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Info Request: How to open .mu/.mbm files and Space Suits

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First question. I am looking at doing some work to stock parts but am unsure of what software can be used to open the .mu and .mbm files for the models I wish to add a bit more function to but am wondering what programs can open it. I assumed that blender could open the 3d models, but that does not seem to be the case unless I need a plugin for it.

Second, is I have a hero kerbal that I wish to have a unique space suit for. Anybody know where in the code suit colors are assigned and where the texture map for the suit color can be found?

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Currently there do not exist any pieces of software that have been released which allow you to open .mu or .mbm files, several people are working on their own projects privately and we may see a release fairly soon, but there's no telling.

By the arguments I've heard everything to do with the EVA Kerbal mesh and textures is locked down under Copyright, like the planet textures, so nobody gets to touch them.

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Thanks for the input. I was hoping to modify the stock landing gears to have a properly matched turning/powered nose/tail gear for taxi. As for the other, I have a hero Kerbonaut that I wanted to give a befitting unique colored uniform.... hmm... sounds like a suggestion for the crew part.

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