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[Old] CONCORD Research and Engineering: Storm in the Stars (FINAL LOG: Homecoming)


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LOG 17






























[Concord Space Center]

[Launch Pad]

[11:26, March 17th, 136 A.W.]










Johnrey: You all good over there Seezer?

Seezer: Yeah, yeah I’m good. Just need to breathe a bit.

Johnrey: You weren’t this nervous at the Mün.

Seezer: I’m not nervous, I’m cautious.

Johnrey: You aced the sim, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

Seezer: I do have to worry John, just because I was successful in the sim doesn’t mean nothing will go wrong. I’ve got to be prepared, one mistake, one malfunction; a single second makes all the difference.


(Johnrey puts a hand on Seezer’s back)


Johnrey: (smiles) You’ll do great.

Seezer: (exhales) I will.

CAPCOM: Capcom to CDR, testing connection.

Seezer: Connection is nominal Capcom.

CAPCOM: Copy that.

Seezer: You ever think you may be the one that worries too much about me?

Johnrey: I’m just looking out for you Lieu’.

Seezer: We’re instructors now, do you think we’ll be able to look out for our pupils if we’re too busy looking out for each other?

CAPCOM: Running the last tests before final launch poll.

Seezer: Copy that Capcom, we’re all five by five here, ready for your order.






[Concord Space Center]

[Mission Control]

[11:31, March 17th, 136 A.W.]








George: C9CT has transferred to internal power sir.

Isaac: Alright, listen up everyone. Ears open, I need go no go for launch. Booster.


Isaac: LPS.

LPS: Go.

Isaac: FIDO.

FIDO: Go flight.

Isaac: Guidance.


Isaac: Safety Console.

SAFETY CONSOLE: Safety is go.

Isaac: EECOM.


Isaac: GNC.

GNC: GNC is go.

Isaac: INCO.


Isaac: Network.


Isaac: LRD.

LRD: Go.

Isaac: Capcom.

CAPCOM: Capcom is go.

Isaac: SRO.

SRO: SRO is go, range clear for launch.

Isaac: CDR?

Seezer: Lieutenant Seezer Kerman here, CDR is go.

Isaac: Thanks Seezer. Launch team is ready to proceed. CSC processing engineer, verify no constraints for launch.

CSC Processing Engineer: No constraints for launch.

Isaac: Launch manager?

Launch Manager: No constraints.

Isaac: CSC safety mission assurance?

CSC Safety Mission Assurance: CSC safety mission assurance is go.

Isaac: Range weather?

Range Weather: No constraints for launch Isaac.

Isaac: Okay, on behalf of all the men and women responsible for getting us this far, I wish you all good luck and god speed.

Seezer: Copy that Flight, these trainees are going to need it.




Seezer: Are you strapped in?

Johnrey: Ready to go.

PA: T minus 30 seconds and counting.

Seezer: All passengers, brace yourself for acceleration.

PA: 25…20…15…

Seezer: All lights are still green, everything is go for launch…

PA: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, ignition.

Seezer: Throttling up liquid fuel engines.

PA: 4, 3, 2, 1, and liftoff!












PA: Gravity turn is beginning. Confirm booster separation.








Seezer: Everything’s still good… No malfunctions…






PA: Preparing for fairing separation in 3, 2, 1.






Seezer: Staging now.






Seezer: (smiles) Hm…

Johnrey: Something wrong?

Seezer: I finally have a decent window to look out of.











[Concord Space Center]

[Board Room 3]

[9:00, March 31st, 136 A.W.]






Daniel: Good morning everyone, hope you’re all doing well yes?

Reaves: Yes, I assure you we’re all doing just fine. Now do you mind telling us why this meeting was called on such short notice?

Kyle: Yeah, some of us here have important business to attend to.

Daniel: …right. Well, I know that the quarterly meeting is tomorrow but beforehand I was asked to brief you all on the recent budget cuts.

Brimley: Wait, more budget cuts? I never heard about this.

Daniel: Well, we just received word about it. There’s going to be some, adjustments, to the contributions of our top sponsor.

Reaves: You mean the Allied Nations? After all we risked for them they’re pulling out they’re money now?

Daniel: *ahem* Due to a currently ongoing political matter, the ANK have decided to, for the time being, curb the amount of their generous donations, at least until the matter is resolved.

Kyle: You have to be kidding me? Now?

Daniel: However, I advise you all to not raise any concern; this simply means that Concord will be shifting some resources into pursuing contract work, in order to balance out the current lack of revenue.

Jacob: So, like mercenary work?

Daniel: N-no, at this time we don’t plan on pursuing any military contracts, mostly contracts in the private aerospace sector.

Brimley: What, we’re for hire now?

Daniel: Please Director, I suggest whatever inquiries you have that would be best answered by the CEO, you save until tomorrow.

Kyle: So that’s a yes then?

Reaves: I can’t believe this! My division has a mission to Eve planned within the next YEAR, and not only are you limiting my resources to the point where there’s no respectable amount left for the monumental tasks I need to accomplish, but your distracting our main mission priorities with meandering around for some, no name worthless corporations with two kredits to rub together?! How am I supposed to make 500 million kredits worth of omelets, if you’re only giving me 10 million kredits worth of eggs?!

Daniel: I’m sorry, sir? I’m not sure I follow.

Reaves: *slams desk* I need more eggs damn it!

Brimley: Try to ignore him son, he’s had a long night.

Daniel: Alright then. Within the booklets I’ve provided for you you’ll find the exact numbers you’re looking for, as well as details on the new construction regimes. If Mr. Reaves has made the last comment, does anyone here have any questions?

Jacob: Uh-huh, yeah, over here. I have twelve…




Daniel: Hello, sir?

Richard: How’d they take it?

Daniel: They’re um…they’re going to have a lot of questions for you tomorrow.

Richard: That bad huh?

Daniel: Oh, far from it sir, they’re a lively group of people.

Richard: *sigh* I’m sure. Sorry for calling on you with such short notice, but I didn’t want to spring the news on them in the meeting.

Daniel: Absolutely no problem sir, if there’s anything else you need from me let me know.






[Concord Space Center]

[Vehicle Assembly Building]

[12:05, March 31st, 136 A.W.]






Adam: *sigh* Can’t believe that- Oh! Uh…hello there.






Tom: Oh. Uhhh….I know I’m not supposed to smoke here but uh…

Adam: It’s alright, I do it here too.






Tom: You um, come here often?

Adam: Only after trouble shooting deltaV inconsistencies with fission engines still in concept phases.

Tom: Uh…what?

Adam: Only after a particularly rough day.

Tom: Ah.






Adam: You working in the VAB?

Tom: Yeah, I’m the guy who carries sheet metal to the top floor, or whatever somebody needs me to carry at the time. Name’s Tom by the way.

Adam: What is that, Tombles? Tomfrey? Tomski?

Tom: Tomalaladingdong.

Adam: Oh.

Tom: Haha, I’m kidding. It’s just Tom. You’re Adam right?

Adam: You know about me?

Tom: Yeah I’ve seen you around. People treat you like some sorta exec or something, but you sure as hell don’t act like one.

Adam: Heh, I think I’m starting to get that from my mentor.

Tom: So what do you do?

Adam: You nailed it, Head Executive of ship design.

Tom: So, you’re in charge of building the ship before it gets built?

Adam: Sure, something like that. Really I’m just the right hand man of the spacecraft division’s director.

Tom: Now way, really? That uh—what’s his name?—Brimley guy?

Adam: That’d be him.

Tom: So you’re an important dude around here.

Adam: Hey, you’re the one building my ships aren’t you?

Tom: Me? (puts out cigarette) I’m just the sheet metal guy.








Adam: You think we’ll ever see it?

Tom: See what?

Adam: What waits for the people who go to that launchpad.

Tom: Um, a rocket?

Adam: Space.

Tom: Huh, I dunno, probably not? Well, in my case at least.

Adam: You and I are the reason any of these guys are going there in the first place. I mean, I know more about space travel and rockets than most of the people who ever get on that pad, and even then, I can’t help but feel like I’ll die on this planet without ever having left it.

Tom: Well, you know what they say. Careful what you wish for.

Adam: ...

Tom: Then again, momma always did tell me to follow your dreams, even if they do seem hopeless. Well, assuming that is your dream.

Adam: Why’d your mom say that?

Tom: She believed that if everyone gave up on something because it seemed hopeless and impossible, we’d all still be painting on rocks in the desert.

Adam: Your mom’s a smart lady.

Tom: Ad astra per aspera, that’s what she always said; some old world motto from a dead language. It means, accomplish your dreams no matter how hard they seem.



Adam: Not exactly.

Tom: Huh?

Adam: And what about you Tom, do you have any dreams?

Tom: Do I have any dreams? Hmmm…..






Tom: ……….I wanna carry something other than sheet metal.






[Concord Space Center]

[Board Room 1]

[7:00, April 1st, 136]


Richard: Brimley, Reaves, Selfel, Kyle, Jacob, nice to see all of you here. Now in light of the news you received recently, I’m sure all of you have a lot of questions. Before you ask them, I need to make Concord’s current situation perfectly clear. Gentlemen, things are not the same anymore. Since the reformation of the company and reconstruction of the space center, Concord has started to hemorrhage kredits. Our fleet isn’t the same as it used to be, nor is our budget. We’ve had to make a lot of significant sacrifices in order to make this company a worthy contender on the world stage and it’s only now that we’re really starting to suffer from them. That being said, we’ve managed to accomplish a lot. We’ve started construction on the new Capricorn station, finished both expansion projects to the colonies of Poseidon and Demeter, completed a Mun landing mission; I’d say the last few quarters have been a success. However what comes next for us is going to be very difficult. We haven’t made any significant profits and we continue to rely on our benefactors’ wallets. If we continue to travel in this direction, this company won’t be able to stay afloat.

Reaves: Sorry to interrupt sir, but I don’t suppose you have a plan in order to avoid this do you?

Richard: I was getting to that. What we need more than anything is money, and we’re sitting on top of a lot of it. It’s always been our long term plan to mine the kethane on Minmus so we could use it to refuel our fleet as well as sell it. When it comes to the former it’s a technique that we’ve used many times, as for the latter, I can’t even remember the last time we exported any kethane.

Kyle: Well the whole reason we stopped doing that was because it took more money to send up a container into orbit to bring the kethane back down than the kethane that we were bringing back down was worth.

Richard: Exactly, this brings me to my next point: self-sufficiency.

Brimley: Self-sufficiency?

Richard: At least a small form of it. Kyle, you know a lot more about this than I do.

Kyle: Well, after some months of co-operative dealings with Umbra Space Industries, we’ve created a comprehensive plan that, with the help of their technology and new products, would allow us to construct spacecraft materiel on Minmus using materials gathered from its surface. Said materiel could be ferried into orbit and constructed into ships, such as mobile kethane tanks that could re-enter Kerbin and be recovered from the surface.

Selfel: That’s…really smart.

Richard: It’s been a plan in the works for a while now, but with things the way they are, it’s something we’re going to have to shift all of our resources toward until its completion.

Brimley: We wouldn’t have to pay other companies to build our rocket parts, we’d only have to pay our own employees who’d be building them themselves…

Richard: Precisely. We’d both be reducing our construction costs and increasing our revenue at the same time.

Reaves: But, all of our resources sir? What about the Eve mission?

Richard: How do you think we’re going to build the ships for the Eve mission? Those designs we’re always deemed too large to reach orbit with a single launch, even multiple ones.

Reaves: So the EXD won’t have any missions to further its goals until this…project, is complete?

Richard: For now, only ones deemed absolutely necessary.

Reaves: Right…understood.

Richard: Now that we’ve gotten that all out of the way, here’s what I want each of your divisions to be working on for our next quarter.


Edited by HippieGold
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LOG 18































[4 Days From Kerbin Periapsis]

[CSV Javelin]

[19:17, May 12th, 136 A.W.]


Lando: Engines ‘er prepped, firin’ in 3, 2, 1.






Lando: Alright, that’s it. Orbit should be a little less inclined when we get back.

Nelvey: Just gonna double check fuel gauges and hull integrity.






Nelvey: We have about 1000m/s left, and our integrity is still at 78%.

Nedtrey: It’s gotten worse?

Nelvey: (shrugs) Wear and tear I guess.

Nedtrey: *sigh* I hope she’ll make it through the aerobrake.

Nelvey: Hey! Don’t say stuff like that Ned, it’s bad luck!

Nedtrey: If there’s such thing as luck than it’s nowhere near this ship.

Nelvey: We’re still alive, that’s pretty lucky isn’t it?






Nedtrey: Look at her Nelvey, so close and yet so far. It’s like Kerbin’s mocking me.

Nelvey: Just 4 more days sir, 4 more days and I never have to sleep in this chair ever again.

Nedtrey: Yeah sure, 4 more days until aerobrake, and then another 10 hours or so waiting for refueling, another 2 days going Minmus to drop off the ship, and who even knows how long we’re going to spend on Capricorn station!

Nelvey: It’ll be fine…Capricorn’s 1000 times better than this ship.

Nedtrey: My point is that Kerbin is right there, staring me in the face for the first time in almost a year, and yet it’s probably gonna be a month before I ever see a real bed again.

Nelvey: Alright, now you’re just exaggerating.

Nedtrey: I’m serious Nelvey. Go on as many interplanetary missions as me, you’ll see what I’m talking about.







Nedtrey: Alright, we’re getting our first messages from HQ now.


(Wendy enters the cockpit)


Wendy: Anything noteworthy? Did the Tempest make it okay?

Nedtrey: Let’s see here……..CSV Tempest completed its breaking burn at 100km-

Wendy: YES! Guys, they made it!

Aaron: (exhales) That’s comforting to hear.

Ribney: That’s the greatest news ever!

Nedtrey: Tempest is on standby awaiting safe transportation to CSC. Do not contact Tempest crew before……….huh. What’s CSC stand for?

Sarah: All it said was that they finished their breaking burn, nothing else. Who knows if they’ll ever make it to the surface?


(Wendy glares at Sarah)


Wendy: I’m sure they’ll be fine Sarah.


(Sarah rolls her eyes)


Nelvey: What in the…a new Capricorn station?

Nedtrey: New Capricorn station?

Nelvey: Yeah, it says: “You will be rendezvousing with the new and currently under construction Capricorn station.” When they build that?

Nedtrey: Beats me, wasn’t in the reports we got before we left Duna.

Nelvey: Here’s hoping it’s roomier than the old one.

Nedtrey: Well other than that it looks like our orders are the same as before, except we’ll be rendezvousing with a dry dock at Minmus instead of Capricorn proper, place called Dock 90.

Nelvey: Gotchya.

Nedtrey: Wait a second, there is something else, aerobraking height, 39.21km. Pretty high up for an interplanetary aerobrake, then again that just means less re-entry dramatics for us. Lando?

Lando: *snorts* Yessum Pa?.....I had nonna ma’s pie, is still coolin’, awness’*snores*

Nedtrey: LANDO!

Lando: Huh, what? What’s goin’ on, I wasn’ asleep.

Nedtrey: Change periapsis to 39.21km in 60 seconds, and don’t call me your “Pa”.

Lando: Mmm hmm, yes sir.















Nelvey: We’re getting closer to the atmosphere.

Lando: Periapsis after breakin’s gonna put us atta ‘bout, 9,700km.

Nelvey: We’re hitting our periapsis in 6 minutes and 37 seconds, leaving the atmosphere in 8 minutes and 5 seconds. Current orbital velocity is 2,962m/s.






Nedtrey: Alright everyone, this is it; solar panels away, retract the antenna, and fasten your helmets on.






(Nelvey puts on his helmet)


Nelvey: I’m good.

Lando: Good.

Wendy: We’re all good back here.

Nedtrey: Alright, we’re only gonna be feeling half a gee today, but since none of us have felt gravity in 70 days it’s probably best that you brace yourself anyway.






Nelvey: We just hit atmosphere, here we go.

Nedtrey: Lando, keep an eye on our orbit, Nelvey, monitor structural integrity. Everyone else, hold on to something.

Ribney: Aye aye sir! Holding on to nearest thing!

Sarah: Shut up Ribney…

Ribney: Yes ma’am!






Nelvey: No noticeable drag yet. Height is now 65km.

Nedtrey: we’re gonna make it…we’re gonna make it…we’re gonna make it…

Lando: Drags kickin’ now. Our orbital velocity’s slowin’ down.






Ribney: Ksssh, attention commander, I can see my house from here, over. Ksssh.

Sarah: RIBNEY! What did I say?!

Lando: BOTH ya’ll pipe down. Can’t hear myself think here.






Nelvey: Shaking isn’t as bad as the last time we did this here.

Nedtrey: Thank the lord for that.

Lando: Orbit’s been made and our apoapsis is droppin’.

Nelvey: The hull is now experiencing re-entry heating. Gee forces are at 0.3 gee and climbing.








Nelvey: Hull temperature rising…

Nedtrey: Monitor it, and sound the alarm if we get any overheating.

Lando: Just lettin’ ya’ll know, our current drag is exactly the same as the sim said it’d be. Didn’t have to run it all those times after all huh?






Nelvey: We’re passing over to the night side of the planet now.

Nedtrey: Lando, what’s our apoapsis?

Lando: We’re atta ‘bout, 9,600 clicks.

Nedtrey: ….and we just left the atmosphere. Hull integrity degraded within the expected percent, we did it!


(Nedtrey unfastens his helmet)


Nedtrey: Heh heh, man oh man there aren’t any combination of words that could make me more happy right now.

Nelvey: Hey guys, I think you’ll want to take a look out the window.






Wendy: It’s…beautiful. I’ve never seen the city lights like this before…

Aaron: Sometimes we all have to stop and enjoy the beauty that life has to offer, don’t we?

Wendy: You can say that again…






Nelvey: And a Mün rise to top it all off too. Amazing.

Lando: Hey that ain’t fair, I ain’t got no windows down here!

Nedtrey: *sigh* Alright Lando you can come up and have a look.






Lando: Well…If that ain’t just the prettiest thing you ever saw…

Nelvey: We’ll get to see it again in about half a day, we have to make one more aerobrake before circularizing.

Lando: Ain’t that the truth.

Nedtrey: Okay Ribney, reactivate comms and tell CMC we’re okay.






[Concord Space Center]

[Mission Control]

[14:37, May 17, 136 A.W.]









George: Hold on, I’m receiving contact…

Isaac: C’mon…c’mon…

George: It’s CSV Javelin, stable orbit at 160 degrees inclination!







Rachael: Let the record show that at 1400 hours, 17 minutes, the CSV Javelin and her crew arrived safely in orbit around Kerbin.

Isaac: Greatest news I’ve heard all month… George, go over their situation report. Rachael, contact the CSV Tornado and give them their orders. Everyone else, man your stations; let’s make sure everything here on out goes just as smoothly.






[1,500km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Javelin]

[1:52, May 18th, 136 A.W.]






Nedtrey: Lando, I hope you’re awake down there.

Lando: *sigh* Yeah I’m awake, I’m awake.

Nedtrey: We’re reaching apoapsis.

Lando: Yessiry, autopilot’s gonna play us out from here. Burning in 3….2….1.






Lando: Would’a don’it even if I was fast asleep.

Nedtrey: Well forgive me if I want my pilot to be awake while my 30 million kredit space ship is firing its nuclear powered engines.

Lando: Mmm hmm, yes sir.

Nedtrey: Now we need to wait for this CSV Tornado to get here all the way from Minmus.

Nelvey: But isn’t that where we’re headed? Why don’t we just meet them there?

Nedtrey: Oh boy, I can only wonder.

Nelvey: Well…it only takes 2 days to get here from Minmus, at least we won’t be sitting around for too long.






[1,500km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Tornado]

[10:01, May 29th, 136 A.W.]






Tannard: I’m telling you Rolorf, one of these days it’s gonna happen…

Rolorf: Pffft, c’mon Tannard, how many problems have we had? Zero! I mean, there’s barely enough space here with the three of us.

Tannard: One of these days…you’re going to be on a lander mission and that reactor is going to malfunction and you’ll be somewhere on Minmus scanning for graviolis and collecting rocks.

Rolorf: Tannard, don’t get me wrong, I’m not against having another crew member, really I’m not, but we just don’t have the room!

Tannard: There’s a fourth bed.

Rolorf: And that’s where we keep the mystery goo!






Tannard: Rolorf, you can’t be the lander pilot and maintain the reactor.

Rolorf: Uhhhh…really now? How long have we been out here?

Tannard: Okay okay, you can pilot the lander as well as maintain the reactor, but you can’t do both at once.

Rolorf: You know what’s gonna happen? You’re not gonna like the new guy, and then are whole dynamic will be screwed.

Tannard: That’s not true, I think they would be just fine.

Lodzor: Hey guys, if you’re done back there, could one of you remind me what this guy’s name is again?

Rolorf: We don’t know, and that’s another thing!

Lodzor: No, not the hypothetical crewmate, the commander of the Javelin.

Tannard: Oh, Nedtrey Kerman?

Lodzor: Yeah that’s the one.

Tannard: Wasn’t his name all over the news recently?

Lodzor: I don’t watch that garbage.






Lodzor: *ahem* Hello there, Commander Nedtrey! How are you, how’s it going?


Lodzor: Yeah the craziest thing happened, mission control told us to align our inclination all the way out in the boonies, and that took a couple days, can you believe that? Then the autopilot screwed up our time to burn for periapsis change and we lost a couple of days there.


Lodzor: By the time we got here and burned for rendezvous I mean, well… (shrugs) You probably know how time flies right? Well, anyway, we’re here now so, feel free to send someone over with the data and we’ll take it off your hands.

Nedtrey: I’m not even mad. I fully expected something like this to happen.

Lodzor: Hey, did you hear that guys? He’s not even mad, you we’re worried about nothing. Alright great, see you then.








Nelvey: I’m at the airlock, standing by.

Rolorf: The airlock is depressurized, feel free to proceed.


(Nelvey climbs through the hatch)


Nelvey: Man it’s tight in here.




Nelvey: Alright I’m coming in.


(Nelvey enters the ship)


Rolorf: Hey there kid, nice to meet you. (reaches for a hand shake) I’m Rolorf.


(Nelvey grabs Rolorf’s hand)


Nelvey: Nelvey, and I’m 30 by the way; hardly a kid any more.

Rolorf: Ah. You look um, very good…for your age?

Nelvey: Could you help me get this suit off?

Rolorf: Yeah, yeah sure.




Nelvey: Well here you go, EVA reports, crew reports, all that jazz. I guess you already got the rock samples from Ike?

Tannard: We did. I had a peek at it, definitely rich with basalt.

Nelvey: Huh. That’s uh, interesting, I guess.

Tannard: Basalt is rock typically formed after volcanic activity. It means that the surface was probably molten rock at one point during its inception; the same material can be found on the Mün as well.

Nelvey: So, is that why the surface is pitch black?

Tannard: Possibly. A full analysis on Kerbin will no doubt reveal more.

Nelvey: Neat.

Lodzor: Welllll we’d love to stay and chat but we have to un-incline our orbit, we have to rendezvous with a re-entry vehicle soon; gotta lot of science to send back down to the space center.

Nelvey: A lot of…science?

Lodzor: Yup. (knocks on the hull) Nothing but cold, hard, science on this bad boy.

Nelvey: Uhhhh…

Tannard: Try to not let his terminology bother you.




Lodzor: Well, take care you guys!

Nedtrey: Fly safe Tornado actual, Javelin actual out.

Ribney: Such nice guys…



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LOG 19




LOG 19 - My Choice



























[Concord Space Center]

[Mission Control]

[15:12, May 29th, 136 A.W.]








Isaac: CSC processing engineer, verify no constraints for launch.

CSC processing engineer: No constraints.

Isaac: Launch manager.

Launch manager: No constraints for launch.

Isaac: CSC safety mission assurance?

CSC safety mission: We are go.

Isaac: Range weather?

Range Weather: No constraints.

Isaac: Alright, call it.

Nigel: Starting count down at 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, ignition, 4, 3, 2, 1, and liftoff!














George: Confirm booster separation














George: Fairing separation in 3, 2, 1, staging.










George: We’ve achieved our desired apoapsis, now coasting toward circularizing burn.

Isaac: Alright, let’s get this thing to the Javelin people.






[1,500km Above Kerbin]

[CSV Javelin]

[18:33, May 29th, 136 A.W.]






Wendy: It’s close.

Nelvey: Should be making contact in just a few more seconds.




Nelvey: There it is.






Wendy: It’s transferring fuel now.

Lando: DeltaV’s risin’.

Nedtrey: This should give us more than enough to get Minmus.







Nelvey: And there it goes.

Lando: Burnin’ up all that fuel…bit wasteful ain’t it?

Nelvey: Nah, we left it with just enough fuel for it to de-orbit. They’ll recover the thing from the surface.

Nedtrey: Do you have our flight plan set up Lando?

Lando: Yup.






Lando: Burn one’s gonna put our inclination at 180 degrees, burn two’ll push our orbit near Minmus, burn three’ll adjust inclination to get us captured by her SOI, and burn four’s gonna put us in orbit.

Nedtrey: Alright, we have more than enough deltaV to make it so there’s no need for budgeting.

Lando: ‘Course burn five’ll adjust inclination to 90 degrees round Minmus, burn six brings down our periapsis-

Nedtrey: Yes Lando we get it, there will be a lot of burns.

Lando: (shrugs) Just sayin’.

Nedtrey: How long until the first one?

Lando: 30 minutes.

Nedtrey: Alright, before that let’s do a systems check, make sure everything’s still in order. Lando, tell me when it’s 5 minutes.

Lando: Aye aye.




Lando: Thrusters are go in 3, 2, 1.






Nelvey: Minmus, here we come.






[Hyperion Flat Region, Minmus]

[Kethane Mining Station Minmus Alpha(still under construction)]

[1:00, May 30th, 136 A.W.]






Mildard: Alright, I’m stepping off the ladder now.

Theozon: Do you see the pipe?

Mildard: Yep, I’ve already got it right here.

Theozon: Alright good. Take it over to the tank attached to the hub building. You should see a big orange hole that a pipe could fit in, it’s impossible to miss.

Mildard: Just plug it in here?

Theozon: Yeah, just plug it in.




Mildard: Alright, done!

Theozon: Okay, onto the next one.






Mildard: Hmm, it’s on the miner right?

Dodon: It’s called an HDMU.

Mildard: Oh, right. Well, it is a miner though isn’t it?

Dodon: It’s not a mining unit. It’s a HEAVY DUTY mining unit.

Mildard: Alright well, I got the pipe.






Theozon: Thanks Mildard. Just for the record, I don’t give a s**t what the pipe is called. Bring it over to the hub building.

Mildard: I see the orange port thing.

Theozon: Alright, you know what to do.




Mildard: Got it!

Theozon: *sigh* That’s a relief. You know I landed here with barely a handful of deltaV right? Can’t cut things close like that, that’s how people end up dead you know?

Mildard: That’s a bit, morbid.

Theozon: Well now we’ll have all the fuel we’ll need around here. We’ll, all the fuel I’ll need at least.

Mildard: Okay, I’m heading back to the Icarus.

Theozon: Alright, see you then.






[335km Above Minmus]

[CSV Javelin]

[21:22, May 31st, 136 A.W.]






Lando: 5 seconds.








Lando: Alright, we’re set up to rendezvous with the dry dock in 3 hours an’ 9 minutes. Next burn’s gonna slow us down so we can dock and then…well…then that’s the last burn’ll ever have to make in this junker…

Nedtrey: Lando, how many burns have you actually made at this point? I mean, without the autopilot.

Lando: Hey, remember that time I perfectly matched our orbit with the hideous eccentricity and inclination the dang’ol Tempest’s orbit had back at Duna? Hmpf, Lando W. Kerman remembers, that’s for sure.

Nedtrey: Alright, point taken.






Nedtrey: …You really did good you know?

Lando: Aww…shucks. Thanks commander.

Nedtrey: And not just you, all of you. No one else on a mission like this would have expected that they would have to go through what we had to. Few would’ve been able to have overcome what we did. And this was your first real mission too! Well, (glances at Nelvey) for most of you anyway. I know that the next one you go on you’ll do even better than before.

Ribney: Y-Ya really think so sir?

Wendy: That means a lot to me, thanks…

Aaron: You’re right sir, I feel like next time…I’ll be able to serve the crew’s needs better.

Sarah: Well, of course we’ll all get better at what we do with time…

Nelvey: Ned.






Nelvey: Thanks.

Nedtrey: For what? You already knew you were pretty competent didn’t you?

Nelvey: I mean, thanks for saying that this wasn’t my first real mission.






Nedtrey: *laughs* Don’t mention it buddy.

Lando: Wheeeeelp. (puts feet up) Guess I gotta hour or two to catch some shut eye…

Nedtrey: Alright I’ll allow it, but you’re still staying awake for the burn.

Lando: Yeah yeah, I know I know. Wake me when we’re there.

















Nedtrey: Well, that was a lot smoother than usual.

Lando: Thank 0.90 of the new MechJeb autopilot, glides ‘er in like a dream.

Nedtrey: So now you have to do even less work then?

Lando: Really commander, still on about that?






[100km Above Minmus]

[Icarus – Mi2 “Hawk”]

[2:43, June 1st, 136 A.W.]






Theozon: Scheduled burn is coming up in 5 seconds, brace for acceleration.








Theozon: Relative velocity with Dock 90 is now 1.4m/s. Selecting docking port five…engaging docking autopilot. We should be docked in 5 minutes.














Theozon: Okay, we’re here. C’mon Mildard, let’s go get these guys.


(Theozon enters the station)


Nelvey: OH, hey there. You must be the-

Theozon: I’m looking for a Commander Nedtrey, is that you?

Nelvey: Me? No, Ned’s in the grav chamber.

Theozon: Hm. Shouldn’t you be in there too?

Nelvey: Uh, well, there’s a grav chamber on the new Capricorn station isn’t there? May as well just use it then right?


(Theozon floats toward the entrance of the centrifuge)


Theozon: It’s called a centrifuge, not a “grav chamber”.

Mildard: Theo, weren’t you the one telling Dodon it was dumb to split hairs over terminology?

Theozon: HDMU is a silly acronym, at the end of the day it is a machine that mines kethane, which means it’s a miner. There is no such thing as a chamber that creates gravity; a centrifuge is a circular corridor that takes advantage of centrifugal forces by rotating-

Nelvey: Centripetal.

Theozon: Whatever.

Nelvey: Lokk, I know what the centripetal force is and I know what a centrifuge is, grav chamber is just slang. You’d be saying grav chamber too if you lived here for five years.

Theozon: Let’s hope I don’t.

Nelvey: So, who are you anyway?

Mildard: She’s the Icarus pilot, Theo.

Theozon: 2nd Lieutenant Theozon Kerman, and yes, I do know it’s a boy’s name.

Nelvey: So uh, do I just call you lieutenant or…

Theozon: It’s just Theo to you.

Nelvey: Right, well I’m Nelvey. Nelvey Kerman.

Theozon: Yeah I figured.

Nelvey: How’d you know?

Theozon: Lucky guess.


(Theozon enters the centrifuge)




Nedtrey: Alright everybody, listen up. The five of you are going onto the Icarus back to Capricorn, Nelvey, myself and- sorry what was your name?

Mildard: Mildard.

Nedtrey: -Mildard, is going to stay here and wait for Theozon-

Theozon: Theo.

Nedtrey: -uh, Theo, to make a return trip back for us. While I’m gone Lando is your commanding officer, understood?

Nelvey: Ned, shouldn’t I go with them? I am the XO.

Nedtrey: Um, no, stay here I have some things I need to talk to you about. In private.

Nelvey: Sure thing.


(the others enter the Icarus)


Theo: Alright love birds take it easy, Mildard is still here.

Mildard: Wh- What?

Theo: We’ll be back for you in a couple of hours, see you then.


(Theo enters the Icarus and the hatch closes behind her)


Mildard: Wait, what was she talking about?

Nedtrey: Mildard, my XO and I have some private matters to discuss. We’ll be inside the Javelin, please don’t disturb us.


(Nedtrey and Nelvey enter the Javelin, the hatch closes behind them)


Mildard: Wh- What??????




Nedtrey: Nelvey, you know that you’re a good XO right?

Nelvey: Uhhh…yeah? Within reason I guess.

Nedtrey: And that I’m your CO so, um… if there’s anything that’s bothering you, or anything you need to talk about well… (rests a hand on Nelvey’s shoulder) Look, you know I’m here for you right?

Nelvey: Uh…….you mean as a crew member right?

Nedtrey: And a friend.

Nelvey: Uh……just a friend right?

Nedtrey: Yeah? What are you-

Nelvey: Nothing! Nothing. It’s nothing.

Nedtrey: Look, I’m not supposed to be telling you this but, with you I have to. When we get back to Kerbin, HQ is going to give us a choice to walk away from the company. We’ve already fulfilled our contracts; when we get back we’re getting a lump sum, a well-deserved vacation, and the chance to go our separate ways. They’ll tell you the money we’re getting is probably enough to live off of for the next few years, and that after that you could reintegrate into typical society, or you could even get moved to an office job in the space center.

Nelvey: I see… (smiles) Well you don’t have to worry about me sir. This crew’s my family, even if it is kind of dysfunctional, and I’ll follow you every step of the way.

Nedtrey: No, you see, that’s what I’m worried about.

Nelvey: What? I…I don’t follow.

Nedtrey: Nelvey, this isn’t a game. We’re not heroes adventuring through the cosmos like in some sort of sci-fi novel, what we’re doing is dangerous, and people can get hurt. Hell, we almost did! Twice!

Nelvey: Well of course it’s dangerous. But we made it, we overcame it, and we did so together.

Nedtrey: Nelvey, I’m asking you to really give it some thought. I don’t want them to spring this on you last second and have you instinctively say yes. You have a family, people who care about you, people who’d be sad if something were to happen to you.

Nelvey: ……This is about Jool isn’t it?

Nedtrey: What are you talking about?

Nelvey: I read your journal.

Nedtrey: You, WHAT?!

Nelvey: The Yggdrasil, what was that? Is it the reason you’re so afraid of me continuing to work for Concord? Is it why you don’t like interplanetary space?

Nedtrey: You shouldn’t…have been looking…at my things…

Nelvey: Well I was worried.

Nedtrey: Don’t worry about me Nelvey, this is about you!

Nelvey: IS IT?!


Nelvey: You need to let go of the past.


(Nedtrey glares at Nelvey)


Nedtrey: Funny.

Nelvey: What?

Nedtrey: Nothing.

Nelvey: So what about you huh? Are you leaving after this?

Nedtrey: The reason I know about this in the first place is because they’re not giving me a choice.

Nelvey: R-Really? But I thought you said our contracts were fulfilled?

Nedtrey: Well there’s some fine print in it. If they need you for “certain circumstances”, they can keep you for an extended period of time.

Nelvey: Well what are the circumstances?

Nedtrey: …Can’t say.

Nelvey: Jeez Ned, you won’t tell me about Jool, you won’t tell me about why they’re making you stay!

Nedtrey: Look you’ll find out soon enough don’t worry.

Nelvey: Well I am worried.

Nedtrey: Nelvey….I really don’t mind you know? This was the life I chose, I understand that, hell I read the fine print in the first place. What I’m trying to say is…it doesn’t have to be the life you choose too.


Nedtrey: Give it some thought, that’s all I’m saying.




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LOG 20






























[40km Above Minmus]

[Icarus Mi2 – “Hawk”]

[7:55, June 1st, 136 A.W.]






Wendy: Huh? Why are we stopping?

Theo: We have to pick up some supplies.

Wendy: Supplies?






Theo: Yeah, a shipment of life support supplies the last Icarus pilot brought.

Lando: Ya mean Wiloly? My replacement after I got whisked away?

Theo: No, his name was Sigvin.

Lando: Oh, and uh, what done happened to Sigvin? He didn’t deliver the-

Theo: He’s dead.

Lando: Oh. Uh, my condolences.

Theo: Never met the guy. Anyway, I’m his replacement, he dropped off the supplies in orbit and was going to deliver them to Capricorn once it was partially assembled. Of course he never got the chance.

Wendy: What happened to him?

Theo: The autopilot areobraking prediction put his periapsis too deep in the atmosphere, just that simple. Poor guy, even in the end the computer told him he should’ve been exiting the atmosphere any moment. Wasn’t his fault, just got screwed by a computer.


Theo: Oh well, what’re you gonna do?






Theo: Alright, we’ve got it hitched. Next stop Capricorn station.

Ribney: Boy I’m excited! Are you excited Lando?

Lando: Settle down there sport, just a station after all.

Ribney: But it’s gonna have more room, and more stuff, and new food. Maybe even fresh water!

Sarah: So, basic kerbal living conditions then?

Ribney: It will be beautiful…

Theo: Buckle up everyone. Course’s already plotted, next burn’ll be 68 seconds. Though I’m sure you guys are used to that sort of thing by now.














(the hatch to the station opens)


Theo: Alright, that’s your cue to get out.

Jordrin: Theo! That’s no way to speak to our guests, these are the heroes of Poseidon!

Theo: Hmph, big heroic bunch they are…

Jordrin: What was that?

Theo: Nothing. Look, I gotta hook up these supplies on the other end. Make sure the others are ready to haul some shop.




Jordrin: It’s wonderful to meet you all, I’m Jordrin, administrator of logistical operations of Minmus, or uh, what will eventually become it, anyway.

Aaron: Eventually become it?

Jordrin: Yes, unfortunately we’re still a long way off from being fully up and running. There’s still need for more modules to be added to the station, loads of scientific equipment and of course, crew.

Lando: Crew?

Jordrin: Yes at the moment it’s just us lot running around here, not the kind of numbers you’d expect for a place this size, but we’re told that they’re doing vigorous training back at Kerbin for the new recruits. The bar for entry has been raised since the various…incidents, that took place back at Poseidon before. You guys probably know more about that than anyone.

Lando: An’ what about the boots on the ground now?

Jordrin: Boots? Oh! You mean the colonists. There are none.

Lando: Notta one?!

Jordrin: Hm well, not entirely true. The skeleton crew is keeping everything running, but even then they arrived pretty recently.

Ribney: So all the old colonists are gone?

Jordrin: Yes, after the tragedy with the old Capricorn station the populous vacated back to Kerbin until-

Lando: Wait wait wait, now hang on a minute. Tragedy? I didn’t hear nothing ‘bout this.

Jordrin: …They, didn’t tell you? Oh no no no I’m so sorry I thought you already knew.

Lando: Spit it out, what happened?

Jordrin: They say that, there was…an undetected hydrazine leak. Before anyone knew…the flames from an Icarus engine ignited it, during its burn away from the station. I’m so sorry for your loss, I heard you two knew the crew.


Wendy: Ribney…are you okay?

Ribney: Yeah yeah I’m *sniff* I’m fine… It was an accident, right Mr. Jordrin?

Jordrin: It was…

Ribney: Well, y’know what they say…*sniff*…accidents happen…

Lando: When…when was this?

Jordrin: If I recall correctly, about 7 months ago.






[335km Above Minmus]

[CSV Javelin]

[13:22, June 1st, 136 A.W.]


Nedtrey: 7 months, and they never said a word. The whole time!

Lando: Whole station’s gone too. One big puff of smoke.

Nedtrey: God…I honestly can’t believe them this time.

Lando: Wouldn’t be the first time they duped us.

Nedtrey: Look, we’ll talk about this more when I get back. By the way, how’s Ribney taking it?

Lando: He ain’t takin it well that’s for sure.

Nedtrey: Alright well, keep an eye on him. We’ll see you guys soon.

Lando: Aye aye Commander.

Nedtrey: Nelvey…


Nedtrey: You okay?

Nelvey: You’re right, this is a dangerous job, people do get hurt.

Nedtrey: Nelvey…I’m sorry. I really am.

Nelvey: I know.

Nedtrey: Losing people…it’s never easy.


Nedtrey: Try to be strong Nel, don’t let things like this break you, you’re better than that.

Nelvey: Hm, sounds like you don’t want me to quit after all…

Nedtrey: I never said I wanted you to quit.

Nelvey: Had me fooled.


(Nedtrey puts a hand on Nelvey’s shoulder)


Nedtrey: I told you…to be absolutely sure that this is the life you want to live.


Nedtrey: Because if it is, I’ll tell you right now, the crew of Capricorn won’t be the only friends you lose.






[100km above Minmus]

[Icarus Mi2 – “Hawk”]

[23:46, June 1st, 136 A.W.]






Mildard: Are we there yet?

Theo: Just a couple more seconds Mildard.






Mildard: Now are we there yet?

Theo: Yes Mildard, we’re there.

Mildard: Great, open up the hatch.


(Theo opens the airlock)


Mildard: Thanks for the trip Theo!


(Mildard enters the station)


Theo: I’m not a taxi driver Mildard I’m just doing my job.


(Nedtrey looks to Theo)


Nedtrey: He seems nice.

Theo: Just a kid…and he’s already an astronaut. Not that that title means anything anymore.

Nedtrey: You know I was just a kid once.

Theo: And we’re you an astronaut?

Nedtrey: Well I mean…of sorts, I suppose.

Theo: So proves my point.

Nelvey: Hey, are we going or not?

Nedtrey: Yeah, come on.




Jordrin: So, you’ll stay here will be for 15 days. By then the Homecoming transport will be here to take you back to Kerbin. During your stay you’ll be residing within one of our cabins in the habitation wing. Mind you, you’ll have to share the room with 3 other people since we haven’t received the rest of our living quarters modules, but don’t worry the rooms are still quite, umm, roomy, hehehe…


Jordrin: Umm, I’m excited to say we just received our shipment of food stuffs today! We have an assortment of freeze dried fruits, vegetables, and legumes. We also have some luxury items, such as spaghetti, freeze dried ice cream, mashed potatoes-

Ribney: Pizza?

Jordrin: Oh yes, we received some pizza as well.


(Ribney’s eyes widen)


Ribney: Take me to your pizza…

Jordrin: W-Well, yes in a moment. Lastly, if there’s anything you need, whether it be from me or the Concord space center, don’t hesitate to come to me right away. Alright that’s everything, Mildard here will-


Jordrin: Oh, right, down that way, first corridor going up.


(a smile spreads across Ribney’s face)


Ribney: Awaaaayyyy!


(Ribney grabs a rung and flings himself down the corridor)


Nedtrey: Well his bad mood didn’t last.

Mildard: Right this way guys, I’ll take you to your rooms.






[100km above Kerbin]

[CSV Tornado]

[22:11, June 8th, 136 A.W.]








Lodzor: 100 meters per second…95 meters per second…91 meters per second…






Lodzor: 70…64…58…






Lodzor: 30…20…10…5…annnnd zero. Relative inclination is 0.5 meters per second, now switching to RCS for closer rendezvous.








Rolorf: There it is. That thing’s going to be carrying all the fruits of the Tempest’s labours back down to Kerbin.

Tannard: Through 70km of atmosphere.

Rolorf: Yeah.

Lodzor: Alright Tannard, get your EVA suit on.

Tannard: Huh?

Lodzor: You’re the one taking the data to the re-entry vehicle.

Tannard: A-All of it???

Lodzor: All of it.

Tannard: (facepalms) I swear to god, if I ever find the guy who designed this ship without extra docking ports…

Lodzor: Get to work Tannard, we’ve got a lot of science to load up.























[100km Above Minmus]

[Capricorn Station]

[19:04, June 9th, 136 A.W.]


Nelvey: Hmm…


Nelvey: Call.

Sarah: Ugh, Nelvey, you’re killing me.


(Sarah throws in 3 chips)


Nelvey: Lando?


(Lando throws in 6 chips)


Lando: Raise.

Sarah:  Oh come on, really?

Wendy: I’ll call that.

Sarah: Ugh, call…

Nelvey: Commander?


(Nedtrey pushes in all his chips)


Nedtrey: All in.

Sarah: What?!

Nelvey: Whelp, I fold.

Wendy: *sigh* Fold.


(Sarah throws her cards across the table)


Sarah: Fold…


Nelvey: (smiles) What’s the matter Lando? You’re not afraid are you? You know how much the Commander likes to bluff…


(Lando grimaces, sweat falls from his brow)


Lando: *sigh* It’s not worth it.


(Lando puts his cards down)


Nelvey: Well, guess that’s the end of that.

Aaron: *Ahem*

Nelvey: Oh right, Aaron hasn’t folded yet.



(Aaron pushes in all his chips)


Aaron: All in.

Wendy: Gasp!

Nelvey: Well what do we have here? Could the silent type possibly be deadly as well?


(Nedtrey reveals a pair of sevens)


Nedtrey: 3 of a kind. Read ‘em and weep Crewman.

Aaron: *sigh*


(Aaron reveals an ace and three of clubs)


Aaron: Flush.

Nedtrey: Wh- What?!

Nelvey: Ohhhh! And it’s OVER!

Nedtrey: Damn it all…


(Jordrin enters the centrifuge)


Jordrin: Well then, looks like you guys are having fun!

Nedtrey: I was.

Jordrin: Oh, Commander, may I have a word?

Nedtrey: Sure thing, you have perfect timing.




Nedtrey: So what’s this about?

Jordrin: Well, I made some calls to the CSC and told them about your request.

Nedtrey: And?

Jordrin: They wouldn’t let you have an audience with the CEO, but his advisor will gladly speak with you.

Nedtrey: Wh- His advisor?!

Jordrin: Oh no, it isn’t like that. The CEO isn’t trying to insult you, his advisor is actually very learned woman, and she’s occasionally put in charge of some of the more delicate operations at the CSC. She’s more so his right hand woman than just a, well, “advisor”. That’s just her official title. Whatever questions you have, she’ll be able to answer.

Nedtrey: Alright then.

Jordrin: The console is over there, whenever you’re ready.


(Jordrin leaves)


Nedtrey: Hm.


(Nedtrey touches the console)


Nedtrey: Hello?

Sophia: Commander Nedtrey, you sure like to keep me waiting.

Nedtrey: This is the CEO’s advisor?

Sophia: This is Sophia, yes. I heard that this call has something to do with the omission of non-mission critical information to your crew, would I be right in assuming that?

Nedtrey: You would.

Sophia: And you’re calling because you want to know why the decision was made to do so.

Nedtrey: I think I already know.

Sophia: You do? So then why did you call?

Nedtrey: I wanted to ask you…do you not trust us?

Sophia: Commander I wasn’t involved in the making of that decision you’re asking the wrong person.

Nedtrey: Then you can forward that to your boss. You can also ask him why he thinks lowly of my crew’s abilities when we’re the ones that saved his colony and his damn Duna mission.


Nedtrey: You get all that?

Sophia: I’ll be sure to pass along the message. We’ll see you at the debriefing commander.






[100km Above Minmus]

[Capricorn Station]

[0:40, June 15th, 136 A.W.]








Nedtrey: Sounds like it’s docked.

Jordrin: Indeed.

Nedtrey: So, I guess we’ll be off now.

Jordrin: It was wonderful meeting all of you, so good to see that the heroes of Poseidon are regular old Joes just like us!

Nedtrey: Yeah…I’d appreciate it if you stopped calling us that…

Jordrin: Well, safe travels you guys! Hopefully we see each other again.

Wendy: Thanks for your hospitality Jordrin.

Ribney: You’re the BEST!

Jordrin: Oh, please, come now, you flatter me too much!








Homecoming Transport: SEPARATION, CONFIRMED.






Nelvey: How you guys doing down there?






Lando: I’ll tell you what, it’s a lot roomier without you two slobs snorin’ next to me.

Ribney: I wish we didn’t have to leave so soon…

Wendy: Well I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to get back home.

Aaron: We’ll still have to be waiting a while longer, the journey is two days from Minmus.

Wendy: Practically two minutes if you ask me!

Aaron: I suppose it has been a while…

Sarah: Yeah, I can’t wait to see the kids again.

Nelvey: Yup, I know what you- wait, WHAT?

Sarah: What?

Nelvey: You have kids?

Sarah: Yeah, daughter and a son.

Nelvey: But aren’t you like, 20 or something?

Sarah: No.

Lando: Wait, is someone talking about kids up there?

Nelvey: Sarah has kids!

Lando: WHAT?

Nedtrey: So, petty officer, did you never bring that up this whole time for any reason?

Sarah: Well jeez, do you want me to give you all the contents of my diary too?

Nelvey: You have a diary too?

Sarah: No that’s not- look shut up!









Nedtrey: See you on the other side guys.

Lando: Fly safe out there.


(the hatches close)


Sarah: This is it. We’re finally going home.

Nedtrey: Yeah…

Nelvey: Home…












(the walls of the pod begin to shake)


Nedtrey: Here we go…










Nelvey: Oh god…I forgot how bad this felt…

Nedtrey: Oh come on, it’s just like a roller coaster! Isn’t that right Sarah?


Nedtrey: Sarah?

Nelvey: I think she’s…unconscious…

Nedtrey: Uh oh…

Nelvey: And I think that I’m…(vomits)

Nedtrey: Oh god not on my new suit!
















Nelvey: Ughhhh…. Is it over?






Nedtrey: *sigh* Yeah. It’s over.




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