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A VTOL race using KerbCom Avionics.

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To showcase the latest release of my mod, KerbCom Avionics, I propose a race to park in one of the island hangars using my example VTOL craft. You can download the craft in the release thread. It requires B9 Aerospace, my mod and MechJeb 2. MechJeb is only required for the AR202 part to use as a host for my avionics module. You may remove the AR202 from the craft if you have installed KCA to a part other than MechJeb. Make sure you install my mod, as the craft will not fly well without it.

Using my mod, the craft is very easy to control, and should be no trouble for anyone who has flown helicopters (either in a simulator or in real life), as it works on a similar principle.

Detailed rules:

  • You may use FAR. There will be two leaderboards.
  • You must use exactly the example craft, with the exception of the MechJeb part, which is optional.
  • You must produce evidence of your attempt in an Imgur album, documenting at least the stage just before takeoff, on approach to the island, and landed in the hangar. The GUI must not be hidden.
  • Your flight must end with the craft undamaged and completely within a hangar - no broken landing gear.
  • Rank is determined purely by the time taken to get there - the time in the last screenshot.

Good luck!

I may also add a leaderboard for landing on the island tower, if someone manages to do it.

FAR Leaderboard:

1. ZRM - 7:27

2. ...

3. ...

4. ...

5. ...

My second successful attempt (the first was not documented):

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You should be able to get there much faster than this. I wasted a lot of time stabilising after the descent from cruising. I have since managed to do this a lot more efficiently.

Edited by ZRM
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wouldn't it be easier to put wings on the VTOL? that way u could transition from vtol to jet mode.

This craft is just an example designed to demonstrate the capabilities of my plugin for balancing VTOLs. The point of the challenge is show how well it flies without wings. It is true that a more practical example would have wings and transition to forward flight.

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