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An extremely lucky crash landing!


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So on a failed mission to Ike, I somehow got an encounter with the Mun and didnt realize until I was plummeting towards the surface of the Mun. So panicking. I just started burning retrograde hoping for the best, My rocket crashed down hard and I ejected the landing probe to see if I could save the valuable piece of equipment. (RP) I softly landed it onto the Mun using its tiny little engine, sadly one of its solarpanels broke and all of its lights, but that didnt matter, because what we landed in front of was un real... I had managed to crash land directly in front of the only easter egg on the Mun I hadnt found yet:


I still cant believe I got this lucky. Im just sitting here in my chair laughing softly like a mad man as I try to comprehend the series of events that must of happened just perfectly for this to land so right.

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You lucky so-and-so :cool: When my ships unintentionally disassemble or lithobrake i consider myself lucky if no one dies. But this? Some people have all luck available...

Hahaha yeah I was pretty shocked myself.

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Go buy a lottery ticket.

No but seriously that's pretty cool. In my world, all of the anomalies are floating because of the texture reamp thing...Or so I thought this was the reason.

I think you've gotta just have your graphics on high.

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