next stop, Orion station.









[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[9:00, May 23rd, 135 A.W.]


Nigel: Alright sir, were just about ready to make our capture burn.

Isaac: Do it Nigel. Nice and easy.








Nigel: Got it sir. We’re ready to start landing the modules.

Isaac: Okay. Now, the first module is attached to the train backwards. We’re going to have to pull it off, flip around, and grab it from the other end. Think you can manage that?

Nigel: Well, it is my job sir.

Isaac: Good, get on it.










Nigel: Module detached. I’m going to distance myself from the rest of the train.






Nigel: Okay. Undocking from module…now. Now I’ve just got to align parallel with the other end…












Nigel: Got it sir.

Isaac: Good. Now time to bring this thing down. Punch in coordinates nine degrees south and ninety four degrees west.

Nigel: Done. The landing autopilot should bring us down in a few minutes.

Isaac: Excellent! Now we just have to sit back and wait.








Nigel: Okay, we’re coming in now on the dark side of the moon. Very low visibility.

Isaac: That’s fine, we don’t need to see as long as the auto pilot’s working.

Nigel: Alright. Relative surface velocity has been nulled out; beginning final decent.






Nigel: Alright, preparing to make breaking burn in three, two, one…and go.




Isaac: Dear god what just happened?!

Nigel: I-I don’t know sir.

Isaac: What’s the status of the 3MACP?

Nigel: It…it seems as though it crashed right into the ground.






Isaac: But that can’t be right! The auto pilot was working perfectly! How could it have just…wait…

Nigel: What is it sir? Do you have an idea of what happened?






Isaac: There were three RTGs on the top, each separated by one-hundred and twenty degrees…

Nigel: Sir…?

Isaac: The 3MACP has four engines.

Nigel: Wait, you mean-?

Isaac: When it made its breaking burn, the craft pitched to the heavier side, and crashed right into the ground.

Nigel: It…it was unbalanced?

Isaac: Damn, financing isn’t going to be happy about this one.

Nigel: I’m going to contact Poseidon, see if everyone is okay down there.

Isaac: Do it.

Nigel: This is CMC to Poseidon, come in Poseidon, is everyone alright?

Frank: This is Poseidon, what’s going on?

Nigel: When trying to land one of the new habitat modules the landing vehicle lost control and crashed into the ground. Is everyone okay?

Frank: Um, I don’t know what you’re talking about CMC, everything’s fine here.

Nigel: Wait, what?

Frank: CMC, could you possibly double check your coordinates?

Nigel: Yeah sure give me a—oh.

Frank: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Make sure you’re more careful next time when landing millions of kredits worth of equipment. (hangs up)

Isaac: Wait, that happened?

Nigel: Um, hehe, it seem as though I plugged in the coordinates nine north and ninety-four east, instead of nine south and ninety-four west.

Isaac: Phew! Wow Nigel, it seems that even when you screw up it works in our favor.

Nigel: So, I’m guessing we have to send an entirely different 3MACP lander…

Isaac: *sigh* Yes. But luckily we still have those three other modules up in orbit. It’s not a complete loss.

Nigel: I’ll go inform the SCD. They should be able to whip one up very soon.

Isaac: Let’s hope so.






[Concord Mission Control]


[18:00, May 23rd, 135 A.W.]















[205km Above Kerbin]

[Icarus – K1b “Humming Bird”]

[9:00, May 18th, 135 A.W.]






Mathias: Almost there…






Mathias: And we’re docked.

Nelvey: Phew, after having to skip through the atmosphere like that, I can’t wait to go and relax!

Lando: Aw hell, we only hit fifty clicks up! Thought you were used to stuff like that by now.

Nelvey: Lando, as your superior officer, I command you to stop patronizing me.

Lando: (grumbles)

Mathias: Alright, you’re all good to board.




Wendy: Alright! Time to-(falls down)-ughhhhhhhh.


(Sarah climbs down the ladder to the centrifuge)


Sarah: Yeah you may not want to—oof—do…that…too…fast.

Wendy: Ughhhhhh…everything hurts…

Aaron: It’d most likely hurt a lot more if you weren’t taking atrophy medicine.


(Aaron climbs in)


Aaron: Wow…it has quite the impact when you first step in… Feels very strange…

Sarah: Just your body getting used to knowing what up is again. Should go away after a few minutes.


(Nelvey climbs in)


Nelvey: How you guys feeling?

Wendy: Like a mountain is sitting on top of me…

Nelvey: Well you’re going to have to get up, this won’t do you any good unless you stand.

Sarah: You seem peachy.

Nelvey: Oh, I’ve done this countless times before. On Poseidon you have to use Capricorn’s centrifuges at least once every two weeks.


(Wendy gets up)


Wendy: Ugh, it feels like the ground is pulling me towards it…

Aaron: That would be the centripetal force. You see, you’re being drawn away from the—

Wendy: Shut up Aaron…I know what it is…


(Lando and Ribney climb in)


Lando: How you cry babies doin’?

Ribney: Oh Lando… There just not used to being thrown back and forth between zero and one gee.

Sarah: And I guess you two are, seeing as you’re also from Poseidon?

Ribney: Right you are!

Wendy: How long are we gonna be in here?

Nelvey: Probably a few days.

Wendy: What?!

Nelvey: And then for another few days before we get back onto the Javelin.

Aaron: Well… How unpleasant.

Nelvey: Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. It’s just like being back on Kerbin, except less sky and water.

Sarah: And space.

Nelvey: Yeah, that too.






[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[12:00, May 25th, 135 A.W.]






Isaac: Okay, we’re landing in the right place.

Nigel: Yes.

Isaac: The new 3MACP is perfectly balanced.

Nigel: Yup.

Isaac: There’s no possible way this could go wrong.

Nigel: Well I wouldn’t-

Isaac: No possible way…






Nigel: We’re coming in sir, preparing for breaking burn in three, two, one…relative surface velocity nulled, we’re beginning our final decent.






Nigel: Okay, engaging thrusters. Slowing down our velocity…






Nigel: Touchdown in three, two, one… That’s it! We did it!

Control Room: (cheering)

Isaac: Well I’ll be damned.

Rachael: I’m informing Poseidon now. They’re going to be happy to hear this!

Isaac: Nigel, unfold the solar panels and inflate the living spaces before you’re done.

Nigel: Yes sir.








Nigel: Alright, legs retracted, solar panels unfolded, and living spaces inflated. We’re ready to go sir.

Isaac: Alright. Take her off, nice and slowly.

Nigel: Alright. Giving power to engines…now.






Nigel: Um, that’s weird, seems as though the throttle isn’t working.

Isaac: Really?

Nigel: Well, I guess I could just use the ascent autopilot.

Isaac: Wait, I don’t think that’s such a good ide-

Nigel: Oh? Oh… Uh oh.

Isaac: You did it didn’t you?

Nigel: Well, at least it took off… But, um, we may have a slight problem.









[Poseidon, Minmus]

[Habitat Module 3]

[12:00, May 25th, 135 A.W.]


Luke: You’re kidding me…

CMC: Well you see, there’s no way we can dock to it if it’s upside down, so we have to move it manually.

Luke: You want me to ram this thing with my DEMV?

CMC: Not ram. The gravity on Minmus is so low, you’ll probably be able to flip it over with a light tap. However, it’s too heavy for a kerbal to do it, so the DEMV is our only choice.

Luke: So you’re going to solve an act of recklessness with another act of recklessness?

CMC: Well, we’re hoping you won’t be reckless.

Luke: You mean you’re hoping I’ll be less reckless than you guys?

CMC: Please get it done Mr. Luke.

Luke: *sigh*, I’ll see what I can do.







Luke: Alright, no big deal, I’m just giving it a little love tap. *sigh* Here goes nothing.
















Luke: Well, that turned out better than expected. Um, CMC? The Habitat Module is fine; right-side up just like it should be.

CMC: Good work Mr. Luke. The other modules should be coming in shortly. CMC out.







[CPGB3A – Concord Colony Building “Poseidon”]

[10:00, May 26th, 135 A.W.]


Munson: All systems are go CMC. We are ready for liftoff.

CMC: Copy that Poseidon. Commencing countdown.






















[Orion Station]


[11:00, May 18th, 135 A.W.]


Nelvey: So, guess we’re here for two weeks huh?

Nedtrey: Yeah…

Nelvey: Did you “pay your respects”?

Nedtrey: She’ll be fine, I know it.

Nelvey: Are you at least excited about our upcoming mission? Only seventy days you know?

Nedtrey: I only ever went to Duna once. It was alright I guess. If we don’t run into pirates or anything, things should go alright. Though, I’m not looking forward to going back into interplanetary space.

Nelvey: It’s my first time. I’m hoping it isn’t as bad as everyone’s told me.

Nedtrey: Well, it’s a short trip to Duna, so we should be alright. Plus the planet doesn’t have a magnetic field, meaning we don’t have to deal with radiation belts once we get there. But then again, anything can happen…

Nelvey: So you aren’t as excited as the rest of us?

Nedtrey: Well, if you guys are excited, I’m excited.

Nelvey: At least we’ll have a brand new ship to tackle the universe with right?

Nedtrey: Well, it isn’t brand new, though HQ refuses to tell me the extent of the modifications they’re making.

Nelvey: Same old secrecy?

Nedtrey: After what happened at Minmus I’d say that’s a good thing.

Nelvey: Do you think we’re ready? For the mission I mean?

Nedtrey: The star crew of the CSV Javelin? ‘course we are.

Nelvey: (smiles) Well coming from you that’s really reassuring.

Nedtrey: You should go do some exercise, stretch out those limbs of yours.

Nelvey: (salutes) Yes sir!






[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[20:00, May 25th, 135 A.W.]










Nigel: Well, that’s the last one sir.

Isaac: Alright, good.

Nigel: I’m detaching the module. Giving power to engines…






Nigel: There, should be in orbit relatively soon sir.

Isaac: Then we’re done for the day I guess.

Nigel: And the next CPGB3A should be landed on Minmus in three days.

Isaac: *sigh* Well, let’s go home. Drinks are on me guys.

Nigel: I could use a few bevs myself.

Isaac: A few more days and we do the whole damn thing over again, can you believe it?

George: You said it yourself sir, we don’t stop until our legs give out.

Isaac: Yeah well mine are about to. C’mon let’s go everyone.





"You have ten seconds to tell me who you are."

"You must be, "Dragon", the leader of the Devil's Wings.


"My name is Joe Kerman, I'm here on the behalf of my employers who wish to enlist your services."

"Yeah well we're a bit short on men at the moment and I promised to stop doing business with shady anonymous "employers"."

"Yes, I heard about what happened at Minmus, real shame."

"Look you give me the name of whoever it is you work for and-"

I drop a suitcase on his table and pop the top.

"I work for "10 million Kredits Incorporated", and we'd like to hire you for a job. Does that sound up your alley?"

"Dragon" look it me with tired eyes and sighs.

"I'm listening."






Edited by HippieGold
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Great one man! I'm wondering if you mind if i write a parallel from the standpoint of a corporation that intends to investigate new technologies but has to enter hostile territory to obtain necessary data to do so. This corporation would perhaps be able to make a contract with concord at some point if you'd like. Concord could provide the capabilities to reach its goal in return for exchange for potentially better tech, but also potentially making enemies with other corporations in the process. What do you think? If you don't like the idea of collaboration though i'd still be interested in running a parallel, even if they don't directly connect

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TheGatesofLogic said:
Great one man! I'm wondering if you mind if i write a parallel from the standpoint of a corporation that intends to investigate new technologies but has to enter hostile territory to obtain necessary data to do so. This corporation would perhaps be able to make a contract with concord at some point if you'd like. Concord could provide the capabilities to reach its goal in return for exchange for potentially better tech, but also potentially making enemies with other corporations in the process. What do you think? If you don't like the idea of collaboration though i'd still be interested in running a parallel, even if they don't directly connect

All you need to know really is that I'm not going to be incorporating the interstellar mod. Other than that, yeah sure, go for it.

Edit: Future HippieGold here, I ended up incorporating the interstellar mod. Ain't that some s**t?

Edited by HippieGold
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I hope you don't mind my asking, but what mods are you using exactly? i know most of what you are using from observation, but some insight into all of what you are using would help with regards to determining what a "better" technology would be without completely upending the balance of the parts you are using. I DO intend to create my own parts for this better tech because i find many of the propulsion mods to be highly unbalanced and i wish to minimalize this within at least my story, while still providing enough incentive for a smooth plot-line to emerge. Thanks

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The mods I use for Concord: Storm in the stars:

B9 Aerospace


Demv, Demv mark 2, Demv Mark 5


Mpss nautilus

Firespitter propeller and helicopter parts

Remote tech/remote tech compatibility

Carrier Parts


Fustek Station parts


Zeus telescope


ST escape pod

TT modular wheels

Weyland eep escape pod

Falcon II VTOL

Kerbal alarm clock


KW rocketry

Flag and panels

Weyland station rings


Damned robotics


Mun rover

Crew manifest


Lazor system

Eterno-rest space coffin

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LOG 13




LOG 13 - Sacrifices



























[6km Above Minmus]

[Icarus – K3b “Dragonfly”]

[2:00, May 23rd, 135 A.W.]






Wiloly: This is “Dragonfly” to HQ, I’m coming in hot on the target.

HQ: Copy that “Dragonfly”, continue on your current vector.

Wiloly: Roger that.










Wiloly: I have visual confirmation. Nothing else in the area, just the ship. Um, HQ, are you sure this thing is safe to be around?

HQ: From what we could tell from orbital imagery there are no explosive devices on the craft.

Wiloly: Well, alright then… I’m beginning my final decent.








Wiloly: Four-hundred and fifty above, moving in at eight meters per second.








Wiloly: One-hundred and eighty meters, ten meters per second.








Wiloly: Alright, touchdown achieved.

HQ: What can you see from your position pilot?

Wiloly: Hmmm, it’s definitely a lander. Pretty dirty, lots of scratches on it. Man, it looks old. I mean, really old. Maybe a few decades or something?

HQ: Decades? Hmmm, could be an old münar lander.

Wiloly: There aren’t any docking ports on it… I wonder how it got all the way out here.

HQ: It was probably a piece of scrap sold off the black market. Something cheap and disposable.

Wiloly: Alright, I’m going to exit the shuttle to take a better look.










Wiloly: Wow, there isn’t even a ladder on this thing.

HQ: Makes sense. With such low gravity on Minmus they probably scrapped off any ladders on it, seeing as an RCS pack is more than enough to reach the cockpit. Alright, continue to proceed toward the capsule and enter through the airlock.

Wiloly: Gotchya HQ. Activating RCS pack.










(Wiloly enters the lander)


Wiloly: Oh wow, there’s barely anything in here.






Wiloly: No monitors, no radios, there’s even barely any food here.

HQ: Hmmm… Anything in there that looks out of the ordinary? Anything that could give us any clues?

Wiloly: I’m afraid not. This thing is really outdated but, other than that, looks just like a regular Mark II capsule.

HQ: Okay, that’s enough for today. Pack it in and head back to Capricorn station.

Wiloly: Alright, heading back home, over and out.






[700km Above Minmus]

[CPGB3A – Concord Colony Building “Poseidon”]

[19:00, May 28th, 135 A.W.]






Munson: This is “Poseidon” to CMC. We’ve just reached periapsis and are getting ready to circularize our orbit.

CMC: Copy that “Poseidon”. You clear to begin the burn.








Munson: Alright, Minmus capture achieved, orbiting at seven-hundred clicks. Now lowering periapsis to seventeen clicks; we’re moving in to land.

CMC: Alright “Poseidon”, fly safe.

Munson: We always do. “Poseidon” out.

Dudfel: After what happened to the “Demeter”…do you really think this will go without a hitch? I mean, I know this is Minmus and there’s less gravity to deal with but-

Munson: We’ll be fine Dudfel. The so-called glitch with “Demeter” wasn’t a software problem at all; their transfer stage while slowing them down for decent ran out of fuel, causing the landing autopilot to bugger out and predict a crash landing, which obviously caused the crew to go into a panic.

Dudfel: Oh…

Munson: So as long as we separate before our final decent, we’ll be fine.

Dudfel: Good to know.

Johnlo: I bet the guys on Poseidon are going to be real excited about all the stuff we brought for them.

Munson: You’re telling me. Bet it’s been years since they’ve laid their eyes on a real television.

Dudfel: Ha, I wouldn’t be surprised. And I don’t know about you but I go crazy after a week without a cup of coffee.

Johnlo: Well then let’s not waste any time. Let us go save them from their misery!






[15km Above Minmus]

[CPGB3A – Concord Colony Building “Poseidon”]

[22:00, May 28th, 135 A.W.]






Munson: This is CPGB3A “Poseidon” to Capricorn. We’re on course to land at Poseidon, please inform the colonists to go through with proper imminent landing safety procedures.

Kencan: This isn’t our first rodeo you know? We know what we’re doing. Everything should go fine as long as you don’t screw something up.

Munson: Uh… copy that Capricorn. Our ETA is ten minutes.

Dudfel: Well that guy sounds charming.

Munson: Don’t worry Dudfel, we won’t be here for very long anyways. No need to criticize the locals.









Munson: Alright, prepare for separation in three, two, one.






Munson: We’ve separated from the main engine. Beginning final decent.
















Munson: This is CPGB3A “Poseidon”. We have landed at the designated zone. You are free to come aboard Poseidon’s new administration center.









[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[12:00, May 24th, 135 A.W.]






George: Okay, we’re coming up on apoapsis now. Beginning capture burn for orbit of seventy-one kilometers.

Isaac: Good, throttle at one-hundred percent. And careful with this thing, the structure is unstable; too much wobbling and it could tear itself apart.






George: Experiencing minor structural instability. Activating ASAS and reaction control thrusters to counter balance.

Isaac: Burn time until capture?

George: Five, four, three, two, one.






George: Orbit achieved, resting at approximately seventy-one kilometers. Structure appears to be intact, and systems are all showing green lights.

Isaac: Okay, Rachael, double and triple check those readings, we need to be one-hundred percent sure we can land these modules safely; we can’t have another crashing incident like we did at Minmus.

Rachael: Understood. I’ll cross reference the diagnostic readings with the ones we had with Habitat one. If anything comes up I’ll let you know.

Isaac: And you, new kid. (points to young man).

Jason: Um, yes sir?

Isaac: Get Demeter on the line and tell them we need them to prepare to enact landing protocols. We don’t want anyone getting hurt if this goes awry.

Jason: Right sir, I’ll get right on it!






[Orion Station]

[Deck  2]

[13:00, May 26th, 135 A.W.]


Wendy: *yawn* I don’t understand, the Icarus is here right now. Why do we have to wait?

Nedtrey: I don’t know. They said something about a final inspection before we head off.

Nelvey: But Jameson already examined us, shouldn’t we be fine?

Nedtrey: That’s why I said I don’t know. But when it comes to HQ there’s always some sort of hidden secret that they have up their-


(the door to Deck 2 slides open and a man walks through it)


Nedtrey: Sleeve…


(everyone on the deck stands up straight and salutes)


Nedtrey: Mr. Executive, sir! It’s an honour to see you here.

Richard: Please, at ease people. Is it just the three of you here?

Nedtrey: The others are resting in their cabins.

Richard: Well then wake them up, I’d like to have a chat with all of you.

Nedtrey: Yes sir, I’ll get right on it.

Richard: Good.


(Richard leaves the room)


Nedtrey: You see? That’s exactly the kind of stuff I’m talking about.

Wendy: I can’t believe the Chief Executive is here, especially after the incident that happened last time he came to Orion station…

Nelvey: I wonder if he’s even fully recovered.

Nedtrey: Hey you two, you can sit around and drool on yourselves on your own time! Go wake the others and get them here now.

Nelvey and Wendy: Yes sir.







(the Javelin crew stands lined up before Richard)


Richard: Well then, it’s nice to finally see you fellows in person again. Well, since the incident at Minmus of course.

Nedtrey: We did everything we could sir. But in the end we couldn’t risk the ship’s operational capabilities. It was my call to fire upon it, and I still believe it was the right call.

Richard: Yes, yes, it all says the exact same in your report. However, I’m certainly not here to scold you.

Nedtrey: Sir?

Richard: I really wish I could come to see you all sooner, but with my recovery coupled with all the political damage control I’ve had to attend to, I’ve had a pretty busy schedule. But now I’m here, and I think it’s incredibly important that I thank all seven of you for the amazing job you performed that day.

Nelvey: R-really?

Richard: You were asked on short notice to do a job that most of you had not been trained in doing. Such skill is something that Concord needs above all else. Not to mention, the blowback that would have occurred from this event had you not made it in time, would have set Concord back years, if it didn’t kill the company altogether. You may not know it, but you’re the reason that Concord can continue to achieve its goals today. I know it isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but I’m presenting you all with Concord’s medal of courage, the first of its kind.

Lando: A medal sir?

Richard: Yes. And also, I’ve decided to promote Nedtrey to Commander.

Nedtrey: Thank you very much sir!

Richard: Now, once I leave here, the seven of you will be heading out to the new retrofitted Javelin. The modifications made to it will surely help aid you in your endeavors from now on, though we still will have to run some tests with it before the Duna transfer window opens. Speaking of which, I think it goes without saying that it is paramount operation crimson tempest succeeds without a hitch. The future of our interplanetary operations depend on it.

Aaron: Well, no pressure then.

Richard: *sigh* I’m sorry to be putting so much responsibility on you again after what you’ve already had to go through, but I honestly believe that you are the best to rely on for this mission’s success.


(Desford Kerman walks into Deck 1)


Desford: Um, sir, I’d hate to rush you but we need to get going soon.

Richard: Of course pilot, in a minute. Now do any of you have any questions, perhaps anything regarding your upcoming mission? No? Well then, I have to go back to CMC. Mathias can now take you to your ship. Good luck, to all of you.


(Richard leaves toward the airlock)


Nelvey: He promoted you. Wow…

Nedtrey: It makes little difference Nelvey, you’ll soon realize that.

Ribney: And we got medals! I wonder if they’ll mail those to us anytime soon.

Nedtrey: Well, let’s not waste any time. To the airlock everyone.













[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[4:00, May 29th, 135 A.W.]








Isaac: Okay, fuel levels are in the green, satellite connection is clear, all systems are go…

George: We’re pretty much one-hundred percent. *yawn* Tee minus five minutes until touchdown.






George: Alright, we’re ten clicks out from Demeter, beginning breaking burn now.










Isaac: (exhales) How are the engines?

Rachael: Engines are reading cool sir. Running at only seven percent thrust.

Isaac: Okay, okay, we should be good. New kid, where’s my energy drink?

Jason: Um, the vending machine is all out sir…

Isaac: Then head to the vending machine in the engineering building!

Jason: But sir, that’s-

Isaac: No buts, make the trip.

Jason: Y-yes sir! (runs off)

Isaac: *sigh* Any closer?

George: Bleeding off horizontal velocity now.








George: Okay, I’m beginning the final decent…






George: Engaging thrusters, final burn commencing…

Isaac: C’mon… C’mon…






Rachael: Thermal damage detected in hull B!

Isaac: Wh- What the hell just happened?!

George: I don’t know!

Isaac: I need visual confirmation, is the Habitat module intact?!

George: Were not sure sir, dust is still clearing, we don’t have a- wait, I think I’m starting to see something.

Isaac: Well?!






George: Um, it seems as though the craft is completely intact, (ahem) minus the landing legs however.

Isaac: What? What happened to the landing legs?

Rachael: I think I may have a theory sir…

Isaac: Well Rachael, I’m all ears.

Rachael: It is possible that the thrusters on our landing vehicle were aligned with the landing legs of the habitat module.


George: *sigh*

Isaac: You know what? Let’s just make sure it doesn’t happen again okay?

George and Rachael: Yes sir…

Isaac: *sigh* Inflate the module. Get ready to put the 3MAC back into orbit once Habitat two is overhead. I want to rendezvous with this thing in the next twenty-four hours, got it?

George and Rachael: Got it.









[600km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Javelin]

[15:00, May 26th, 135 A.W.]






Nelvey: Alright, I’m here. Prepare airlock for depressurization.

Sarah: Copy that. Depressurizing now.

Nelvey: Mmm, just can’t wait to munch on those snack bars I got from Orion…

Sarah: Say again LC?

Nelvey: Wait, this thing’s still on? Uh, I mean, how much longer until the depressurizing is-

Sarah: It’s done, you can come in.

Nelvey: Oh, okay, I’m stepping inside.

Sarah: Better save some of that snack bar for me.

Nelvey: *sighs*


(Nelvey enters the airlock)


Nelvey: Well, at least I’ve still got that juice box for myself…







(Nelvey enter the bridge)


Nelvey: Well, that’s new. Didn’t know we had voice greeting installed now…

Ribney: Well, that’s the last of us. We’ll see you later K1b Hummingbird!

Mathias: Copy that Javelin. Fly safe.






Nelvey: Wow, seems like the exterior wasn’t the only thing they changed huh?

Aaron: Yeah, they finally tore down that wall that was separating the bridge and the deck. They even added some extra space in here.

Nedtrey: That’ll come in handy during the long trip.

Nelvey: What about the outside? I only took a passing glance of it but, it seems different from last time?






Nedtrey: Well, the last iteration of the Renatus was built like a tank. However, that greatly impeded our maneuverability and delta vee. Now a lot of the armour has been stripped down and prioritized, rather than just smothered all over the place. We have some plating on the cockpit now to protect us in case of a direct hit.

Lando: You’re forgetting to mention the fact that this baby has a brand new emergency abort system. Thing can separate from the main hull now in case of shenanigans causing a ruckus.






Lando: Best part is, the engines on the part that separates only uses monopropellant as fuel! Hell, thing could probably land if it really had to.

Nelvey: Well, good to hear that if things ever go wrong we’ve got insurance. Oh, and uh, Ensign, how’s the engine system? I remember you saying you were a bit worried about them screwing up your hard work.

Sarah: Ah jeez, she literally just shut up about-

Wendy: (smiles) It’s an absolute dream! Our engines reciprocating pumps have finally been switched out with turbo pumps! With their light weight and high power, do you know what that means??? That combined with the armour reduction has greatly increased our delta vee and thrust to weight ratio. Do you know what our thrust to weight ratio is right now???

Nelvey: Uh…

Wendy: Zero point SEVEN FIVE relative to Kerbin! Can you believe that?!

Nelvey: Well, I guess.

Wendy: Not to mention this thing uses some of the experimental countermeasures I drew up a while ago that significantly reduces the chances of overspeeding in the case of a flame out, which means any emergency burns we need to make on red level fuel quantities should be eighty percent safer!

Nelvey: Well um, that’s great. I think I’m going to just go sit in my chair.

Wendy: But, I haven’t even told you about the new UI they installed!

Nedtrey: *sigh*

Nelvey: (sits down in chair) So, where are we off to next?

Nedtrey: The Mün. For whatever reason the SCD didn’t think about topping off our fuel tanks while they were tearing up and rebuilding my ship.

Nelvey: Your ship?

Nedtrey: I know what I said.

Nelvey:  Well, I thought the Mün colony wasn’t finished yet?

Nedtrey: Hell, there’s been a Concord certified automatic kethane mining unit stationed in orbit there for years. Thing may be old and rusty but it still works. I’m sure it’ll be more than sufficient enough to refuel us. If not then we can make a stop at Minmus; the guys over at Poseidon should be able to take care of us.

Nelvey: Well isn’t that great to hear? Back to the ol’ nine to five I guess.

Nedtrey: Ha! Don’t you mean the nine to nine?

Nelvey: You make the life of an astronaut seem so boring.

Nedtrey: Haven’t you already said that?

Nelvey: Yeah, and yet you continue to make my dream job of “Space Explorer” sound as exciting as ripping tickets at a movie theatre.

Nedtrey: Trust me Lieutenant, the last thing you want is for this job to get exciting.

Nelvey: (rolls eyes)

Nedtrey: Lieutenant Lando, plot us a course for the Mun.

Lando: Aye aye, Commander.

Nedtrey: Damn, I can get used to hearing that.

















[Orion Station]

[Deck  1]

[13:00, May 26th, 135 A.W.]


Richard: Are they gone?

Riley: Hm? (looks out window) Seems like it. Should be rendezvousing with the Javelin soon.

Richard: *sigh* Alright, let’s get a move on.


(Rodrie walks in)


Rodrie: Wait, Mr. Executive.

Riley: *sigh* Oh boy.

Richard: Go wait inside Riley, I’ll be there in a minute.

Riley: Gotcha boss. (goes through airlock to space plane)

Rodrie: Just wanted to see you off is all.

Richard: I'm sorry about Orion Station Rodrie, but we just can't afford to keep this place afloat anymore.

Rodrie: It's fine, Mr. Executive.

Richard: If you wan't we could find a more permanent place for you back on Minmus, perhaps on Capricorn station?

Rodrie: I appreciate the offer sir but, I have to go back at some point.

Richard: ...Rodrie.

Rodrie: Sir?



Richard: You’re the bravest man that this company has, that this company will ever know.

Rodrie: You know that isn’t true. There’s plenty of others better than me out there.

Richard: No, you deserve to know that. You deserve to know that because of you, the sort of things we’ve been able to accomplish with the research we’ve conducted over the last fifteen years, all the breakthroughs… It would have been impossible without you.

Rodrie: Mr. Executive, please, you’re flattering me.

Richard: I’m serious. We’ll be able to save lives because of you. Your sacrifice…


Richard: Your sacrifice was not in vain.

Rodrie: Goodbye Mr. Executive.

Richard: I hate being called that. (turns toward the airlock)

Rodrie: Goodbye…….Richard.






[70km Above Kerbin]

[Canary Class SSTO]

[14:00, May 26th, 135 A.W.]






Riley: Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We have just entered Kerbin’s atmosphere, which means re-entry heating will begin shortly as we enter the thermosphere. You are all advised to brace yourselves throughout atmospheric re-entry. Make sure you’re fastened tightly, and we should be home relatively soon.






Riley: *sigh* This is my least favourite part of this job.





(cockpit begins shaking)








(shaking subsides)





Riley: Attention passengers, we have just passed through the thermosphere, which means the worst of it is over. We should be arriving at CMC in around five minutes.






Riley: Damn, looks like I’m going to overshoot it. Ahem, attention passengers, in order to bleed off horizontal speed we will be passing over CMC and make a U-turn back toward the runway.









Riley: Damn! This thing is so damn jittery… I feel like I’m flying a paper airplane or something.






Riley: S**t, there’s no way I’ll be able to get this thing to land on the runway. Attention passengers, due to a slight complication, we will be making an emergency landing off the runway. I advise you all make sure that you seat belts are fastened, and brace yourself.






Riley: All I have to do is not get the CEO injured. As long as I can manage that, I don’t have to go back to the military.






Riley: C’mon, c’mon… Aerospace division don’t fail me now…








Riley: Damnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnit!








Riley: …Um, uh, attention passengers… considering we just…loss both of our wings…seems as though…we came out of that alright. I uh, hope you-

Richard: (muffled) GODDAMN IT.

Riley: I hope you enjoyed your flight…






[Concord Mission Control]

[Control Room]

[7:00, May 31st, 135 A.W.]
















George: Phew! That was close.

Rachael: Are we really going to leave it that close to the other module?

George: We can always just move it later. It’s landing these things in the first place that’s the hardest part. Once it’s there we can adjust its position as we see fit, with caution of course.

Isaac: Comm officer, inform the inhabitants that landing safety protocols have been lifted.

Comm Officer: It’s Wilson sir.

Isaac: I’m sorry, did I ask?

Comm Officer: Um, I was just-

Isaac: Do your job, Wilson.

Comm Officer: Yes sir…

Isaac: Rachael, inform the higher ups that the last habitat module is landed, our work here is done.

Rachael: On it sir.

Isaac: Coffee’s on me today guys, time for a well-deserved break.

George: What about the module’s position?

Isaac: We’ll move it tomorrow, we’re in no rush. Trust me, we’ll have plenty of work to do soon enough.

Rachael: *sigh* Great…









[Orion Station]

[Deck 1]

[13:00, June 13th, 135 A.W.]






(a pilot walks up to Rodrie)


Harry: You’re Rodrie right? I’m Harry, I was sent here take you back to Kerbin.

Rodrie: I know. What happened to the space plane I was supposed to be taken in?

Harry: Change of plans. The Canary program is currently suspended indefinitely, after a certain incident involving its first scheduled flight, so Concord’s deciding to do its ground-orbit ferrying with cheap and easy to produce capsules. Well, at least until the aerospace division can make a functioning SSTO.

Rodrie: Well ain’t that a shame?

Harry: So um, you ready to go? They’re going to be scuttling this place as soon as we leave and I wouldn’t want to back up the schedule.

Rodrie: Of course. Let’s get going.











[Concord Headquarters]

[CEO’s Office]

[11:00, June 10th, 135 A.W.]


Sophia: And with these projections, it is with certainty that there will be an exponential wealth increase with every new body we colonize.

Richard: …Uh huh…

Sophia: Are you listening sir?

Richard: Sophia, am I doing the right thing?

Sophia: I’m sorry sir?


(Richard turns to face Sophia)



Richard: Am. I. Doing. The. Right. Thing.




Sophia: In reference to what sir?

Richard: The goal I’ve been tasked with, colonize the Kerbol system, you and I know exactly the sort of political implications that trying to accomplish that goal will have. I signed a man’s death warrant not too long ago, a man who’s done more for this company than anyone else, and something tells me it won’t be the last time I have to do so. The things we’ll have to do… Is this really for the greater good? Are we doing the right thing here?

Sophia: *sigh*


(Sophia takes a seat on the desk)


Sophia: There’s no one else in the world, in the Kerbol system, that can complete this task other than you sir. People look up to you, the accomplishments that you’ve made. You are proof that the greed of the space faring corporate empires can be overcome. You’re the one who’s destined to create a new golden space age for our species.




Richard: That’s bulls**t.

Sophia: It isn’t! Look, I know that this may be a lot of responsibility for you, after all this isn’t any regular business, you’re in charge of people’s lives now, but all the same, if you can’t bring the future that you promised these people, then what was the point of the last fifteen years?


Sophia: We won’t be able to get there without sacrifice, but goddamn it, we’re going to get there.




Richard: …You’ve killed before haven’t you? Tell me, was it worth it? In the end, did the ends justify those means?

Sophia: …I don’t know sir, I’m not god, maybe it did and maybe it didn’t. All I know is that I did what I did not for my own selfish reasons. It was for my country, my people, and because of that, no matter what the outcome, to me, it was worth it.

Richard: Hmph, is that so?




Sophia: Sir, I hate to break it to you, but you don’t get to just quit after you have to make one hard decision. You have to be better than that, you are better than that.

Richard: Then tell me Sophia, what do I tell them?




Sophia: Tell them the truth. That he was a great man, and that he will be missed.


Sophia: Now, are you ready to go over these numbers now or what?








[Concord Headquarters]

[Main Conference Center]

[12:00, June 15th, 135 A.W.]


Richard: Rodrie Kerman was one of the bravest men I’ve ever met. When we put out a bulletin for someone to join a fifteen year experiment in an LKO space station, we were skeptical about whether we’d receive any takers. But there he was, Rodrie was the only one who volunteered for the job. Because of the research that we did in that station, Concord was able to improve upon mainstream bone and muscle atrophy medicine, something that has undoubtedly been able to increase the lifespan of space faring kerbals, as well as help people on the surface of Kerbin with debilitating diseases. If it weren’t for him, such a feat would not be possible. So, you could imagine how distraught I was to hear that Rodrie Kerman had died in re-entry on his way home from his long trip. Rodrie…he should be an inspiration to us all for generations to come, an example of just how far a man may go to sacrifice himself for the greater good. In this case, he paid the ultimate price… (exhales) In order to commemorate this brave man’s struggle, Concord’s next new interplanetary space port shall be named after Rodrie Kerman in his honor. May it forever be a testament to kerbal kind's constant struggle to reach the stars…






[Concord Mission Control]


[14:00, June 30th, 135 A.W.]













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LOG 14

























[217km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Javelin]

[0:00, August 13th, 135 A.W.]






Nelvey: So anyway, Philmy the geologist comes rushing over, and get this, he wants to take samples!

Sarah: Haha, wow really?

Nelvey: Yeah! And next thing I know, Kencan is screaming through the radio, “Goddamn it! Take a bloody second to remember EMT protocols and get that man a damn medkit!”


(Wendy, Aaron, and Sarah break out into laughter)


Ribney: *sigh* Good times…

Nedtrey: Ahem, Sarah, how goes re-calibrating the torpedo launch systems?

Sarah: Um, well I set them up if that's what you mean. The interface takes a while to get used to but wiring up the torpedoes is actually fairly easy.

Nedtrey: And Wendy, is the new drone causing you any trouble?

Wendy: No sir, the mark two electronic assistance droid is in tip top shape.

Nedtrey: Well then, that’s everything. One more rendezvous and then we’re finally off to Duna.

Ribney: Man, it feels like it’s been MONTHS! Almost a YEAR even!

Aaron: Will you cut it out with the hyperbole Rib? It's been two months.

Ribney: Huh. Feels longer than that for some reason.

Nedtrey: This is Commander Nedtrey to CMC. We’re on our way to the payload now.

CMC: Roger that Commander. CMC out.

Nelvey: Lando, did you finish calculating our total DeltaV with the added mass?

Lando: I was finishin her up last night but I got a call from HQ not to bother.

Nelvey: Now why would they do that? Don't those probes weigh several tons?

Nedtrey: Hmmm. You know how I hate surprises.

Nelvey: Whatever. I’m sure there was just a screw up at command or something.








Lando: We’re almost there.


(Com starts beeping)


Nelvey: It’s HQ.

Nedtrey: Wonder what they want. *ahem* This is Commander Nedtrey speaking.

Richard: Commander. Nice to hear your voice.

Nedtrey: Likewise Mr. Executive. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Richard: The pleasure is all my mine Commander. I just wanted to hear your reaction when you first saw it.

Nedtrey: Saw what, exactly?

Richard: Just take a close look at that “payload”.

Nedtrey: Huh?






Nelvey: Looks normal to me.

Nedtrey: Zoom in.

Nelvey: Sure thin- What the….

Richard: Ladies and gentlemen. I give you, the world’s first Gallant class Exploration cruiser, and Concord’s very first capital ship. The CSV Tempest!






Nedtrey: I’ve got to be honest. I don’t hate this.

Ribney: We’re receiving a hail sir!

Nedtrey: Patch us through.






Corcott: This is Captain Corcott to CSV Javelin. You like Concord’s new pride and joy?

Nedtrey: She’s beautiful Captain. I’m assuming you’re going to be accompanying us on the long trip?

Corcott: We all know you guys would get lonely out there by yourselves.

Nelvey: At least we don’t have to carry those probes now.

Nedtrey: It will be an honor flying alongside you.

Corcott: You’re the one who’s honored? When they offered me a mission with Poseidon’s heroes how could I refuse?

Nedtrey: Haha, is that what they call us now? Well then, catch you on the flip side Captain. Javelin actual, out.

Lando: Gonna start plotting our course now Commander.







Sarah: Engines are fully operational. Estimated DeltaV is 3100m/s.






Ribney: Communications deployed. Minimal delay between us and CMC.






Lando: All lights are green. Ready when you are.

Nedtrey: Begin insertion burn. Next stop, Duna…













[400km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Tempest]

[1:00, August 14th, 135 A.W.]






Almund: All systems are go for interplanetary transfer burn Captain.

Corcott: Music to my ears. (sips coffee) Steve, begin the burn. We can’t be falling behind.

Steve: Roger that sir. Engaging thrusters in 3, 2, 1.






Corcott: And so begins our first step into history. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us everyone, so get comfortable.









[Concord HQ]

[Spacecraft Division]

[7:00, August 14th, 135 A.W.]


Adam: …After the cockpit separated from the rest of the ship it was able to re-enter the atmosphere without any problems. The pilot, however, did need to use the engines for a powered landing as to avoid any damage upon splash down. However other than that the test was a success. The Theseus class frigate should be ready for mass deployment.

Brimley: Absolutely wonderful! With a fleet of these we should never have to worry about the incident at Minmus happening ever again.

Adam: Glad I could help sir.


(phone starts ringing)


Brimley: I’ll talk to you later Adam, I have to take this.


(Adam nods his head and leaves the room)


Brimley: Hello?

Richard: Brim, we’re holding a meeting in boardroom 4 for all the division heads. Now that operation Crimson Tempest is a go we need to start making projections for our next big projects.

Brimley: No worries, I’ll be right over.




Richard: Alrighty, glad everyone could make it. Now as you all know the CSV Tempest and the CSV Javelin are on their way to Duna. Now that Concord is once again an interplanetary space faring corp, it means more funds for bigger projects. Brimley, I hear the new ship designs pertaining to project Guardian are going well.

Brimley: Quite. We just had a test flight for our new defense frigate the Theseus. We want to deploy 2 fleets of 5 of them, each led by a Renatus class destroyer, at both the Mün and Minmus over the next few months.

Richard: Sounds great. Selfel, when can we expect Scorpio Station in orbit?

Selfel: We just finalized its design. All we need now is for the SCD to determine the launch method.

Richard: Reaves, since your division was tasked with the development of the Gallant I’m guessing there isn’t much on your table these days?

Reaves: Well IPMAKS “Avenger” should reach Moho in the next 50 days, and we’re preparing to launch two others to Eve and Gilly as soon as the transfer window opens. But other than that, the EXD is at a standstill before we get map data for our next mission.

Richard: I figured as much. Kyle, I expect the opposite for you. How’s preparation of operation Red Dawn going?

Kyle: The scope of the project is very large. Never mind the details of the colony itself, we’re still deciding whether or not we should send a small fleet of colonizing vessels to Duna or just one huge ship. It’s pretty frustrating but incredibly exciting at the same time!

Richard: Good to hear you guys are keeping busy. And what about you Jacob? After the development of the Hermes torpedo you guys have been pretty quiet.

Jacob: We’ve ran over some prototypes of laser weapons but other than that yeah, there's little for us to do.

Richard: That’s gotta change. By the way, has anyone seen Maxwell?

Reaves: He was fired remember? Aerospace division was shut down. That's how bad it was.

Richard: Oh.

Reaves: In fact, wasn't it you who fired him?

Richard: Right... Well, moving on, with the exception of maybe the colonization division, Concord is getting pretty sleepy, so there are quite a few projects I want us to be putting our effort into. Reaves, you and Brimley from now on will be working together on project Sentinel, the construction of a battle capable capital ship.

Reaves: You want the EXD on that project?

Richard: You two can accomplish a lot when you work together.

Brimley: (mutters) That’ll be the day…

Richard: And when you succeed, I want your next mission to be a manned exploration of the Eve system.

Reaves: Well that sounds exciting.

Richard: Selfel, I want the station division and the weapons division working together on project Spirit, an easily accessible method of retrofitting in-flight ships. That means developing more modular weapons and dry docks.

Selfel: Gotchya.

Richard: Kyle, I know you have a lot on your plate but I’m forwarding you the designs for new habitat modules. I think you’ll like them.

Kyle: I’m sure I will.

Richard: There’s going to be big changes in this company over the next year, I hope you’re all ready, because soon Concord is going to be a force of nature. Now, you are all dismissed.






[100km Above Kerbin]


[20:00, August 17th, 135 A.W.]






Bilbert: I can’t believe they’re sending us on a yearlong mission. And on such short notice!

Jerrie: Well we are getting paid quite a bit.

Bilbert: But I mean, couldn’t they have brought a SAMU with them instead of having to send us on a different flight?

Jerrie: Schedule conflict.

Bilbert: That’s bulls**t.

Jerrie: That’s life. You knew what you were getting into when you signed up for the EXD.

Bilbert: Whatever, let’s just make the stupid burn.









[112 Days Until Duna Encounter]

[CSV Javelin]

[20:36, August 14th, 135 A.W.]






Ribney: Okay, I’m activating the dish now. Get ready to say hi everyone!






Ribney: Connection established. Good evening Captain Corcott!

Sameny: Uh... Actually, this is Sameny, the communications officer. The Captain is asleep in his quarters.

Ribney: Ooo, you have quarters over there?

Sameny: Yeah, there’s a living space, a bridge, a lab. It’s quite spacious here.

Ribney: Wow, we sleep in closets over here!

Wendy: They’re zero gee sleeping compartments.

Ribney: Yeah, that’s what I said, closets.

Sameny: Wow, must be rough. You guys don’t even have gravity centrifuges either do you?

Ribney: The atrophy medicine helps.

Sameny: Well, good luck to you guys. Oh, by the way, we’ve established contact with Concord Mission Control. The delay is 3.5 seconds, so we should still have real time communication for the next little while.

Ribney: Cool, thanks for letting us know. Javelin out.












I’m back. Just when I thought I was gone for good, now I’m back. The image of Kerbin in the window petered out long ago, and once again nothing but the dark endless void is in between me and my ultimate destination. 

Hello darkness, my old friend.

How many times will we meet like this? How many more of my friends will you swallow?

When I look out that window and see nothing but darkness I’m reminded of the countless times I’ve sailed through it.

The first time you leave Kerbin, those first few days are quiet, calm, peaceful.

"Hey, this isn’t so bad. Boring as all hell though.”

But then soon, the monotony of each day, the repetition, knowing that no matter what you do tomorrow will be exactly the same as the last day; it begins to corrode your soul.

Then the questions come. Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I here?

They say if you stare into the abyss too long, the abyss stares back at you. Well when you stare into the infinite expanse of all things long enough, you begin to question your significance. Thoughts like that can compromise a mission.

Because of this I’ve all but purged existential crisis’s from my head.

But these guys aren’t like that.

They never had the training I had, they’ve never seen what I’ve seen.

Even Sarah, the woman from the ANK, probably only served on patrols or demonstrations.

These guys don’t know what it’s like to have the universe try and kill them all hours of the day.

None of them have ever seen Jool.

I guess that’s why I’m in charge of them though.

God, I can only hope that it’s only the universe that tries to kill us this time.

I can still remember.

The fires, the screams.

Their names are forever etched into this endless ocean.

But that was then, this is now.

From here on out, all I have to hear is the sound of silence.

The deafening sound of silence…





We lost contact with Tempest today, and in turn, with Concord as well. They passed out of our 50,000km range, something that was to be expected. Lando doesn’t know when they’ll get in range again, or if they ever will before we reach Duna. Ribney’s a lot lonelier without his buddy Sam to talk to. I should talk to him later try and cheer him up.





It’s getting cramped in here. There’s only one washroom and it feels like there’s always a line, anytime I need to move to the back I’m always bumping into someone, and every night I have to sleep in this damn chair! I really wish we were aboard the Tempest. That kind of ship is more something that I’m used to. But no, instead I’m here, living in a closet (as Ribney loves pointing out). If this keeps up I might just schedule an EVA so I can stretch my legs.

Ah who am I kidding? I’m in no hurry to get cancer.





Lando gave us the bad news this morning. Tempest is moving farther and farther away. We’ll be out of contact until we’re at least halfway there. This caused a fight between him and Sarah. Ribney’s bummed out now too, and you know things are bad when he’s sad. I can understand why though. If anything happens on the way there, we’ll have no help whatsoever.

We’re on our own now.





More than a month of silence now. I knew things were getting worse when we had that rock paper scissors tournament, but it’s too late now, everyone’s gone quiet. We wake up, eat, drink some recycled urine, run system checks, and go to bed. All with saying only a few words to each other. Lando nearly broke his monitor last night when his map interface glitched, I even had to restrain him. These days, it’s like the smallest bit of stimuli is enough for an outburst, even if it’s just so someone can hear anything but silence for just a second.






[60 Days Until Duna Encounter]

[CSV Javelin]

[20:09, October 6th, 135 A.W.]






(Nedtrey wakes up)


Nedtrey: *yawn* Why are we moving?

Nelvey: I’m trying to get Duna in the damn window. If I can just find it and zoom in…

Nedtrey: Nel, you shouldn’t be touching the controls when Lando is- Wait what, did you say?

Nelvey: I just want to see it. I want to see Duna…

Nedtrey: Nel, it’s going to be more than a month before Duna’s visible what are you talking about?!

Nelvey: If I could just-




(alarms begin ringing)



Nelvey: GAAAAH!!!

Nedtrey: HIT THE S.A.S. NOW!









Wendy: (bumps head) Ow! We’re spinning too fast, the ship’ll tear itself apart at this speed!

Nedtrey: Sarah, transfer power from the RTGs attached to the electronic assistance droid.

Wendy: But sir we don’t know if-

Nedtrey: That’s an order!

Wendy: Transferring now.

Nedtrey: Lando, did that help?

Lando: System still won’t respond, we’re straight f**ked.

Nedtrey: God damn it! (whacks controls)


(alarm stops)


Wendy: What the hell? Where’d the lights go?


(lights come on)


Lando: Holy… S.A.S. is online, we’re stabilizing!

Nedtrey: Wh- What happened?

Nelvey: I, I rebooted the system.

Nedtrey: Come again?

Nelvey: I turned it off and on again…



(Nedtrey grabs Nelvey by the collar)


Nedtrey: You IDIOT! Are you trying to get us all killed?!

Nelvey: I’m sorry man! I don’t know what came over me.

Nedtrey: As of now I’m revoking your privilege to access the ships controls.

Lando: He was using the controls?! You little piece of-!





Ribney: We have another 2 months of this before we reach Duna. What’s the point of spending all that time at each others throats? I thought we were a team…

Lando: I, I didn’t-

Nedtrey: Ribney’s right. We’re all just a bit stir crazy right now. We all just need to relax.

Wendy: I’ve been relaxing for more than a month now…

Nedtrey: That’s not what I mean, we need to be-

Aaron: From now on, if anyone here has a problem, an anxiety, or is stressed, they need to come talk to me. The whole reason I was assigned to this ship was to keep our psychological status optimal.

Sarah: And a damn fine job you’ve been doing.

Aaron: Sarah, none of us here are the reason for another’s discomfort on this ship. Everything that bothers us is due to our own self propagated anguish.

Sarah: What’s that supposed to mean?

Aaron: If you’re feeling anxious it’s no one’s fault but yourself. And that’s okay, you just need to talk about it instead of taking it out on others, that goes for all of you.

Sarah: *sigh* Whatever.

Nedtrey: Alright then. From now on there will be routine psych checks for all personnel on the ship. Understood?

Crew: Yes sir.










We’ve just about crossed the halfway point. Nelvey crunched the numbers, and apparently the tempest is going to arrive a day before we do. Not part of the plan at all; the whole point was for us to get there first in case there was any danger. Duna is practically lawless space after all. Once there we’ll have pirates, mercenaries, and other unwholesome criminals we’ll have to worry about. Either they’ll have to tough it out for the day or we’ll have to make a course correction. Good news is they’re finally coming toward us again, so we’ll be able to come up with a strategy before we reach the SOI.





Had a little “session” with Aaron today. All of the psych evaluations are being held in the lavatory for privacy reasons. Classy I know. The kid is smarter than he lets on though; he was asking questions about my past, whether or not I’d lost people on similar missions. I didn’t give him much to chew on, but I have a feeling he knows. Doesn’t really matter, these reports are confidential anyway. As long as we’re all functioning I don’t really care what he knows about the things I’ve done.








It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these. Things have been quiet for the most part. There was an engine malfunction recently, we had to have Wendy EVA to fix it. Other than that, the routine shrink meetings have been doing wonders for morale, even Ribney is smiling again! However this morning we were hit with some pretty bad news. Turns out the Tempest won’t get in range of our comms until just before aerobraking. That means they’re on their own for a full day out there. Now I know I’m being paranoid, but a ship like that is going to make quite the splash in Duna, and without us escorting it I fear the worst. It’s too late for a course adjustment as well, so we have to just believe that they’ll make it.

God I hope they make it.








We can finally see it.

After all these months Duna is right on the horizon.

2 days left, and then we’re there…






[4 Hours Until Duna Periapsis]

[CSV Javelin]

[14:00, December 5th, 135 A.W.]






Lando: Alrighty, we just entered the SOI. We’re gonna skip out of here if we don’t make this burn quick though.

Nelvey: Our orbital velocity is within the flight plan’s projection. We have more than enough DeltaV but aerobraking is a must. We can’t make too many unnecessary burns.

Nedtrey: Hopefully that isn’t an issue. Lando?

Lando: Attention all hands, commencing capture burn in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.






Nedtrey: Oof! Forgot what that felt like…

Nelvey: Periapsis dropping steadily.






Nelvey: Almost there…

Ribney: Oh boy!

Nelvey: Periapsis is in atmosphere!

Lando: Cutting off engines.






Nelvey: Current projected apoapsis after aerobrake is 304km. We made it guys!

Sarah: Fuel levels are in the red though.

Nelvey: Oh, don’t be such a party pooper.

Nedtrey: Damn it…

Nelvey: Huh? What’s up?

Nedtrey: Our orbit is going to be inclined after we brake. We’ll have to make another burn to null it out to zero. Nelvey, can you create a maneuver node?

Nelvey: Yeah sure thing. Let’s see… After we burn to circularize our orbit, we’ll have to burn normal here… It’s going to take around 400m/s.

Nedtrey: And how much do we have left?

Nelvey: Well when you factor in the circularizing burn, when all is said and done, the inclination change leaves us with about 750m/s left.

Lando: So in other words we’ll be sitting ducks.

Nelvey: Well if the Tempest followed its scheduled flight plan then they should have enough DeltaV to rendezvous with us, rather than the other way around.

Nedtrey: If they made it that is.

Nelvey: Commander, a little optimism won’t kill you.

Nedtrey: I wonder about that.







Lando: 10 minutes until re-entry.

Nelvey: New projected apoapsis is 823km.

Nedtrey: Ribney, re-establish contact with the CSV Tempest.

Ribney: Right away sir! Hailing CSV Tempest, this is CSV Javelin. Do you read?

Corcott: Well now, isn’t that a voice I’ve been dying to hear? How goes it everyone? I hope you enjoyed the trip.

Nelvey: Not funny.

Nedtrey: Captain! It feels like forever since I’ve talked with someone who wasn’t on this ship. Did the aerobrake go as planned?

Corcott: Hmmm, re-entry heating damaged one of the secondary solar panels, but I already have someone working on that. Oh, I hope you don’t mind but, when we found out you wouldn’t be joining us for at least a day, we decided to launch one of the pioneer probes without you. We’ve already received a good amount of data from it as well.

Nedtrey: Good to hear Captain.

Nelvey: Uhhh, excuse me, Captain Corcott, but would you mind telling me why your ship is in a retrograde orbit?

Corcott: Unfortunately, the helmsman Steve made an error when making our course correction. We managed to get equatorial but we’re spinning the wrong way around. We won’t be able to rendezvous until we use a gravity assist from Ike to get us moving in a counter-clockwise orbit again.

Nelvey: Oh great…

Nedtrey: You’re going to have to go to Ike first?

Corcott: Yes. Once we’re there we’ll be able to meet up.

Nelvey: Slight problem with that. After we burn to adjust our inclination we won’t have enough DeltaV to win a marathon. We’ll need you to meet with us here.

Corcott: No problem. We’ll pop off the pioneer at Ike and rendezvous with you before it’s time for dinner.

Nedtrey: Wait, you’re going to carry out the mission alone? Captain I can’t say that I feel comfortable with that idea.

Corcott: I understand your concern Commander, but don’t worry, we’ll be able to take care of ourselves.

Nedtrey: Captain Corcott with all due respect we’re in a dangerous place. There is no calling for help out here if anything happens-

Corcott: With all due respect, Commander, I’m the commanding authority of this operation, and if I feel we need to modify the flight plan, I expect no arguing from any lower ranking officer under my command. Oh, good luck with the aerobrake by the way. I’ll forward you the updates we got from CMC after you’ve exited the atmosphere. Tempest actual, out.

Nelvey: Wait, they made the Captain the head of the mission?

Nedtrey: Technically he always was. Concord’s command system states that even though he’s in the exploration division, because he’s a higher rank, whatever he says goes. Although CMC was never clear he’d be spear heading the entire mission.

Lando: Just a few more minutes until we enter atmosphere.

Nedtrey: Buckle up everyone. This is going to get bumpy.










(slight rumbling)


Nelvey: Orbital speed is dropping.

Sarah: Structural integrity within optimal ranges.








Nelvey: Wow, this is a lot less intense than Kerbin’s atmosphere. I mean I know it’s thin but I thought that dipping this low would at least cause some re-entry heating.

Nedtrey: Count your blessings Nel.










Nelvey: Alright, that’s it. Now we’ve got to fix that inclination…

Nedtrey: Lando, circularize us at apoapsis. Then we’ll make our last burn to fix our inclination.

Lando: Gotchya.






[824km Above Duna]

[CSV Tempest]

[13:08, December 6th, 135 A.W.]






Mellie: Sir, Helmsman Steve has our course plotted.

Corcott: Wonderful. And the Duna-1?

Mellie: Pioneer Duna-1 has mapped most of the topography. However it’s going to be a while before we get all the data regarding kethane deposits.

Corcott: That’s quite alright Ensign. The SAMU-2 will most likely be mining the deposits on Ike anyway.

Mellie: Speaking of which sir. I don’t mean to speak out of turn but, I couldn’t help but overhear something about this being a "dangerous place" when you were speaking with Commander Nedtrey.

Corcott: The universe is a dangerous place Ensign. But as long as we keep an eye out and our hand on the throttle, there’s nothing to worry about.

Steve: Sir, we’re beginning insertion burn now.

Corcott: Proceed.













[633km Above Duna]

[CSV Javelin]

[13:55, December 6th, 135 A.W.]






Lando: Engaging thrusters…now.






Nelvey: Looks like I’m starting to get used to that feeling of acceleration again.

Nedtrey: How are we doing for DeltaV?

Nelvey: We won’t run out if that’s what you’re asking. We just won’t have enough to do any meaningful maneuvers.

Nedtrey: What will we be able to do?

Nelvey: Well… If there’s an emergency we have just enough DeltaV to get to Ike. I don’t know about rendezvousing though, that’ll be trickier.

Nedtrey: See what you can do. I’ll be damned if I’m caught with my pants down out here.








Lando: Inclination is zero. Powering down engines.








Nedtrey: Okay Nel, start working on plotting that course just in case. Ribney, anything interesting in those updates from command?

Ribney: Not really. Well, apparently the two IPMAKS probes the exploration division sent to Moho and Eve failed to complete capture burn, so Control is really hoping our mission succeeds, else our whole corporation becomes a laughing stock. No pressure though!

Nedtrey: *sigh* Tempest drops off probe. Tempest rendezvous with us. Mining unit extracts fuel. Both ships fueled up. Wait for transfer window. Go home. Sounds simple enough.

Ribney: Oh, CMC also wants a full status report sent to them by the end of the day.

Nedtrey: I’ve already started writing it up.

Nelvey: Whelp, all we can do now is wait.






[440km Above Ike]

[CSV Tempest]

[14:09, December 6th, 135 A.W.]










Steve: We’ve reached orbit sir.

Corcott: Okay, let’s not waste time. Deploy the pioneer.






Mellie: Pioneer is deployed sir.

Corcott: Edke?

Edke: I’m pointing it normal. Getting ready to make inclination change now.










Edke: Inclination is 90 degrees. Periapsis is 100km and I’ve set up the autopilot to circularize once it reaches it.

Corcott: Let’s stick around a little longer, I want to see the first bit of topography data that it gets.

Steve: Sir, do you want me to plot a course just in case?

Corcott: Don’t bother. If there ends up being a problem with the probe the trip would be for nothing anyway. Just relax for now guys. You’ve earned it.









Lord in heaven do my eyes deceive me? Hark! Surely a ship of such a size would refuse to paddle in these waters unescorted! Malachite! Does this avatar of naivety have a fitting name of which we may refer to it?”

Transponder reads ‘CSV Tempest.’ Huh, I think I’ve heard of these guys before. Concord Research and Engineering.”

Tempest eh? Only a wise oracle could bestow such a name upon that vessel, for its fate ends in a malevolent maelstrom of unshackled righteousness!”

Uh huh. Righteousness. Freedom. Woo.”

Sarcasm is the devil’s spice Erica! Deploy it at your own risk.”

Let’s just get this over with.”

Isn’t this kind of strange though? Why would they leave such an expensive ship unguarded?”

The reason matters not child. For destiny has put this plentiful bounty into our hands! Lady, gentlemen, hoist the sail! Glory awaits!”




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LOG 15



























[100km Above Ike]

[CSV Tempest]

[23:05, December 7th, 135 A.W.]






Edke: Whatchya lookin at?

Edvis: Trying to fix my monitor. Our ship is appearing twice on the map feed.

Edke: Appearing twice?

Edvis: Yeah just look at it! And any time I try to mouse over it it… Wait, ISV Unchained Soul?

Edke: Hmm?

Edvis: It’s saying that we’re… Oh S**T! Sound the alarm! Enemy contact detected!








Corcott: Steve, get us out of here now!

Sameny: Sir, we’re getting a hail from the contact.

Corcott: Patch us through.

ISV Unchained Soul Captain: Salutations to you all, my evening prey. The name my mother gifted me at birth is Abraham, and you shall refer to my ship as the independent space vessel Unchained Soul; also a gift, whether or not the previous owners knew it.

Corcott: Sorry Abraham but this is going to be a very short interaction. The next time we meet you won’t be so lucky. Steve?

Steve: We’re pointing prograde.

Corcott: Engines full power as soon as you’re ready.











Edke: Sir, there’s a fire in the living quarters!

Corcott: Grab the extinguisher and put it out right away.

Abraham: Well then, I think it has become quite evident what type of situation it is that you are in, no?

Corcott: Steve?

Steve: That thing will blow us out of the sky before we have the chance to move a couple hundred meters.

Corcott: Sameny, request immediate assistance from the Javelin.

Sameny: Already on it.

Abraham: Now then, shall we not begin our discussion regarding concessions?

Corcott: What do you want?

Abraham: Why nothing more than the very life-blood of all like minded space travelers! The liquid gold that pushes purpose into our step, and fire into our hearts. The very essence that-


Male Pirate: Sorry, he likes to be dramatic.

Abraham: *AHEM* Fuel my good sir! You seem to have quite a bountiful cornucopia filled to the brim with it rear ending your ship!

Corcott: …He wants our engine?

Mellie: He wants to take away our ability to maneuver.

Corcott: Abraham, I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept your request. We have no idea if we’ll be able to effectively re-attach our drive section once it’s disconnected. Considering how far from home we are, I don’t think it’s an option we’re willing to risk.

Abraham: Why, Captain! The thought that you we’re so adept in the schools of comedy was farthest from my mind! When you insinuate that you have diplomatic sway in this negotiation, surely you jest?

Female Pirate: Look here you dense moron! Either you disconnect your fuel tank or we’ll f**king LASER it off.

Mellie: They sound serious.

Corcott: Thank you for the insight Ensign. Doomdy, make preparations to disconnect the drive section.






[847km Above Duna]

[CSV Javelin]

[23:09, December 7th, 135 A.W.]






(the crew sits in dead silence)


Nedtrey: …I told them.

Nelvey: Now isn’t the time Ned. Lando, course is already plotted, do your thing.

Lando: Loud and clear.






Lando: We’re on route to Ike now.

Nedtrey: Alright. Ribney, I need you to do me a favor.

Ribney: Hm? What would that be sir?

Nedtrey: In case things go wrong, we need to have a plan B...




Ahem, captain?”

Yes Malachite?”

We’re receiving a hail from a ship 20km out. IFF reads ‘CSV Javelin’.”


Upon hearing the name, Erica begins to ponder.


Javelin huh…”

Patch us through.”

This is Commander Nedtrey of the CSV Javelin. I must inform you that this vessel, as well as the one you are currently holding hostage, are both assets of Concord Research and Engineering. We demand that you remove yourself from the vicinity and avoid any future rendezvous, or we will be forced to take military action.

It’s a destroyer sir, only armed with Hermes class torpedoes. However the transponder checks out. It’s one of Concord’s vessels.” Malachite points out with concern.

What’s that supposed to mean?” Asks Erica.

Ever hear about Poseidon’s heroes? That ship that prevented terrorists from blowing up a colony on Minmus?”


Ahem. Pleased to make your acquaintance Mr. Nedtrey. However, I regret to inform you that completing such a task remains nigh impossible considering our need to recover the fuel from the aforementioned vessel. However, you are free to accept it back into your ownership once we have done so.”

…Without that fuel, not only will our mission be a failure, but our return mission won’t be possible.

Well, how terribly inconvenient!”


They just cut off transmission sir.”

Ship is moving in to rendezvous sir.”

All able crew hands, to battle stations, post haste!”






[10 Minutes To Rendezvous]

[CSV Javelin]

[14:37, December 8th, 135 A.W.]






Nedtrey: Okay everyone, listen up because when the sparks start to fly we’ll have little time to play catch up. Now, I know it’s been a very long time since something like this has happened, and since our long journey has left us pretty lethargic, we aren’t nearly as sharp as when we were at Minmus. In order to counteract this, there’s only one thing you need to remember. If you don’t do your job properly, you won’t be scolded, nor fired; you will die. You and everyone around you. If that isn’t something to motivate you to work at your best, I don’t know what is. Now, here’s our plan. We’ll be burning with our velocity vector aligned with the target 2.5km away from it, and will approach it at around 20m per second. This will increase our accuracy and velocity of our torpedoes. At 2km, Nelvey, you’ll be firing one torpedo at the ship. If it’s a hit, then we’ll fire the rest of our right side torpedoes.

Nelvey: And if it isn’t?

Nedtrey: If not, we’ll wait until 1km in order to get another shot.

Nelvey: (exhales) Okay.

Nedtrey: We’ll be aiming straight for their bridge with each shot. Our goal is to do as much damage as we can until they either retreat, or are disabled.

Wendy: Um, define disabled.

Sarah: No longer able to kill us.

Wendy: Wait, you mean we’re going to just-!

Nedtrey: These are pirates, Ensign. They already completed their goal; capturing the Tempest. That means to them, we’re merely a threat to be eliminated. We take no chances. Understood?

Wendy: *sigh* Yes sir…

Nedtrey: Last thing. We’ll be on a fast approach towards the ship, so before we collide with it, we’re going to burn up at the last second to avoid it. Sound good?

Lando: Hell yeah!

Nedtrey: Okay, everyone, get to your stations.







Lando: Approaching now. Relative speed, 22m per second.

Nedtrey: Nelvey, get ready.

Nelvey: A-alright. Let’s do this.






Lando: 2km distance.

Nelvey: Firing!








Nelvey: Damn, not even close!

Nedtrey: We’re just going to have to wait until we get-








Wendy: (screams)

Nedtrey: F**KING HELL!



Ribney: S-sir! Incoming-

Nedtrey: PATCH US NOW!


Ribney: Uhhhhh. Sir?

Female Pirate: 3 SECONDS! ONE!

Nedtrey: We surrender.

Lando: What?!

Nedtrey: Lando, turn us around and stop the ship.

Lando: *sigh* Aye aye.










Female Pirate: (exhales) Now was that so hard? CSV Javelin, prepare to be boarded.


(Nedtrey hits his monitor)


Nedtrey: Damn it!

Nelvey: Crap! I remember now, those torpedoes we’re never accurate! What the hell are we going to do now?

Nedtrey: What’s the damage report?

Lando: Sir, the ship’s moving in on our position. 5m per second.

Wendy: U-um. M-my, monitor. It blew up…

Sarah: There was significant thermal damage to the armour plating.

Lando: Commander, these guys want to dock with us and they ain’t gonna be nice if we refuse. What are your orders?

Nedtrey: Ribney, are you still broadcasting that signal?

Ribney: Y-Yeah.

Nedtrey: *sigh* Lando, prepare to dock with the ship. It looks like we’re on our own.

Abraham: Ah. So the prey now accepts the embrace of the net. Extravagant!

Nedtrey: We underestimated you. I hope that you can take pity against us and leave my crew unharmed.

Abraham: The punishment for your violence shall be decided at a later date. In the meantime-

Male Pirate: Sir!

Abraham: Malachite, I do hope there is a good reason as to why you are interrupting my triumphant speech.






Abraham: What in the black blazes?!

Malachite: Enemy Kosmos battlecruiser! Only 2km out!

Abraham: Why, such cloak and daggery should be impossible!

Malachite: Something was messing with the sensors earlier but I thought it was just-

Abraham: Never mind that son. Full power to engines! Spare us this tragedy!






Nelvey: They’re, retreating…

Nedtrey: Did he say Kosmos? It can’t be…

Ribney: The ship is hailing us sir. I’m patching them through.

Winter’s Bane Captain: Zis iz Captain Damyen Irinushka of KNS Zimniy beyn. I am requesting contact vith Nedtrey Kerman.

Nelvey: A vlodiskovan? How does he know you Commander? Um, Commander?

Nedtrey: It’s really him…

Damyen: I vill repeat. I request to speak vith Nedtrey Kerman at once.

Nedtrey: Damyen you lovely son of a b***h! Fancy seeing you here!

Damyen: NED! Kak dela?!

Nedtrey: Teper ya khorosho! Kak dela priyatel?

Damyen: Haha! Otlichno! I zee your vlodiskowan iz steel good!

Nedtrey: I try to keep it fresh in my head. Look, I’ll fill you in on the details of what’s going on in a bit. First we need to contact our parent ship to give them the all clear.

Damyen: Understood.

Nelvey: Um, since when do you speak vlodiskovan?

Nedtrey: Long story my friend. I’ll get to tell you all about soon. Right now though, Ribney, hail the Tempest. Tell them the good news.






[94km Above Ike]

[CSV Javelin]

[15:02, December 8th, 135 A.W.]






Nelvey: You used to work for Kosmos Industries?

Nedtrey:Yup. Back then they were still fighting the other Big 6 corporations in the Jool system for resources. The Joolian Blitz.

Nelvey: Jool… You said something about that before didn’t you?

Nedtrey: Yup. The bloodiest outerspace conflict to date.

Lando: Sounds like one helluva time.

Nedtrey: Damyen and I served aboard a battleship. Back then he was just in charge of gunnery. Anyways, needless to say I had to learn the official language of Kosmos Industries in order to serve with them. Damyen always said my accent was terrible.








Nedtrey: Alright, time for the reunion.

Ribney: I love reunions!

Nedtrey: Rib it’s not a reunion for you it’s- ugh, never mind.


(airlock opens)


Damyen: Ned! (hugs Nedtrey) It iz good to be zeeing you!

Nedtrey: Likewise comrade.

Damyen: Come inside, ve have much to deescus!





Damyen: (sits down) Ah… Ve are wery lucky ve reseeved your signal. You broadcasted on all emergency Kosmos channels?

Nedtrey: All emergency channels for every corp I ever worked with. Still know them all by heart. However, of all to respond, Kosmos was the least expected. Your ships are almost never spotted outside of Eve and Jool.

Damyen: Da. You actually caught uz at funny timing. Ve vere on our vay to refitting veapons on ship.

Nedtrey: What, the huge laser cannons just aren’t cutting it anymore?

Damyen: Nyet. Sun beam veapons being mothballed. Too much cost, too little practicality. Vere used back in times vhere ramming vas common military tactic. Rudimentary…

Nedtrey: Speaking of rudimentary, they gave you a damn ship huh?

Damyen: Same for you da?

Nedtrey: Well, yes of course but, uh, well…

Damyen: Mine iz bigger? HAHAHA!

Nedtrey: Hahahaha, walked right into that one.

Damyen: (clasps hands) Von second. (grabs drink pouch from desk) Here.


(Damyen squirts a bubble of liquid at Nedtrey through the straw)


Damyen: Drink!


(Nedtrey sucks in the bubble)


Nedtrey: (coughs) No way, you have vodka here?

Damyen: Nyet. Iz merely vlodiskov...life support. HAHAHAHA!

Nedtrey: (chuckles) Oh god Damy, you haven’t changed at all have you?


(Damyen squirts a bubble of vodka into his mouth)


Nedtrey: So, what brings a Kosmos battlecruiser to this neck of the woods?

Damyen: …Scouting.

Nedtrey: Scouting? At Duna? What are you scouting for?

Damyen: (waves hand) Iz merely routine. Nosing special.

Nedtrey: Routine huh?

Damyen: Da, da. But comrade, how haz Konkord treated you? Heard of inzident at Minmuz, ve all did. Danger haz curious vay of folloving you, da?

Nedtrey: Da. First terrorists, and now pirates. We can’t get a break these days.

Damyen: You must have beeg f**k off battelship like old dayz! True vlodiskov vay. Zen zees degenerates vill think twice.

Nedtrey: Last I heard we were working on something like that. That ship we’re escorting, the Tempest, is supposed to be a proof of concept for a Concord capital ship.

Damyen: Your Tempest iz soft and sqvishy. Should not have been captured if it iz az you zay.

Nedtrey: It doesn’t have weapons on it Damy, it’s an exploration vessel. Its existence just proves Concord can make a capital ship in the first place. The “big f**k off battleship” comes afterward.

Damyen: I zee…

Nedtrey: *sigh* Okay Damyen, are you ready to tell me the real reason why you’re here?


(Damyen looks out his window to make sure no one is nearby)


Damyen: You are too obzerwant Ned.

Nedtrey: C’mon. You don’t expect me to believe that Cosmos sends armed battlecruisers on scouting missions do you?

Damyen: You must keep zis information to yourself. No vord to superiors.

Nedtrey: Understood.

Damyen: Ve're protecting assitz. Our assitz.

Nedtrey: Is that a euphamism?

Damyen: Nyet. Crimson corp iz losing grasp on ze system. Kosmos colony alwayz complain about ze criminalz, ze pirates.

Nedtrey: Has it gotten that bad?

Damyen: Da. Ve're being forced to take matterz into own handz.

Nedtrey: You're getting dangerously close to breaking the Duna treaty.

Damyen: (sips vodka) Tell me, how can treaty be enforced, if zay cannot prtect ze're own people?

Nedtrey: Hm.

Damyen: Davay Ned. Nov iz nyet time to be speaking of politics. Shall ve?


(Damyen gets up and begins going toward the hatch)


(Nedtrey follows)


Damyen: Nov iz time to be celebrating our being alive! (walks through hatch)


(Nelvey is sitting at a table with Cosmos crew members)


Nelvey: So, as I said before, it was a lot easier back at Minmus. Sure we had to get in very close range, but I managed to destroy the terrorist ship without damaging the tanker!

Boris: Ah, but zis time nyet such luck?

Nelvey: I’m telling you, HQ will be getting a word from me about those torpedoes in our next report.

Damyen: Boris! Ivan! Anna! (throws vodka toward them) Life support.

Ivan: Da! Chudesnyh! (catches vodka)

Aaron: Done playing catch up sir?

Nedtrey: Aaron? I thought you’d be doing something on the ship.

Aaron: Curiosity got the better of me. I’ve been probing the crew for their experience with space travel. Funnily enough, they don’t have an on board psychiatrist.

Nedtrey: Never was in the budget.

Wendy: Sir, you should see the engines on this beast! Incredible acceleration but terrible specific impulse.

Boris: Da, but deltaV is owerated.

Nedtrey: Alright guys, I’m glad you got time for a little meet and greet, but it’s time to head back to Duna with the Tempest. Damyen here offered to give us some of his spare fuel in order to keep us afloat until the miner gets here, so no need for us to worry about our “overrated” deltaV.

Nelvey: Alright! Now we’re cooking with gas!

Nedtrey: Okay everyone, back aboard the Javelin.


(the Javelin crew heads toward the airlock)


Nedtrey: (grabs Damyens hand) It was very nice seeing you Damyen.

Damyen: Hopefully ve may again.

Nedtrey: If so, under better circumstances….






[80km Above Ike]

[CSV Javelin]

[16:23, December 8th, 135 A.W.]



Lando: Okay, course is plotted for Duna. We’re going to be aerobraking through the atmosphere in order to save fuel.

Nedtrey: Good, with that close call some extra fuel is more than welcome.

Lando: Firing now.








Nelvey: We’re slightly off course, nothing a small correction won’t be able to fix however.

Nedtrey: Great. (kicks feet up) Wake me when we rendezvous.

Nelvey: Will do.






[185km Above Duna]

[CSV Javelin]

[20:12, December 8th, 135 A.W.]








Lando: Okay, relative speed is now 0.1m per second. That ain’t bad if I do say so myself.

Nedtrey: (yawns) Approach the Tempest Lando.

Nelvey: Y’know, come to think of it, none of us have seen the inside of this ship before. Sounds exciting no?

Nedtrey: To be perfectly honest Nelvey, the only thing I’m excited to do is give Captain Corcott a piece of my mind. I told him that this system was dangerous! And he didn’t listen!

Nelvey: Yeah, I remember you mentioning that before. Exactly what do you mean by that?

Nedtrey: Well, after the Dunan war Crimson Corp was supposed to keep this place safe. The corporations who owned the colonies on the surface agreed to pull their fleets out of the system, and in return they'd pay a fee to Crimson Corp every year so they could maintain a large fleet to protect the place with. It worked at first, but now there's just so many people here, more than twenty-two thousand. Criminals will pool together their money and buy ships to pirate with, and because the fleet is spread so thin they manage to fly under the radar. There's also the fact that there are barely any laws or regulations out here, and the few that there are aren't properly enforced, which means gambling and other unsavory activities are common place. That sort of thing only ever attracts bad kinds of people.

Lando: Were about to dock sir.

Nedtrey: Ah right, I almost forgot about the piece of my mind I was going to give Corcott.










(Nedtrey floats through the airlock into the ship)


Gerbro: (salutes) Evening Commander. I’m assuming you wish to speak with the Captain?

Nedtrey: Which way is he?

Gerbro: (points) Over by the bridge.

Nedtrey: Thank you son.




Corcott: Doomdy, how are things looking back there?

Doomdy: The drive system doesn’t appear to be damaged after the aerobrake. I wasn’t really sure whether disconnecting it and reattaching it would somehow offset the stability, but it all seems to be in working order.

Corcott: (exhales) That’s good to hear.


(Nedtrey enters)


Nedtrey: Captain.






Corcott: Commander Nedtrey. Are you finding the environment here to your liking?

Nedtrey: Haven’t had the chance to look around yet, wanted to talk to you first.

Corcott: I’m guessing this is in regards to the pirating attempt?

Nedtrey: You’re damn right it is!

Corcott: Watch your tone.

Nedtrey: Captain, what you did was reckless and irresponsible. Haven’t you been to Duna before? You of all people should have known better.

Corcott: Are you calling my experience into question?

Nedtrey: I’m calling your decision making skills into question.

Corcott: Well unfortunately for you, the chain of command remains the same.

Nedtrey: You’re right Captain, you do outrank me. However, I think it’s that very reason why you’ll hear me out; because you care about the people on this mission as much as I do.

Corcott: What do you mean by that?

Nedtrey: I’m requesting that a stipulation be added by you in the mission plan. I no longer want the Javelin and the Tempest being separated from each other during our stay here. It’s too dangerous to assume that we are safe, and we can’t count on someone coming to save us again. The arrival of that battlecruiser was nothing short of a miracle, it won’t happen twice.

Corcott: Hm, well I suppose great minds think alike Commander, I already sent word back to HQ requesting that very stipulation.

Nedtrey: Y-You have?

Corcott: Yes. It had been quite a long time since I’d been to Duna. I had no idea the populace had degraded into the state it’s in now. Had I, perhaps I’d have taken your warning more seriously.

Nedtrey: Right.

Corcott: It seems as though my decision making abilities aren’t as bad as you say they are.

Nedtrey: Well, I never said they were bad, I was calling them into question…


(Nedtrey floats toward the hatch)


Corcott: (smiles) Enjoy your stay on the ship Nedtrey. Oh, and Commander, I think it’s more of a miracle that I won’t be reporting you for insubordination.




Nedtrey: Oof! Well. Ergh! I have to admit. Gah! That Captain sure has his faculties in order. Erm!

Sarah: That’s for sure.

Nedtrey: One…. hundred! (gets up) Phew. Gotta exercise while we can. Just 11 more days before the semi-automatic mining unit gets here. Then we have to refuel, and wait for the next transfer window.

Sarah: *sigh* Which will be in another 70 or so days.

Nedtrey: We all signed up for a yearlong trip.

Sarah: Of course. Although, I wish we had more to do then just throw a couple of satellites in orbit.

Nedtrey: We’re sending a message. Concord is now an interplanetary corporation. You can send terrorists at us, pirates at us, and that fact will remain the same.

Sarah: So were proving our mettle?

Nedtrey: And collecting data on colonization. Think about it, we didn’t have to send a mining unit to Duna with us, we could have just sent another fuel tank. We’re trying to figure out the logistics of kethane mining here. There’s even a part in the mission plan that involves trying to land the SAMU on Duna and have it take off again. Even today we aerobroke instead of having a powered stop; now we know we can do so in this system in order to conserve tons of fuel.

Sarah: So it appears mundane, but has greater purpose.

Nedtrey: Trust me, next time we come here, it will be with a lot more than satellites.


(Nedtrey starts toward the ladder)


Nedtrey: Anyway, get some exercise. I want my crew in tip top physical shape. And that’s an order, clear?

Sarah: Clear.






[50km Above Duna]

[18:02, December 20th, 135 A.W.]









Jerrie: Okay, we just entered atmosphere. Our apoapsis will be a bit higher than we predicted but it’s still within acceptable ranges. Now we just need to wait.

Bilbert: It’s happening. It’s finally happening.










(ship’s hull begins to groan and rumble)


Bilbert: Reaching forces of 0.7g…0.8g…0.9…1g of force.

Jerrie: Grrrrrrr. Gravity, never felt so terrible!












Jerrie: Orbit achieved. Re-entry heat levels now minimal.

Bilbert: Damn. You know, that actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

Jerrie: Alright, the structural integrity of the ship held up well. Now we just need to rendezvous with the Tempest.

Bilbert: Entering it into the flight computer now. We’ll be aligning orbits soon.



















Jerrie: This is SAMU to Tempest. Docking port is aligned, moving in to dock now.









[185km Above Duna]

[CSV Javelin]

[20:15, December 20th, 135 A.W.]






Nelvey: Hey Nedtrey.

Nedtrey: Speak Lieutenant.

Nelvey: Woah, what's with the sudden formality?

Nedtrey: Lieutenant is your rank isn't it?

Nelvey: Yeah, sure. Anyway, I’ve always wanted to know, what's your family situation like?

Nedtrey: *sigh* Nelvey, is this really the time?

Nelvey: Well I mean I've known you so long, and I've just always wondered like, if you had a wife or a kid or something. Or maybe not even that just like parents or siblings. Well, you'd never get to see them right? I mean same goes with me but, I just wondered how you deal with that. Like do you send emails or-











Aaron: Oh no.

Sarah: We're being fired upon!

Nelvey: Scanning now... Oh s**t! Small contact, no transponder. It looks like a fighter! Commander, what are we going to do? Commander?

Nedtrey: (stares blankly)

Nelvey: Commander!




"Nedtrey! What the hell are we gonna do?!" Jarred asked me hysterically.

The red flashing lights of the ship, indicating emergency, so perfectly painted the distressed look on his face.

An attack like this usually meant the presence of a larger fleet just over the horizon. The crew, at their battle stations, all had a clearly visible look of panic.

And they weren’t the only ones.

I needed to gather my own bearings as well, start small.

"What's the damage report?"

"Uhhhh. We got hit in three places on the tail end of the ship."

"The tail end?"

"Yeah, lucky us they're bad shots."

I thought about that possibility for a second. They were firing at us sporadically, short controlled burst. To the untrained eye, it may have looked as though they weren’t properly leading their shots, and were falling just short of hitting the bridge. But I knew better.

"No... They're not bad shots, they're aiming for our engines."

"W-Wait, you mean they're not aiming for us?"

"They're the largest unarmored target, and if we lose them, we just lost our ticket home...”

Of course that’s what they were trying to do. It was the same reason they were focused more on raiding our supply lines then they were attacking us directly. After all, a ship with no means of reaching its destination is just a very expensive coffin………









Nelvey: NEDTREY!

Nedtrey: They’re targeting the SAMU. They want to stop us from going home. Come in, Captain Corcott, do you copy?

Corcott: I copy Commander. Undock and point prograde were leaving.

Nedtrey: Negative. Enemy is going after SAMU, not enough time. Requesting permission to engage.

Corcott: Request deni-

Nedtrey: Think about what’s at stake here! That fighter is too agile for us to escape, we are SCREWED if we don't take it out now.

Corcott: ...

Nedtrey: CAPTAIN!

Corcott: *sigh* Request accepted. Happy hunting Javelin.






Nedtrey: SAMU-TMPT1A, abort docking sequence and take immediate evasive action. Try to stay out of reach of the fighter; at least 2km.

Jerrie: U-Uh, copy that Javelin actual. We’ll stay safe.

Nedtrey: Ribney, send an immediate status report to HQ. They need to know what’s going on here.

Ribney: Roger Dodger!

Nedtrey: Nelvey, get the torpedoes primed you’ll be our gunner again.

Nelvey: Got it.

Nedtrey: Lando, bring us in close to the target. Wendy, keep the engines running at optimal levels. Sarah, Aaron, just try and keep the ship from falling apart.

Lando: Moving in now.






Lando: Moving in at 10m/s. We’re on target.

Nedtrey: Nelvey, get ready to make a shot at 1000m, understood?

Nelvey: Wh- Hitting a moving target?

Lando: Velocity vector’s aligned. Should travel pretty straight.

Nelvey: God… Okay, my finger’s on the trigger.






Sarah: Torpedo incoming!






Nelvey: Dear f**k on a stick that went right past my window!

Nedtrey: Remain calm. Keep aimed.






Nedtrey: Fire.








Nelvey: Damnit! Shot failed to connect.

Nedtrey: We’re still on course don’t worry.

Ribney: I’m trying to contact the fighter but we’re getting no response.

Nelvey: We’re at 800m, firing again.








Nelvey: Oh god… Another miss.

Lando: We seriously just going to charge right at this guy?!

Nedtrey: Prepare to fire again.






Sarah: Another of their torpedoes missed!

Aaron: H-how much impact would it take to depressurize the vessel? Perhaps we should-

Lando: Quiet down! I’m using RCS to bring us to a stop.






Nelvey: FIRING!








Nelvey: (bangs monitor) DAMN IT! Who the hell even made these things?!?!










(the bridge shakes violently)


Sarah: We’re hit! We’re hit!

Nelvey: Tell me something I don’t know!

Nedtrey: D-Damage report, now!

Sarah: My damn monitors busted, f**king hull’s probably dented. We need to get the hell out of here!

Nedtrey: No. We need to eliminate the target.

Sarah: And what happens if that target eliminates us?!

Nelvey: DIE B****RD!









Nedtrey: Lieutenant, calm down! We’re down to our last torpedo!

Nelvey: Wh-What? No. Already?!

Nedtrey: Deep breaths Nelvey, just aim, and relax.

Sarah: Another torpedo! Just flew past port side!


(Nelvey is sweating, frantically breathing)


Nelvey: Okay… (inhales) Last shot. (exhales) Make it count.

Nedtrey: 3…2…1…FIRE!







Nedtrey: What?

Wendy: Dud! It was a dud!

Aaron: Everyone calm down, we’re going to be alright.

Nedtrey: (muttering) Ok, ok. We can go for collision course, detach one of the cannons, move out of the way last second.




Wendy: We’re going to die…We’re going to die…


(Aaron consoles Wendy)


Aaron: You’ll be fine…don’t worry.

Nedtrey: (muttering) Maybe same thing but, detach the-

Lando: SIR! Tell me you have something.

Nedtrey: (muttering)Damn it… Damn it… Think… Think… WAIT! The EAD!

Sarah: What?

Nedtrey: Electronic Assistance Droid, can you fly it?!

Nelvey: Ye-

Nedtrey: Crash it into the fighter! Quick! Now!

Nelvey: Here goes absolutely nothing…



















Nelvey: Got 'em!

Nedtrey: Did we do it?







Nelvey: (slinks in chair)Oh dear lord thank you…


Wendy: I-It’s over?

Nedtrey: This is Javelin actual to CSV Tempest. Hostile neutralized. Repeat, hostile neutralized.




Edited by HippieGold
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LOG 16





























[185km Above Duna]

[CSV Tempest]

[23:48, December 20th, 135 A.W.]










Corcott: How long will it be before we reacquire contact?

Sameny: Maybe a week or so?

Corcott: Maybe?

Sameny: Certainly before the opening of the transfer window.

Corcott: Then we’re on our own.

Sameny: Hold on a sec, were getting an incoming hail. It’s “you know who”.

Corcott: *sigh* Great, just what I need. Patch him through.

Nedtrey: Captain Corcott?

Corcott: Commander Nedtrey.

Nedtrey: It’s been hours Captain, and I hate to break it to you but I doubt that fighter was the only one of its kind. We need to get out of here before any more trouble shows up.

Corcott: Well colour me surprised Commander, you’ve provided some very deep and useful insight toward our situation.

Nedtrey: R-Really-?

Corcott: No. Not really.

Nedtrey: Captain!

Corcott: Okay, Commander, I was going to wait until we had a specific plan of action before I gave a sitrep but allow me to spell this out for you.






Corcott: Right now the sun is in between us and Kerbin, which is blocking out all of our communications to Concord mission control. Now in a situation where a threat has been readily identified, and has come painfully close to jeopardizing the mission, protocol would dictate that we wait for control to give us orders before doing anything brash. Of course, we do not have this luxury; instead the chain of command dictates that this mission, and all souls associated with it, is now my responsibility. Were in bad place at the moment. We have an unknown enemy that could possibly be hunting us this very second with no means to defend ourselves and no one’s ship has enough deltaV to make it back to Kerbin without refueling. That means, like it or not, the SAMU needs to complete its refueling run, even with danger on the horizon. So, what I have to do is get the deltaV we need to get home, and somehow keep us alive until contact with CMC is re-established.

Nedtrey: We’re going to just wait? Why would we not just leave now?

Corcott: OH, I knew that was coming. Do you see this?






Corcott: That is our trajectory home. Good news is we’ll get there in only 43 days; bad news is we’ll all burn to death before we ever reach there.

Nedtrey: We’d be in spitting distance of the sun…

Corcott: Precisely.

Nedtrey: So… well… what are you orders?

Corcott: I’m sorry, come again?

Nedtrey: Your orders sir, what are we going to do?

Corcott: *sigh* (whispers)Music to my ears… Well, funnily enough Commander, I was devising our strategy before you rudely interrupted me. Once we have a plan, you’ll be the first one I call. (ends transmission)

Gerbro: Can you believe that guy? I mean, what does he take you for?

Corcott: You’re preaching to the choir here Gerbro.

Gerbro: So what are we going to do? I mean, you’ve gotten us this far haven’t you?

Corcott: We have to go to Ike. I don’t like it, but we have to, it’s the only place where we can mine kethane.

Gerbro: And if they’re waiting for us there?

Corcott: I don’t know.

Gerbro: So we’re continuing with the original mission plan?

Corcott: Yes, for now. We need that deltaV no matter what.

Gerbro: And once we have it?

Corcott: We go far out, passed Ike’s orbit, and we wait until our window opens.

Gerbro: And then we go home.

Corcott: Yeah, and then we go home.

Sameny: So, should I update the Commander on the current mission plan sir?

Corcott: Do so. In the meantime… (turns on intercom) Attention all hands, this is your commanding officer speaking. After much consideration, it has been decided that our mission plan will remain the same until either we get orders from CMC, or if another emergency arises. For now, our current destination is Ike, where we will refuel our ships with the SAMU. ………… Look, I know you’re scared. Twice in a row things have gone sour on us, and it isn’t what any of you signed up for. But right now, all that matters is that we are all here together, and mark my words, I will keep you safe. Don’t fret, you will see Kerbin again.






[185km Above Duna]

[CSV Javelin]

[0:20, December 21st, 135 A.W.]


Wendy: Confirming separation in 3,2, 1.






Sarah: That should make us a little lighter. No use having torpedo launchers without torpedoes.

Wendy: It’s too bad we couldn’t bring that EAD along with us. It’d help if there were any more…incidents.

Sarah: Well too bad for us one of the RTGs cracked open its blutonium everywhere.

Wendy: We could have still brought it.

Sarah: We could have given all of us cancer too.

Nedtrey: Lando, are we go for burn?

Lando: Yessir. DeltaV for Ike transfer, 244m/s.

Nedtrey: Countdown to ignition.

Lando: 5, 4, 3, 2…






Lando: Alrighty, our encounter’s in an hour and a half.

Nedtrey: Ribney, any word from the Tempest?

Ribney: They’re getting ready to make their burn now.

Nedtrey: Good, let them know we’re on course.







Sameny: The Javelin’s completed its insertion burn.

Corcott: Perfect. Steve, begin countdown to insertion. SAMU 2, sync with our throttle.

Steve: Copy that Captain.

Jerrie: Syncing.

Steve: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…ignition.















[100km Above Ike]

[CSV Javelin]

[1:44, December 21st, 135 A.W.]










Lando: That’s us. We have orbit.

Nedtrey: Ribney?

Ribney: I’m informing them now Commander!

Nelvey: …Ned?

Nedtrey: Yes Lieutenant?

Nelvey: You think they’re still out there?


Nelvey: I mean, that guy in the fighter, we just left him out there. If one of his friends picked him up…

Nedtrey: What were we supposed to do, capture him? It’s not like the Tempest has a brig.

Nelvey: But if he had friends, if he told them what happened-

Nedtrey: Then they’ll be looking for us. I know.

Nelvey: What happens if they find us?

Nedtrey: That isn’t my call lieutenant.

Nelvey: That’s all you can say, it’s not your call? We nearly died Ned!

Nedtrey: You say that as if I wasn’t even there.

Nelvey: You’re sure as hell acting like you weren’t!

Nedtrey: Yelling about it won’t solve anything Lieutenant.


Nedtrey: Do you really think I have all the answers for you?! Did it not occur to you that I’m just as clueless and frightened as you are?


Nedtrey: Well throwing a fit will only make things worse! We’re safe right now, that’s what’s most important. If anything else happens in the future, Captain Corcott is the one in charge of keeping us alive. If you’re so bothered, take it up with him.


Nedtrey: And as for the rest of you, look, I’m not an idiot. You’re on edge, I can tell, and no amount of shrink meetings is going to make you lose your fear of death. That’s no excuse! Look around you, you’re surrounded by friends, by people that care about you, by people that depend on you. No matter what, we are in this together, whether or not everything goes right from now on, or if we’re all blown up by aliens. So quit mentally tearing yourselves apart, swallow your insecurities, and focus on the damn task at hand. Do I make myself clear?




Nedtrey: I said do I make myself clear?!

Crew: Sir yes sir!

Nedtrey: Nelvey, your rank should remind you that you are not a lone wolf, that you’re part of a system. A system that, for better or worse, has been tested over the years through countless trials and tribulations. Have faith in that system Nel. Have faith in me, in Captain Corcott, in all of us. We’ll make it through this.






[100km Above Ike]

[CSV Tempest]

[3:22, December 21st, 135 A.W.]






Steve: Cutting thrust in 3, 2, 1. Phew, alright then. Separation between us and the Javelin is 3km.

Corcott: Thank you Steve. SAMU 2, do you have a comprehensive understanding of the landing plan?

Jerrie: Yup. I have the co-ordinates marked, we’re ready to go.

Corcott: Good. It’s a deposit far away from any mining facilities, just in case we end up rubbing Crimson Corp. the wrong way.

Jerrie: But, don’t they already know were here?

Corcott: Well that was what we were told, but with everything that’s going on we can’t be sure. Who knows, maybe that fighter that engaged us was even… Um…anyway, just try to avoid trouble.

Jerrie: Right. Well as long as-.….Oh, what?.… Really?.….Ok I’ll let him know. Ahem, Captain, it appears as though we don’t have enough fuel to land on the surface of the moon.

Corcott: Come again?






Jerrie: Bilbert’s telling me it takes around 1000m/s to land on the Mün, and right now we have 933. Now, I’m pretty sure Ike has less gravity then the Mün, but even then, taking that chance probably isn’t a good idea.

Corcott: *sigh* You have permission to dock SAMU 2.

Jerrie: Copy that.







Mellie: Alright, transferring fuel to the SAMU 2, we’re left with 800m/s.

Corcott: And they have enough to make it to the surface?

Mellie: Yes sir.

Corcott: Good.

Mellie: So we’re betting everything on them?

Corcott: I wish we had another choice.






[100km Above Ike]


[3:37, December 21st, 135 A.W.]


Jerrie: CSV Tempest, we are confirming separation.






Jerrie: Proceeding to high altitude deorbit burn point.

Sameny: We read you SAMU 2. God speed.

Bilbert: Well, no pressure right Jerrie?

Jerrie: (nervous laughter)










Bilbert: Here we go.

Jerrie: Beginning deorbit…now!








Jerrie: Aaaaaand cutting thrust. We are now on course.

Bilbert: Hm. Which means if we don’t have enough deltaV to land-

Jerrie: Which we do.

Bilbert: Yeah but, if we didn’t, it’d be too late to burn in time to save us.

Jerrie: Why would you even say that Bil?

Bilbert: What? Just pointing it out.






Jerrie: Well, from here on were in the hands of the autopilot.

Bilbert: Which means if anything goes wrong with the autopilot-

Jerrie: I swear to god Bil, don’t start.












Jerrie: Beginning final descent.






Jerrie: Suicide burn initiating in 3, 2-

Bilbert: Hey, you said it not me.










Jerrie: Oh man, we’re so close but I can’t see a thing.

Bilbert: Man, I sure hope we’re not landing on a 45 degree angled slope.






Jerrie: Wait, have we landed?




Jerrie: Well that answers my question.

Sameny: SAMU 2, come in. Did you land safely SAMU 2?






Jerrie: This is SAMU 2 to CSV Tempest. We have a confirmed landing on the kethane deposit. Repeat, we’re safe and sound Tempest; fuel is on the way.


(cheering is heard on the other end)


Corcott: Fantastic news SAMU 2. You may now proceed with the scheduled EVA.

Jerrie: Gotchya Tempest actual. We’ll proceed right away.

Bilbert: Um, shouldn’t we be drilling the kethane right away?

Jerrie: We’re going to have to wait until sunrise for that anyway. C’mon, we’re going to be the first representatives of Concord to walk on Ike. The first celestial body outside of the Kerbin system Concord’s landed people on!

Bilbert: Well, it’ll be a great way to celebrate us surviving this far.

Jerrie: That’s the spirit!

Bilbert: You go first though. You brought us here so, it’s only fair you get the first words.

Jerrie: First words? Oh, right!

Bilbert: Have you thought of anything?

Jerrie: Well uh, not really.

Bilbert: Well it’s only going to be immortalized in Concord’s records forever. No pressure.

Jerrie: … (steps into airlock)

Bilbert: Have fun!






Jerrie: CSV Tempest, this is Jerrie Kerman. I’m proceeding down toward the surface.

Corcott: What do you see Jerrie?






Jerrie: It’s dark. Real dark. It’s as if there’s just a sea of nothing below me.

Corcott: What else?

Jerrie: Uhhhh. The ground has a very similar texture to the Mün, but there’s a lot less dust. The horizon is…oh god.






Corcott: What is it Jerrie?! What do you see?!

Jerrie: It…It’s beautiful.






Jerrie: Tempest actual, Concord’s destiny stands before me. And it’s beautiful.

Corcott: *sigh* Copy that Jerrie. Continue with the surface sample collection. Tempest actual, out.

Bilbert: Hey Jerrie.








Bilbert: I see you’re enjoying the view.

Jerrie: It’s incredible Bil.

Bilbert: It sure is Jerrie, it sure is. (pats Jerrie) Now, let’s go dig up some rocks.







Bilbert: Sun should be coming up soon.

Jerrie: You know how long it’ll take to top off our tank?

Bilbert: About an hour or so.

Jerrie: It feels like we’ve been down here forever.

Bilbert: That’s crazy talk. 15 hours is nowhere near the length of forever.

Jerrie: You know what I meant.

Bilbert: Oh, here’s the sun now.






Jerrie: Okay, deploying solar panels.

Bilbert: Deploying mining drills.








Bilbert: The kethane’s steadily flowing in. Activating liquid fuel and oxidizer converter now. Cooling efficiency is 95%.

Jerrie: Here that Tempest? The green gold is flowing.

Sameny: Good to hear Jerrie. All of us are ready up here when your finished your operation.

Jerrie: Copy that Tempest.




Bilbert: Liquid fuel, oxidizer, and…….…kethane levels, all at 100%.

Jerrie: What’s our deltaV like?

Bilbert: Plenty to rendezvous with the Tempest and supply it with a decent amount of fuel. We’ll have to make multiple trips if we want to top off its tanks though.

Jerrie: Gotchya. In the meantime, let’s rendezvous with the ship. Engaging ascent autopilot now, final desired orbit is 100km.

















[100km Above Ike]

[CSV Tempest]

[21:03, December 21st, 135 A.W.]






Sameny: They’re making their final approach now.

Corcott: Ensign?

Edvis: I’m watching the radar like a hawk sir. Still no sign of anything.

Corcott: Excellent.

Edvis: You know, this process draws an incredible amount of power. Could we not just periodically use the scan pulse instead of constantly-

Corcott: Ensign, what did I say?

Edvis: *sigh* No chances.

Corcott: Precisely.


(a light thud is heard)


Sameny: SAMU’s docked sir.

Corcott: I figured. Tell the crew to begin the transfer of fuel immediately.

Sameny: What do you want me to say to the Javelin?

Corcott: Tell them they now have permission to dock.

Sameny: Aye aye sir.






[100km Above Ike]

[CSV Javelin]

[21:10, December 21st, 135 A.W.]






Nelvey: *yawn*

Lando: Tired there bud?

Nelvey: It’s like, 21 o’clock, of course I’m tired.

Ribney: Well the good news is that you can sleep in the centrifuge here!

Nelvey: (shudders) Gravity…


(airlock opens)


Nedtrey: Ok, Wendy, Sarah, stay here and monitor the ship while they do the fuel transfer. I’m going to go speak to the Captain, the rest of you can do as you please. Just remember to get time in the centrifuge before leave.

Nelvey: Ugggghh, do we have to?

Nedtrey: Yes, you have to, unless of course, you want to die when you re-enter Kerbin’s atmosphere.

Nelvey: Alright alright, I’m going I’m going.


(Nelvey and Nedtrey enter the ship)


Steve: Evening sunshine. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?


(Nedtrey shoots him a dirty look)


Nedtrey: Shut up. (walks on)

Nelvey: Wow, what was that about?

Nedtrey: I think that was the ship’s helmsman. The crew around here don’t take too kindly to us.

Nelvey: Hm. Wonder whose fault that is.


Nelvey: Hey, don’t look at me like that.

Nedtrey: I need to see Corcott. Go, I don’t know, read a book or something. They have books here right?

Nelvey: Only one way to find out.








Corcott: Ah, Commander. Good to see you here. Something interesting you care to discuss?

Nedtrey: Yes there is.

Corcott: Well, go on then.

Nedtrey: In regards to my behaviour as of late.

Corcott: …Yes?

Nedtrey: I think it’s reasonable to say that, I’ve always acted with the well being of my crew, as well as the well being of yours, at the forefront of my mind. That being said, so have you, and though I don’t like to admit it, you’ve had a considerable amount more on your plate than I have. This whole time, I should have trusted you more; not doing so at any point could jeopardize the mission, and that was a fact that I failed to keep at the forefront of my mind. So with all that said, I want to apologize, Captain, for the way I’ve acted toward you.

Corcott: Well, Nedtrey, I’m not sure what to-


Corcott: What the hell…?








Corcott: Mellie, status report!

Mellie: It’s one of our engines sir, it…oh god.

Corcott: What is it?!

Mellie: It’s gone sir.






Corcott: What do you mean gone?

Mellie: It…it exploded, we lost it.

Sameny: No…

Gerbro: The radiation!

Corcott: Our, our radiation shielding should be able to…right?

Mellie: No, we’ll be fine, all of the fissile material is inside the central reactor only. The cooling system that keeps the engine from melting from all the heat that the reactor produces…it must have malfunctioned or…something…

Gerbro: Dear god…what are we going to do?


(Jordorf enters the bridge)


Jordorf: Guys, what the hell was that? The guys are freaking out over there!

Corcott: (takes deep breath) Okay, there’s no reason to panic. Mellie, was the fuel transfer completed to the Javelin?

Mellie: Y-Yeah it was.

Corcott: Good. Nedtrey, head back to your ship, we’re going to need to leave as soon as possible.

Nedtrey: B-But what about you?

Corcott: We still have a working engine. Now go, quick!

Nedtrey: Yes sir. (leaves)

Corcott: Ahem, (turns on intercom) attention, attention, all crew. One of our engine’s cooling systems experienced a malfunction, causing it to overheat and rendering it non-functional. From now on we will need to use our main NERVA engine only in order to keep the ship balanced upon each burn. Considering we are now in a very precarious situation, we will be leaving Ike immediately, lest we continue to tempt fate. This means we will have no more time for continued mining runs. So instead, we will be reallocating all of the fuel from the SAMU 2 toward the Javelin and the Tempest and will leave the SAMU 2 behind. That is all for our current situation. Remain calm, and carry on with your duties.

Gerbro: So, we’re still going to make it home?

Corcott: Yeah, we’ll make it home.

Gerbro: Phew… Thank god.

Corcott: Sameny, how versed are you in Concord’s IFF systems?

Sameny: Huh? What does that have to do with anything?

Corcott: Answer the question Crewman.

Sameny: Uh…I know a fair bit, why?

Corcott: Could you swap the IFF signals of two ships?

Sameny: Huh? Yeah of course I could.

Corcott: I need you to switch the IFFs of the SAMU and the Tempest.

Sameny: What? Why would you want me to do that?

Corcott: Do it Sam, that’s an order.

Sameny: Right away sir.

Corcott: Gerbro, head to the stockpiles and grab a scuttling charge. Actually, grab all of them.

Gerbro: Wait, what does this have to do with-

Corcott: Just, do it.

Gerbro: *sigh* Aye aye.







Bilbert: The charges are set sir.

Corcott: Perfect. Come back aboard.

Gerbro: Okay, are you going to let me onto your crazy plan yet sir?

Corcott: This is just an insurance plan.

Gerbro: C’mon sir, I’m your XO, you’re going to have to tell me eventually.

Corcott: (leans in) Keep in mind, this is classified information.

Gerbro: Go on.

Corcott: The terrorists at Minmus had a comprehensive understanding of Concord’s IFF systems.

Gerbro: Wait, the terrorists at Minmus, that incident 8 months ago? You, think the fighter that came after us was related to them?

Corcott: I do.

Gerbro: And if they are, then they’re probably still relying on our IFF information… Captain, you’re a genius.

Corcott: From their perspective, it will appear as though an explosion crippled the Tempest, and the SAMU 2 and the Javelin were forced to abandon it. When they come to investigate, the scuttling charges will be waiting for them. We’ll even activate the distress beacon for good measure.

Gerbro: So then we’ll be able to wait for the transfer window home without standing on pins and needles the whole time.

Corcott: Let’s hope CMC sees things my way when we get communications back.

Gerbro: Right, let’s…

Corcott: Sameny, undock the SAMU and tell the Javelin to ready up to depart. We’re leaving.









Our current plan is to head out past Ike’s orbit to wait for the transfer window to Kerbin, somewhere where hopefully we’ll go unnoticed. I nearly protested the idea, until the Captain informed me of his plan. He only told me, Nelvey, and his XO, Gerbro. It’s risky, and not 100% guaranteed to work, but it’s a lot better than any alternative I can think of. If it does work it’ll sure do something for morale around here, on both boats. We also won’t have to worry about getting blown up.

Corcott still hasn’t said anything about my apology, though he’s stopped referring to me as “Commander” in a demeaning tone. That’s a start.

-Side Note: Was Corcott not supposed to tell us that the terrorists we fought at Minmus had cracked our IFF systems? This information could have very large implications if it means what I think it means.













When plotting our escape trajectory from Ike’s SOI, we had big problems with being recaptured whilst en route to our apoapsis. Lando thought he had solved the issue but the computer’s calculations must’ve been off, considering we got put on a crash course intercept with the moon. When burning prograde failed to change anything we had a bit of a panic attack, but after a quick radial burn, we’ve managed to put ourselves on a path that narrowly avoids the surface. There’ll be quite a close flyby though.













I’m staring out my window right now at what’s supposed to be Ike’s surface, but I see nothing at all. Pitch black. Jerrie’s EVA report wasn’t exaggerated at all. I wonder why it’s like that?










Our orbits are a mess.

The Tempest contacted us earlier; when trying to circularize at their periapsis, their autopilot had a complete malfunction, and put them in a highly eccentric orbit. Instead of circularizing it manually, they want us to rendezvous with them at their current orbit. Corcott says it’s because they have a low deltaV budget.

Lando says it’s because their helmsman is incompetent.

Nedtrey says that Lando should keep his mouth shut.










Lando, that magnificent b****rd

He’s managed to nearly perfectly match our orbit with the Tempest’s! I was actually quite worried about whether we’d be able to pull it off, but he managed to with only spending 80m/s of our deltaV. I knew there was a reason he was on this ship.

He plotted an intercept burn as well, one that will wake us within 1.5km of the Tempest! Keep in mind our apoapsis is 6.4 thousand kilometers, and Duna’s gravity is 30% of Kerbin’s. Such accuracy with those factors is simply incredible.

I’m keeping the gushing to a minimum so it doesn’t go to his head.













28 Hours until rendezvous.

It’s been 3 days since we last saw the Tempest. We’re way past breaking our self-imposed rule of always keeping the Tempest and Javelin within range. Then again, if it’s this much of a hassle for us to rendezvous with each other, imagine the nightmare it would be for an enemy to do the same. Also, we still have that “insurance plan” to help us out. Still no word on how that’s panned out.














We boarded the Tempest today, just in time for us to get back in range with Kerbin.

HQ was livid.

Not at what we did, no, they we’re actually more than pleased with our performance. What had them so mad was what happened in the first place.

Think of it from their perspective. After just having had a close call with a pirate attack that nearly put an end to your mulit-million kredit expedition, you lose contact for about a week (something that was expected) and the first message you get afterward is that one of your main ship’s engines blew up, and your expedition was attacked again.

Side Note: I wonder if that was planned by our attackers…

Surprisingly though, they’ve told us to continue to wait for our transfer window to open. The reason they’ve given is that after all that’s happened, it’s best to stick with what we know will work. Imagine what could go wrong with a higher deltaV intercept burn.

Also, HQ seems to be a big fan of Corcott’s plan, mostly because they want to confirm whether or not the second attack was random (like the one from the pirates) or whether or not they’re related to the “terrorists” at Minmus.





Happy new year.

We had a big party on the ship, countdown and everything. Of course our clocks are probably horribly out of sync with Kerbin’s due to time dilation, but we didn’t care.

Unfortunately we didn’t have any vlodiskovan “life support”, so we had to make due with some fruit juice, which is quite fancy when you’ve been drinking your own urine for 6 months. Okay yeah it’s filtered, but it’s still urine.

Ever since we’ve come aboard the Tempest, things have been different. Instead of just using the centrifuge for exercise and lounging in the living quarters making little to no eye contact with the other crew, we’ve actually begun to mingle. 

They’re good people, a nice little community. I’m actually kind of jealous that they have all this to live in while in interplanetary space, while we’re still condemned to our closet the Javelin. Sure I’ve served on big ships in the past, but those were all military vessels. The only thing that connects these people with military is their ranks, but this place functions more like a small town then a warship, with Captain Corcott being the mayor. Not that the Javelin is the picture perfect example of a martial lifestyle but…oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just the fruit juice talking.




Corcott’s plan worked. The sensor equipment left on board the SAMU picked up five small targets moving in on an intercept course. Once they were in the effective range, the scuttling charges were remotely detonated. Corcott got over the PA and explained the whole thing to the rest of the crew. There’s been hugs and cheers all around ever since. Bit of an anti-climactic end if you ask me, but HQ is more than pleased. We have no way of determining whether or not the targets were confirmed to be destroyed, but with the amount of explosives packed on that thing? Even if they weren’t caught in the initial blast the debris fired out would have acted like shrapnel. Needless to say, I don’t think we’ll be seeing them anytime soon.

What a way to start the year.

Side Note: Good news, we’re no longer afraid for our lives. Bad news, our assailants are directly related to the ones that were at Minmus. God, what does that mean for us?




Haven’t written in here for a while.

With so many people surrounding me now I usually have something better to do. The only duties I have to attend to are the average drill (HQ has insisted that we do them since the “insurance plan” worked), and routine system maintenance. Other than that I spend most of my time reading or talking with other crew members. The rest of my crew, however, have all responded differently with this meeting of the ships. 

Nelvey has adapted the most socially. He likes to tell stories with the others in the LQ, brags about his exploits, and is usually the funniest of whatever group he’s chatting with. 

Aaron, as per usual, typically keeps to himself, always throwing in his two cents here or there; though he’s recently started to make friends with the ships robotics specialist, Kenlan. The two seem to share a lot in common, though Kenlan is seen more as a loner than a snobby intellectual.

Lando and Steve have this weird feud going on, always fighting about orbital mechanics or…something. I don’t know. They can’t get enough of each other though.

Wendy’s attitude has probably improved the most from the interaction. She’s starting to smile again like she used to. She’s always either on the bridge talking with the girls, Sameny and Mellie, or is in the engine room scolding Doomdy on his rocketry knowledge.

Ribney? Well, I always see him get quiet and light coloured anytime Sameny is around. Other than that he’s the same ol’ Ribney.

And Sarah. God, where do I even begin with her? And she’s supposed to be a professional.







Spoke to Corcott today. Looks like he hadn’t forgotten my little apology speech after all. He said that he was proud of me, and that the fact that I lost trust in him was his own failure, and then he apologized to me. Still not sure what to think of it, felt like a dream almost. 

Corcott’s a good man, sometimes I feel we don’t deserve him.







I dreamt about Jool again. About the Yggdrasil.

I’m never going back. Never.







The window’s going to open soon. We’re readying to go back…






[6,359km Above Duna]

[CSV Javelin]

[0:10, February 26th, 136 A.W.]






Nelvey: Kerbin’s distance is 20.9 gigameters. We’re in an optimal plane for intercept.

Lando: Countdown to burn’s gonna be ‘round 12 hours and fourteen minutes. DeltaV cost’ll be 583m/s.

Nelvey: Take one last look guys. It’s going to be a long time before we see it again.

Ribney: Patching through captain Corcott!

Corcott: Steve has our course plotted. It’s going to take us around 70 days to make it home.

Nedtrey: Is everything good on your end? All your systems straightened out?

Corcott: Our burn is going to have to be manual, but Steve has it covered. Doomdy’s triple checked the reactor, and it’ll be able to hold out for the duration. To be safe CMC has requested we do a breaking burn rather than an aerobrake once we reach Kerbin, but other than that everything looks good.

Nedtrey: That’s good to hear. We’ll get back in contact once we near the burn point.

Corcott: Copy that Ned. Tempest actual, out.

Nelvey: This is it.

Nedtrey: Yup, we’re finally going home.











Author's note: After going through hell and back I've finally managed to update my save file to version 0.90. My 0.19 save file. Yeah, it was that old. Anyway, I now have a lot of new mods at my disposal, which means better content to come in the future! Stay tuned.




Edited by HippieGold
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The Tempest's a pretty cool looking ship.

Is the Javilen going to get better armaments? Maybe missiles from BD armory?

For that matter, is the Tempest going to be armed? Maybe point defenses and lasers?(laser point defenses?)

What's the crew compliment for those ships?

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The Tempest's a pretty cool looking ship.

Is the Javilen going to get better armaments? Maybe missiles from BD armory?

For that matter, is the Tempest going to be armed? Maybe point defenses and lasers?(laser point defenses?)

What's the crew compliment for those ships?

Well keep in mind by the time the Javelin makes it back to kerbin, almost a year will have passed. By the time they get back, the Renatus III's may already be replaced with a new versatile warship. Perhaps one with some BDarmory weaponry?

As for the Tempest, it's a wounded ship at this point, and though it could be repaired, it may be better to just scrap it for metal and put it toward building a better ship.

The Renatus Class destroyer fits seven crew (quite uncomfortably), while the Tempest has a compliment of 25 crew, and space for a maximum of 33.

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