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radiation belts, gas giants, and potential habitability

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do you think a moon orbiting a large gas giant be able to develop and sustain life? our own jupiter is known to have large and deadly radiation belts (as is our humble earth, but jupiter's are much more powerful) that would be hazardous to any sort of manned mission there or any life trying to develop on its moons. would life be able to flourish on an earth-like moon like laythe? if it had a sufficiently thick ozone layer, would that be enough to shield the surface from the harmful radiation?

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"Life" would be just fine their. Not only are their many forms of life that could care less about radiation but also Europa is believed to have liquid water under the surface which is the best known radiation shield in the universe.

Intelligent Life on the other hand would probably not develop there and would have a hard time visiting as well.

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