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Just got a 4-core computer, does KSP do anything cooler with that?

Whirligig Girl

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I thought the last ~3-5 years - "4-core cpu" it's every cpu(with the exception of some mobile options). Why it must do something special with ksp? It's can to be unexpected if it was "just got 10ghz CPU" or "50-core CPU"(first one, if existed, will be more interesting for ksp)

recoding everything in 64 bits to allow using raw CPU strength.

It's not work this way. "64-bits" don't make it "allow using raw CPU strength" and don't need to "allow using raw CPU strength" in general(not allowing just some improvements in some cases). You need "multitreadeding" and "parallelization", not "recoding everything in 64 bits", if we talk about CPUs and cores. I'm not pretend to be specialist but this "64" is too common disorder in this place, everyone always insert it with or without reason. It's become ksp analog of "more boosters" in terms of perfomance. "My cursor is slow moving" - "need to make you mouse 64-bit"

Edited by zzz
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