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i need to send this mun base up and i started 2 weeks ago

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You don't need to send your base in pieces or hyperedit. I did mine in one go. It stutters at first but once you've dropped the boosters to get to LKO it smooths out.

This was before I learned about placing metal tanks under the orange ones to keep engines from overheating. Clip on image to view album.


In case you wonder how I got the Hitchhiker modules to attach radially here's the deal:


Edited by Landge
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no offense but i am against using hyper edit and also Landge good tip but sadly though i plan on using a mod known as orbitcon to assist in getting it to Mun but that would still require a lander so it is not as easy although i could still use the hitchhikers and i plan on bring kerbals in by using the mod Munox

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If you need help actually getting it to land on the Mun, you can integrate the lander right on the base itself. You have a ton of fuel on board that thing, so 4 radial engines right next to the landing legs with fuel lines going to the big tanks should work perfectly. Or you could radially mount 4 small fuel tanks where the landing legs, currently, are. Attach engines to the bottom and then attach the landing legs to the sides of the small fuel tanks. Something like this: It has 4 LVN's tucked inside radial 1.25m tanks. You might want to go with 909's or something other than LVN's because that thing weighs a lot more than my keth tanks.


Edited by dave4002000
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i know i have been doing that mostly but i should mention i am making the thing even bigger but i am running into problems involving bugs and texture including a bug that seems to completely disable the ability for me to use manned stock command parts except for the mark 3 cockpit which had modded internals so i think it is a internals issue but can so one give me a link to download stock command pods so that i can undue this so that i can use them again

Edit: and i mean seriously because i have limited options on what to uses for evas and such

Edit: and also i did integrate a lander to it but i am being faced with problems from orbitcon involving where i jump to because i would end up with weird explosions

Edited by Helix935
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for now i am facing problems involving runtime errors due to too much stuff but i am working on fixing them so here is my muna base currently







now include greenhouses that provide infinite rcs and housing for up to 19 kerbals that decide to move in and 3 rovers such as the famous DEMV mark 2 and the Ler pod from the american pack plus a dragon capsult to hold 7 kerbals

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