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KSP Expansion Packs


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However, if you bought on the store then transfered on steam, the ksp store probably recorded when you bought it, you should be fine.

I certainly hope so. I bought sometime around 0.15 (demo was 0.13 at the time) and just recently transferred my game over to Steam for auto-updating and all that good stuff.

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*heavy fake cockney british accent* It was I from whom which you have readed-eth that information. I must apologize-eth for any information that was wrong, as It was from on the top-eth of my head. Good Day, Cheerio.

obviously you have not been to London to experience a cockney accent. please watch, as most of the English accents within this video are cockney.

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mind you all that this is strictly a hypothetical scenario to boot - no DLC and/or expansion has been confirmed or even seriously considered as far as we can tell

there was a massive uproar about a month ago sprung from the very concept of there perhaps being an expansion in a distant future - and this was purely speculation, as not even HarvesteR had really decided whether or not this would in fact come to be the case at some point

but it was enough to trigger a massive barrage of forum flak; the moderation staff now keeps a close eye on threads about this stuff just in case people start fighting again.... don't worry - no rules are in breech here, we just got a little post-traumatic stress disorder given what happened... last time....

*flashback of being under heavy machine gun fire - OMG, there's Charlie everywhere!!* :P

carry on then!


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obviously you have not been to London to experience a cockney accent. please watch, as most of the English accents within this video are cockney.


Sorry, as stated it is a fake accent, I haven't been to England but actually later this year I'll be vacationing in Scotland.

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