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the Restaurant at the End of the Universe


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"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "The Universe as we know it has now been in existence for over one hundred and seventy thousand million billion years and will be ending in a little over half an hour. So, welcome one and all to Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!"

~~ The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Douglas Adams

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This was my first attempt. Hugely successful. I'm very happy with it now. As a first pass, it worked exactly as I had hoped. Now, I'm looking to gear up and go bigger.

In case it is hard to read, periapsis is at 150B meters and apoapsis is at 281B meters.

Also, here's a link to the full-sized images:


All stock. No mods. v20.2

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I think I broke the game.

335B meters looks like the upper limit. Everytime I try to go farther, the ship stops moving and the game crashes.


maybe not ... 395 Bil and still moving... aiming for 400 billion meters

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in a 400 billion meter circular orbit, with inclination in order to provide the most stunning of views, I present to you the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Parking garage is there at the bottom. Entrance into the grand foyer, including stunning views of the great beyond. Grand elevator up to the sky lounge. Restaurant and lounge with the greatest view in the 'Verse.





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PS: I don't recommend this for any sort of practical use. The period is about 35 years or so. Even at 100,000x time acceleration, that's about 3 hours of real life time. I can not imagine trying to sync up multiple trips to this thing. My game is all stock, no mods. I would DEFINITELY have to have kerbal alarm clock installed, I think, to make this really worthwhile. However, I love the look and spirit of this restaurant, so I might make it the core of a fully functioning space station. Maybe in a higher Kerbin orbit or something, in order to easily reach and return.

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That's cool. When is the Great Prophet Zarquon scheduled to appear? I want to see his act ;).

You know, should future KSP expansions ever add a Kuiper Belt and/or Oort Cloud, you're ahead of the game in already having a station out there.

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