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Silly question, now what?

Guest Aaack

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Guest Aaack

Hi guys!

Here's a silly little question, after some struggle I've managed to put 2 super tanks of fuel on orbit, each has two untouched orange tanks and it was a nightmare... Nightmare that continued by dock a shuttle module I've made, took me 3 tries to dock and after a lot of struggle I've made it.



So my little question is: How do I transfer the fuel from the gas station to the shuttle?

I know, it's stupid, but I've realized I've no idea how to do it :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance!

FIXED: In linux by default the "alt" key is re-mapped to right shift. I used it and everything worked perfectly fine. (reading the support forum does work oooooh! :D

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Click on one tank, hold Alt, click on the second. Proceed to press buttons and exchange fuel.

You'll get little blue buttons that let you move fuel in and out, and one to stop it in the middle of the exchange.


All resources, even electricity can be exchanged this way.

Well, maybe not solid fuel.

(Or can you? This calls for an experiment! to the VAB!)

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So my little question is: How do I transfer the fuel from the gas station to the shuttle?

I know, it's stupid, but I've realized I've no idea how to do it :rolleyes:

It's not intuitive. Right click on one of the tanks; you should see the fuel and oxidizer remaining. Then hold the Alt key (not sure what to do if you're on Mac) and right click the other tank. You should see an interface come up which will allow you to transfer fuel to or from each tank. Alternatively, install and use the TAC Fuel Balancer plugin.

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Guest Aaack

Didn't work, sadly, in the process I accidentally engaged the trusters of the shuttle, so i just ended the flight and try to reload the game, but it was lost.

I lost my station and the shuttle in one keypress, grrrr.

Ok so Tw1, hui and thanks for the tip, but, right click or left click? sounds silly but no click worked in my case.

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Guest Aaack

Hey Shifty!

Thanks for the tip, I rage quitted the game and gonna cool off for having lost my station and docked shuttle that took me so long to dock and prepare ^^

But at my return I'll try again, thanks!

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End fight gets rid of the ship. Don't press it. Lost my first Mun lander that way. At least you'll never make that mistake again.

And now you can make an even better tank station and shuttle! (Or, use the saved craft, it's much quicker.)

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i just ended the flight and try to reload the game, but it was lost.

Nooooo!!!!!! This has happened to us all. (Some of us more often than it should have.) One of the major changes coming in the next revision of the game is to make sure you can't do this to yourself. One thing you can try if you do it again, is to go to a flight in progress (or put a rocket on the launchpad if you don't have a flight in progress) and immediately load your latest quicksave. Sometimes this rescues your ship back to life.

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Guest Aaack

I tried a quick load but no luck, oh well!

and the station 5 had such a nice orbit for a wobbly monster XD

It's ok tho, Ill redo the shuttle to add a (detachable) housing and make the new gas station 5 into a full blown station instead of a floating tank hehe

the sad part is... this is the second time it happens to me, I don't learn ever!!

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Guest Aaack

SRBs are ugly anyway, like a ciggie butt

So in a way it's a relief you can't refill them XD

But thanks for the experimentation!

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Ive done the end flight many times. On my first jool excursion, I had just finished adjusting my IPV ships orbit to stay inside Jools soi. Wanted to switch flights to the probe i launched during aerobraking. Hit end flight instead, was using Remote command and the IPV was the command ship, so the probe was dead in the water (it was launched out towards eloo after gravity swinging around a few planets, most screwy orbit ever)

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Guest Aaack

Well something good came out of it. The new gas station is in the most elegant symmetric and optimal (for the mün) orbit possible... after like 5 attempts because the bloody thing is so wobbly it tends to explode in mid-air ^^

now I'm trying to dock the shuttle again, it's a nice little thing that has fuel enough to rendez-vous with the gas station so I'm taking things easy.

As Tw1 said, I (probably) won't do terminate the flight ever again =D

However Ill keep this open because accident or not, last time the alt trick didn't work, I have to check out if I have bound that key combo with another thing, window management level.

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There is a way to revert actions you've just made sometimes. Yesterday i was looking for a specific button to operate a mod, and i accidentally hit my spacebar. I was operating an orbital KAS tug at the time, but i'd repurposed it from a munlander so my command pod detached from the rest of my ship.

If the game hasn't autosaved yet (and you're on Windows), you can just hit ctrl+shift+esc and force-quit KSP. If the game hasn't autosaved since you made your mistake, it should be undone :-). Kindof cheating, but accidental staging is something i really hate and wouldn't happen IRL. I really didn't feel like getting a different tug up into orbit to deorbit both pieces and save the Kerbals inside.

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There is a way to revert actions you've just made sometimes. Yesterday i was looking for a specific button to operate a mod, and i accidentally hit my spacebar. I was operating an orbital KAS tug at the time, but i'd repurposed it from a munlander so my command pod detached from the rest of my ship.

If the game hasn't autosaved yet (and you're on Windows), you can just hit ctrl+shift+esc and force-quit KSP. If the game hasn't autosaved since you made your mistake, it should be undone :-). Kindof cheating, but accidental staging is something i really hate and wouldn't happen IRL. I really didn't feel like getting a different tug up into orbit to deorbit both pieces and save the Kerbals inside.

If you're not using RemoteTech, you can lock staging with, if I remember correctly, Alt+L. Then you can press the space bar to your heart's content until you actually need staging again. (RemoteTech automatically locks staging and handles staging through its own code, necessary to be able to lock the controls if probes are out of contact and to implement signal delay.)

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F5/F9 can be you're best friend when you trying stuff out, on wich you arent certain that will end right (QuickSave/Quickload) and can prevent alot of RageQuit Frustrations ;)

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Guest Aaack

Hey Ladies and Gentleman,

Welp I managed to put another gas station in orbit, launch the shuttle AND dock it! I feel so damn proud of myself now ;)


However... I right click on one orange tank, then right click on the shuttle tank with alt pressed... and nothing happens.

The dialog to disable the tanks appears first on the orange one and then on the shuttle's one, but I don't have any option to pass the fuel from one tank to another.

Just in case, let me tell you, I'm using the 64 bit version of linux of the game.

Do you know if I can re-map the alt key for another one?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Found how to do it, in Linux the alt was changed by right shift by default, apparently it's possible to change it back by editing the config file,

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