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Old 0.20 save debate: Please close, mods.


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Breaking save compatibility doesn't bother me in the least, since I start fresh with each new release anyway. I'm all for it since it means we'll be getting a smorgasbord of fixes and features that save compatibility were hindering.

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I'm shocked that you people find it totally unthinkable to, you know, NOT release half-finished features until everything else that complements it is also ready... ie: build the training center, but release it only when the career mode package is done... and it's pretty much 100% likely that the semi-final career mode will break saves once again as well.

Please do us all a favor, come back when the game is finished, and the next time you see a game with potential, check the version number, if it's not > 1 don't buy it yet. I'll save you a lot of heartache.

I'm looking forward to the saves being broken for all the freedom that it gives the devs, we have to count on this happening very so often they should really just promise it'll happen every update and when it doesn't it'll be a happy surprise.

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To tell you the truth, last two updates were kinda underwhelming. Yes, of course - we got a lot of important under-the-hood stuff laying groundwork for huge future changes. We also got some nice parts - like seats, new pods and internals. But it was nothing really game-changing for a player - like docking and maneuver nodes were earlier. But now...crew management (training?) and updated ASAS behaviour might be what i'm waiting for. Another game-changer that will force me into learning new ways to do things, not just repeating the same steps to get to the same old places :cool: So i will kiss my old save goodbye, and embark on a new adventure without much regret:D

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If progress means the occasional fatman CRT takes a face dive, so be it!


For the foreseeable future, we're really customers, WE ARE LAB RATS. Deal with it.

And be VERY thankful it's this way. Once KSP gets a 1.whatever in its version number, you'll have to pony up more money for save-breaking updates, because they'll only be able to do that with 2.whatever.

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KSP is an Early access game (in development) and it's easy to predict that all future updates (before THE KSP 1.0) can had bugs or broke saves/mods, comfort of players shouldn't be waged over progress and quality of the game (only my personal opinion).

I'm getting bad impression that more players are afraid of losing game saves over getting new version of the game :P.

This issue can be avoided very easily (!), by still using older version of the game and/or making separate copy of entire game catalog - You can had multiple copies of the game on single PC, it's very useful if You want had Vanilla and Modded game separately.

Also (If you had steam version of the game) You can decide to NOT update the game by disabling steam Auto-updating for Kerbal Space Program.

To do so, You must right click on the game name in the steam library list, select "Properties" and in card "UPDATES" set automatic updates on "Do not Automatically update this game" - You now can sleep without worrying about saves :).

EDIT_1 : I'm not moving saves between updates and often start fresh for each program (+ lot of concept testing are done outside main saves) and I don't care much about preserving Marvels I left behind, It's also motivates me to come back and rethink older mission and do them better ...or at least differently :>.

Edited by karolus10
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We can can break the saves if we want to

We can leave your works behind

'Cause your Kerbals don't launch and if they don't launch

Well they're no missions of mine

I say, we can break the saves we want to

In folders where they will never find

And we can act like we've escaped this world

Leave the real one far behind

And we can launch

I cheer it on. Break the saves! Break them into tiny tiny pieces! Conservation of mass be d*mned, because we can build BIGGER because MOAR PIECES!

#EDIT: This isn't a reason to mourn, it's a reason to CELEBRATE!

Edited by Whackjob
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We can can break the saves if we want to

We can leave your works behind

'Cause your Kerbals don't launch and if they don't launch

Well they're no missions of mine

I say, we can break the saves we want to

In folders where they will never find

And we can act like we've escaped this world

Leave the real one far behind

And we can launch

I cheer it on. Break the saves! Break them into tiny tiny pieces! Conservation of mass be d*mned, because we can build BIGGER because MOAR PIECES!

#EDIT: This isn't a reason to mourn, it's a reason to CELEBRATE!

Curse you. That made me LOL in public and now everyone's staring at me.

Anyways, all three of my saves are ALREADY so buggered from .20 "issues" I can't wait to blow them all to heck & start fresh. Anyone in the same boat?

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I've got one last mission to do (rescue jeb and crew from Eve) and steam will update my game automatically.

CBA to fiddle around with the files so hopefully the devs will be adding moar stuff and give me time to complete my mission.

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Is it possible we could see a snippet of the new save files... I am quite fond of the flags I've planted and I'd like t keep them.

I named all my flags after 2 things, the area where they are placed (a crated, ridge,mountain etc...) and a term I've had in my head during placing. most of the time I play during work ( I work at the register in a venue so during the show I got time to play) and named most of my flags to the band / DJ that is playing. I would love to continue my naming mission.

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The devs need the latitude to make whatever fundamental changes to the game are required. Period. So take my game saves and toss them in a woodchipper. Everything we're doing is practice for 1.0 anyway.

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I find it amusing that people are still saying that saves won't break. The second post on this is a guy saying it won't. I mean, the main developer has said in public that it will and you don't believe him? Seems strange (Or trolling).

As for this, not too fussed since I'll still be able to manually move the .craft files over, just means relaunching things I want.

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I've got one last mission to do (rescue jeb and crew from Eve) and steam will update my game automatically.

As I described before You can actually disable auto-updating on steam !

You can decide to NOT update the game by disabling steam Auto-updating for Kerbal Space Program.

To do so, You must right click on the game name in the steam library list, select "Properties" and in card "UPDATES" set automatic updates on "Do not Automatically update this game" - You now can sleep without worrying about saves :).

You can choose to update (and when) or not, so don't worry :wink:.

EDIT_1 : Also, making copy of the game directory is a good idea to preserve game for good.

Edited by karolus10
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I find it amusing that people are still saying that saves won't break. The second post on this is a guy saying it won't. I mean, the main developer has said in public that it will and you don't believe him? Seems strange (Or trolling).

As for this, not too fussed since I'll still be able to manually move the .craft files over, just means relaunching things I want.

That's because Harvester stated that the saves will break in the middle of this thread.:wink: (The first post was edited)

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Maybe someone has already stated this but isn't an update that breaks a save game kind of a "Kerbal Way" of doing things anyway? :D Just try and look at it as an opportunity for more practice docking! Your Kerbals will thank you I'm sure!

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Hmm, well I restarted when 0.20 arrived because I didn't have all the mods updated to carry my old game on, and luckily only got as far as mapping a couple of planets. I'll carry on attempting to build launchers+landers for space jeeps.

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I've been unable to use the old family laptop for KSP due to repeated crashing, thus my new computer (almost finished!). I'm going to start a new save once it's done anyway, and if 0.21 is released before or soon after I complete the build then it will make it a lot easier for me. :)

I'll keep some of my stuff through to the new game, but I'll be starting from scratch for the most part.

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Well... damn. Wish I'd seen this thread before I spent today putting my first base (three big landers, eighteen kerbals) on the Mun.

I've been playing this game since .8 or so, but I've never actually gotten very far - see my ribbons. First I was waiting for real docking, not mods; then when it finally arrived, I was busy with other stuff. I was finally ready to start interplanetary exploration in earnest... for the first time ever, I've been assembling stations, building infrastructure.

Maybe I'll just hold off on updating. :P

Edited by Commander Zoom
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Just do like i did when 0.20 came out: I made a copy of the 0.19 directory, tried using 0.20 with my old save, fixed everything while playing on my 0.19 copy, sent the whole thing to 0.20 once all was updated.

I'm not worried at all for this new version, and i'm sure everyone on the forum will help us fix our saves once we see what's not working right.

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Well the persistance file is just a big text file, assuming the changes aren't too big to structure of spacecraft data you could convert the whole thing by hand, although that might be a bit time consuming.

I'm just going to quicksave edit all my crap into orbit of its respective bodies probably, craft files shouldn't be affected after all.

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