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Armstrong Base--The Story of a Mun Base [PIC-HEAVY]

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One day, a random Kerbal, tired of playing The Kraken Unleashed 2, turns on the news. He finds that a special report is playing...

Newscaster: Today, the director of the Jedi Space Program announced that the first true Mun base is currently in it's earliest stages. Two communications satellites have been sent up, one around Kerbin and one around the Mun. The space program have released the first images of these probes, taken with advanced SCREENSHOT technology...



...We now go to John Kerman, our field reporter, at the KSC. John?

John Kerman: Hey, I'm here with Jenny Kerman, who as we all know is currently the main Kerbonaut of the JSP after the airplane incident that put Jeb in the hospital. He has landed on both the Mun and Minmus in the past, and will be the commander of the Mun base. So, Jenny, what are the plans for the Mun base?

Jenny Kerman: Well, we plan at least three habitation modules, a science station and a rover. There will probably be much more.

John: Very interesting. Has a location been chosen yet?

Jenny: Yes, actually. I'm sure you remember the famous sighting of an arch of some sort by the Armstrong 4?

John: Everybody remembers that. Can we have a picture?


Jenny: Well, that's where the base will be, or at least near it. We want to study it, figure out why it's there.

John: Very noble. What is the next thing on the list for the Mun base?

Jenny: I'm glad you asked. We will be landing the main habitation module, which will be crewed by me, Bill and Bob.

John: That's a very quick construction.

Jenny: We wanted to get Kerbals over there as quickly as possible, because robots can't study the arch, while Kerbals can.

John: Is the arch the main motivation?

Jenny: Yup.

John: Amazing. One last question: are any interplanetary missions planned soon?

Jenny: We get that question a lot. We are planning some sort of Dres mission, but it's purely in the early planning stages right now. I'm sure it will still invoke a lot of speculation amongst out citizens, though.

John: Indeed. Back to you!

Newscaster: We will do more reports as they become available. Good night, everyone!

The Kerbal sat there, jaw wide open. He did not do this for long, however, as he immediately went onto a message board and started claiming it was all a hoax...

(And so it begins! I hope you enjoy this story. Also, if anyone could make me some sort of awesome logo, that would be great. Thanks for reading!

Edited by The Jedi Master
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Totally a hoax :P

(My first Mun base was just a few Km south of that. Right in between that and a Kethane deposit near the edge of that crescent. Had a beautiful view of the crater.)

Edited by Tw1
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The next day, our heroes are ready to head to the Mun. However, it would appear that Jeb is out of the hospital. So, Gene had him go instead. Jenny was somewhat disappointed, but it was promised that he would eventually be at the base, so he was good. (will seriously love crew management, it will mean this sort of thing won't happen again!)

KSC: T-10... 9... 8... no time for a full countdown lets gogogo!


A French accent intones, "22 hours later..."

Jebediah Kerman: OK, we're coming down... slight horizontal movement... cutting throttle... the Constellation has landed.

KSC: *clapping* Brilliant! This is a new era for our space program!

Jebediah: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm getting out to plant the flag now...

KSC: Don't forget the promo picture.

Jebediah: Oh, almost forgot!


...All right, I'm planting the flag now... boom.


KSC: Uh, Jeb, the word "just" is missing the J.

Jebediah: Grammar Nazi's...

KSC: What?

Jebediah: Oh, nothing. I'm headed back in the capsule for the TV science show thing...

Bill Kerman: Ah, Jeb, what a strange Kerbal. I'm Bill Kerman, the head scientist at Armstrong Base, and I can confirm that we have landed. Now, some may notice that the module is actually an outdated Mk.59 Moon Visitor, bought at the Spacecraft Exchange back in 182 AU. This is mainly because the director was too lazy to make a new module, which would be heavier and therefore require a new launcher...

Director: I'm watching, too, ya know.


Director: Apology accepted.

Bill: Sorry about that, folks. Anyway, we are quite a few kilometers away from the arch, but through ZOOM technology, we have the capability to give you this close up image... load it up, Bob...


...It's hard to tell be the picture alone, judging by the rough look, it appears to be natural. I think that there may have been water on the Mun sometime in the past, and erosion caused the arch. Still, we won't know for sure until the rover arrives, which is planned next.


Bill: Jeb, we're still on air.


Bill: Luckily for Jeb, we've run out of time. See you next time, and fly safe!


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Two days later, Jenny is headed for the Mun in a rover. It has four seats and a Mk1 Lander can. It uses standard buggy wheels. This is where the first problem will evolve...

KSC: 3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF! ...I mean ignition...


One day later...


Jenny Kerman: I'm coming down... exactly like the simulators. Nice and easy... horizantal... the Cheetah has landed.


...OK, I'm driving now. I am 54 kilometers from the base. This will be a long drive.

KSC: Alright, Jenny, just be careful. We have not tested this thing's top speed.

After some driving...

Jenny: Uh, KSC, I have gone into a rapid spin. Please advise.


KSC: Jenny, try SAS and try to find a reason.

Jenny: Uh, KSC, I'm looking at the readout, I have just noticed, two wheels are attached upside down.

Director: WHAT?!


Jenny: KSC, please advise.

KSC: Stay calm, we're coming!

Director: All right, who attached the wheels? Somebody is going to be FIRED!

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