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[MISSION LOG] Kerman Corp.


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Kerman Corp. is nothing else than ANOTHER space company. We develop new technologies to bring us further into space-exploration!


STRIKETHROUGH means the programs were cancelled.

  • Interplanetary Space Science Organization: developing rockets for use to help ISSO and fulfill it's Interplanetary database
  • Operation Red Planet: further exploration on the Red Planet: Duna
  • Kerbin Mapper: to create a topographic map of our home world: Kerbin
  • Operation X: investigate a planet that is under the Green Planet's (Jool) Sphere of Influence. Rumors that it can hold life in there.
  • Kerman SpyNet: a network of LKO satellites to ensure outer-Kerbin missions will transmit data successfully to Kerman Corp. HeadQuarters.

Edited by RockyTV
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  • 1 month later...

Mission Name: Kerman SpyNet

Launcher: Kerman S.T.S.L. (Small-Ton-Satellite-Lifter)

Payload: SpyNet Mk I

Manned/Unmanned: Unmanned

Mission Objective: to ensure that collected data from outer worlds will reach the Kerman Corp. Headquarters, and provide further exploration of Kerbin.

Mission Outcome: SUCCESS!

Mission Status: LKO

Data Aquired: after a few minutes analysing the aquired data, I could realise that Space Temperature may vary, depending on which continent you are flying over. - NEEDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION. IF YOU WANT TO DO IT CONTACT ME THEN.

Mission Highlights/Pictures:

Aquired Data


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  • 9 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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