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Stop Chutes from opening.

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Hey folks

Ive had a problem recently (0.19 I think) where my chutes set in stage 0 will automatically trigger as soon as the stage before that (Stage 1) is reached. I have mechjeb 2.0 installed however this issue occurs regardless if autopilot is activated or not.

Ship in VAB Image here -


what happens ~1 second after launch -


The extra engine in stage 0 is the ion thruster in my payload which ALSO activates with the chutes

It seems to be as soon as the craft leaves the ground with less than 2 stages (0 and 1) it automatically triggers stage 0 for me.

Any solutions gents. Please tell me im just doing something stupid :).

EDIT: Ugh spelt Shoots instead of Chutes... Brainfart.

Edited by CtrlAltEL1TE
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