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Stopping the 'bounce' of docked landed modules upon load. (partial answers)

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I figure this might just be an issue with the physics in KSP, or limitations of the engine - but it's so frustrating I figured I'd ask. I've tried searching the forum and Google with no results, so I apologize if this has been asked and answered before.

Anyways, I am referring to the issue where docked modules tend to have a 'bounce' when loaded in, or upon docking at all. For example, a Mun or Minimus low g base - I'll typically have my modules destroyed because they 'jump' 20 meters in the air on some ends, while other modules stay grounded. Adding quantum struts only makes it a bit more balanced, but still a big jump. This has happened to me with every kind of docking port, particularly with high mass objects.

Is there any way around this? The KAS docking has it's own issues, but you can work around them a bit. I'd much rather be able to connect up modules and leave them connected.

Anyone had success with any methods? Or have a better idea of the issue at hand?


Edited by Krisism
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1 of the reasons for this in my oppinion is the High Magnetic Force the Docking Ports have. As you said, it's worse with High Mass Objects cause the Ports are pulling all of that weight into the Station / Base which causes problems. You can try the Low Attraction Docking Ports Mod which reduces the Magnetic Force the Ports need. It requires abit more spot on precision, but it does help. lowattractiondockingport/.

Other than that, when the new ASAS system comes in next Update, it might help with stabalizing problems like this. You will be able to leave ASAS and RCS Thrusters On in Stations at all times with no problems [we hope]

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I don't think there's any way around it and it's been around for a while. Because the connections between components have some flexibility under gravity they bend and the whole thing "sags" over the uneven ground. The physics engine/save system can't seem to save a part to part connection that's "sagged" or flexed, when it's loaded or reloaded every connection is made straight, it puts some parts (normally legs) slightly under ground and some slightly above instead of curved over it and the underground bits pop up with some force. If you want to build something big you have to go to ice-flats, even that though only works up to a certain size. Unfortunately I've had to abandon several large constructions. The biggest basses have all been on the Minimus ice flats.

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