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Engine sizes and performace comparasion


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Talking about weak points, is it just me or is the large ASAS module and large Drone core very prone to structural failing and causes undue swaying in a otherwise stable rocket ?

I find that to be the case even when I use 8x symmetry strutting to join the modules to other components to give it more strength.

I even tried moving the ASAS module to the bottom, between the last grey tank and the engine... and the engine would fall off on the launch pad every time, just pop and there is was on the floor.

I am also curious if placing the radial mounted decouplers high on the main stack is weaker than placing them low down near the engines and using struts at the top to keep it stable... I find my lifters when the radial mounted decoupler is high simply breaks at random spots in flight, even on a otherwise sturdy lifter.

I also read somewhere that too much strutting makes a lifter too rigid and prone to breaking whereas less struts would have minor swaying but remain in tact... is there any tutorials about this anywhere ?

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Typically, if you engine cluster your central stack with t30s and have mainsails on the asparagus boosters. With a properly clustered core, you can get incredible lifting power with >7 orange tanks on the first stage.

ie, have 124 tons of fuel in each booster and the central core (with at least 4 boosters).

I have found that this design can launch Laythe capable return missions in a single launch (Laythe orbit rendezvous)

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