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SSEP-Swiss Space Exploration Program


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Switzerland is a small country in the heart of Europe and this is the both manned and unmanned attempt to create a working space program. In this thread I will keep you up to date with the newest mission reports, proposals and launch schedules.

Long term goals

-Create a crew launch rocket or SSTO plane to resuply a station in orbit

-Establish a space station in LKO for fuel storage and spaceship building

-Develop heavy rockets for cargo delivery

-Send manned mission to the moon

-Create a base on the moon to prepare Kerbals for Kerbin gravity when they are returning from long trips

-Send unmanned orbiters and landers to other celestial bodys

-Send manned mission to Duna

-Explore the Kerbol system

Running Missions

-Cube [Moon landing and orbiter] Launched

-Tell Rocket family [Launch vehicules] Ongoing

-Bussard [Not reusable CSM] in development

-Nicolier-Station [LKO space station] in planning phase

Proposed Missions

-Dufour [Heavy crew\cargo lander]

-Matterhorn [recovery Moonbase for long term astronauts to prepare for Kerbins gravity]

-Verdict [Moonrover]

-InterPlanetaryOrbitalTransfervehiculeIPOD [Deliver payload from one orbit to an other]

Launch schedule

29.06.2013: Cube "Glob" Moon orbiter and lander

30.06.2013: Bussard "BS-1" Unmanned test launch

In the first post you will find the mission reports.

You can also propose missions if you want to.

Thanks for coming by.

Edited by Mefi282
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Mission Name:Cube "Glob"

Goal:Land a lander on the surface of the moon and an orbiter around it

Outcome:Full success

Spacecraft:Standart Cube Lander without power supply, New developed Orbiter "Ruetli"

Launch date:29.06.2013

The Tell C standing by for launch


Separation of first stage


Beautiful Mün encounter with a 28'000 meter periapsis


Separation of the orbiter with its own propulsion system


Separation of the descend stage


And touchdown


I can say that i took really a lot to much fuel with me. The lander will remain there but it will soon run out of charge like i intended to.

The next possible munar lander will probably include a rover.

Edited by Mefi282
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