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Your best TMI stages

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Hello fellow Kerbonaughts! If you are a frequent visitor of the Mun or Minmus, you surely must have a standardized Trans-Munar-Injection stage! Right? I prefer to stay within the Kerbin System, so I have several stations around the Mun and Minmus and ground bases as well. This means I need standardized landers and reconnaissance probes. Here is my medium TMI stage, with appropriate use of small hardpoints.


I use linear RCS ports because I want to be a hipster. The outer tanks can be increased or decreased in size depending on the payload. This design allows the use of aerospikes, as efficient as the Lv-909's but with more thrust. Ideal combination of T/W and efficiency. Also best for small landers and probes.

This is my Heavy(er) TMI stage, with decouplers on the specefied locations. This one packs a little more punch, as in acceleration, and is more desirable for larger payloads (who would have guessed). Best for larger landers and Station parts.


You may have noticed that my TMI stages all have radial engines, and I have no clue why so don't ask.

Please show me your TMI stages, what they are designed to shuttle, and if they lean towards efficiency or T/W. Please only use stock parts unless it is truly impressive.

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I use my Alfa interplanetary stage for almost everything [unless I'm using the Zulu Heavy Transfer Stage], including Mun shots. With twin NERVAs, a senior docking port [as well as smaller ones for refuelling], and a Rockomax Jumbo 64 tank, it's probably the most reliable stage I use.

If I wanted to build a Mun base, it is what I'd use for a bus. [That's not to say I might change where the docking port goes.]


[This is an early version. Note the decoupler instead of a senior docking port, and the lack of refuelling ports. This stage is intended to deorbit the payload and slow it down for landing too.]

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