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A way to go to Space Center at any time?

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I'm trying to make a flying balloon base in Kerbin's atmosphere, but for it to be any use I need to be able to leave to the space center. Unfortunately, I can't because balloon buoyancy. Is there any way to get to the space center at any time via messing with the files or a mod, or am I just gonna have to land the base on the ground whenever I wanna do something else? I didn't know where else to put this, there didn't seem to be a section that this would fit in.

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It sounds like you're talking about some sort of mod without mentioning which one it is (I've never seen balloons as a part in the VAB). But regardless one of the annoying problems everyone experiences in the game is that sometimes it locks you out from being able to switch craft or go to the space center based on rather unfair criteria. (i.e. the ship breaks, the game put your focus on a bit of debris instead of the part with controllable actions you could take to save the rest of the ship, and it won't let you use "[]" or space center to do so until the current part it picked stops moving, by which point the attempt to control the other part to save it is moot because it already crashed while the game had you locked onto the wrong part.)

The only solution I've found to this that sort of works is to autosave and then after you're sure it finished writing the files, kill KSP the violent way (i.e. in Windows, with the Task Manager, or in Linux or Mac with the "kill" command in a terminal window.) Then restart the game and as fast as possible before the on-rails calculation crashes the ship, go to the tracking center and take control of the piece you wanted to.

Then the game has no choice but to let you pick which ship to control by YOUR criteria, not its.

It's a very crude solution and I've only had it work some of the time. I don't recommend it unless there's no other way and the only alternative is disastrous for your whole campaign anyway so it can't make things worse. (Especially since the potential exists to kill the program before it finished getting all the final writes into the save file.)

Edited by Steven Mading
spelled "it's" when I meant "its"
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