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Thanks =D. One question im not sure anyone would know cause i guess its prolly just this ship, but i cant get it to stop rolling and stay in place. and the landing gears dont seem to be long enough to touch the ground. So...idk. I crashed once and reloaded quicksave. Is there a way to save once im on the moon, so if something happens, i dont have to re-land?

First, Congrats to getting down. Second to take Screenshots without the HUD, press F2, and then F1 for the Screenshot. Bring the HUD back with F2 again.

Press F5 to Quicksave, so if you crash and burn, then hold F9 to Reload from your last Quicksave. As for the Rover Question, not sure sorry as I've never really tried much with those large Rover Wheels.

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Yea I had tried the quicksave, but it wont let me quicksave while it is moving on the moon, and i cant get it to stop! =P I will keep messing with it, have to reland it again first :-P I'm at work so can only mess with it here and there right now.

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I had tried that button, I am almost landed again i will give it another shot. Maybe i was just moving too fast. I was also thinking, the wheels are motor controlled it shows, so maybe i will invert the front 2 wheels and that will stop it maybe.

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Also, make sure your rover has a way of generating power! I can't see if you have power generation equipment on it.

It does, thats actually what crashed me when i was trying to stop, pulling it out and it flipped me since i was moving -_- lol

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What is a forum for, if noobs cannot get answers to their noob questions so they can cease to be noobs? The same questions get answered over and over again, and that is fine. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. And remember, How hard can Rocket Science be, anyway?

I find that each time I answer a question I learn something new about the topic. Recently someone asked about jet engines and I have learned a lot about those recently.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Sometimes the `this might be a dumb question but...` questions are the ones that force us to think about the game in a new way and open it up a little more.

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