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New Pilot here...


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Hey everyone,

Ok, I'll come out and admit it. I pirated this game 3 days ago. In that time I've managed to get two ships into orbit, and successfully de-orbited one of them (the other ran out of fuel and is kinda still up there...).

I'm in love with this game!!!

Just bought a copy and am looking forward to looking through the add ons. Been looking through the sub-reddit for the past two days looking at things others have done. Wish me luck...


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Piracy is a good thing for developers because it allows people to get a feel for the game like a demo, and some pirates wouldn't by the game if it was right in front of them and they had the money. So is it truly a loss or is it helpful?

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Wasn't aware there was a demo, that's what I was using the downloaded copy for. I didn't post to get slammed for how I came to the game, but more to say how amazing I think this game is.

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Wasn't aware there was a demo, that's what I was using the downloaded copy for. I didn't post to get slammed for how I came to the game, but more to say how amazing I think this game is.

You bought the game... that's what really matters.

But yeah, there is/was a free demo. :D

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Well, I also pirated the game back then...and bought it 5 minutes after....

Nowadays I'm asking myself how to give the Devs MORE money - had more fun with KSP than with quite a lot of AAA-Titles, that cost more than double...

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While we don't condone piracy, it's good to see that KSP is such a great game that even those that would not otherwise have paid, come back to buy the game and become legitimate customers.

For whatever the reason, we are glad to have you here!

Happy Launching!


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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