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Playing custom sound when button is clicked

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Greetings! First of all i'm going to say sorry for my english, but i hope you'll undersand my question.

I have read some tutorials and tried to make an own small plugin mod.

I've created a module, which calls a GUI window with a button.

The OnClick() method cals even a button is pressed.

So now i'm trying to play custom sound in this meth.

Could you answer me where should i locate my audio file (for example - mysound.wav)?

Should it be in the module folder like a KSP/Parts/MyPart/Sounds/mysound.wav or in game recources KSP/GameData/Squad/Sounds.

What should i use to load it and play(WWW class with url linked to audio file) or Recources.Load() method)?

Should i create a new game object, wait when audio.clip.isReadyToPlay equals true and etc?

I've watched lots of posts and there are so many different ways to realise that, but nothing works.

I am grateful for any help.:blush: Thanks!

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Can't belive, but i found a solution:

WWW url = new WWW("file://" + "C:/....../Parts/TestPart/Sound/sound1.wav"); // or simply use KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath to get ksp directory

audio.clip = url.audioClip;

while (!audio.clip.isReadyToPlay)


It may be helpful!

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Where you put the file depends on how you're using it. If it's an effect for a specific part, throw it in that part's folder. If it's for general use in your mod, put it in GameData/{yourmod} or even GameData/{yourmod}/Sounds. You can use GameDatabase to load the audio clip. (It's something like GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip() and you pass a KSP URL.)

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